
Exercise 1

A. Look at the pictures. Complete 1-5 with a-e. Then listen and check.

 I made a mistake on an invoice.

 I sent the report after the deadline.

c   I went to the wrong office this morning.

 The headphones stopped working.

 Tom was late, but he said sorry when he arrived.

1   ……… I saw the people talking but there was no sound.

2   ……… The project was delayed.

3   We had a meeting at 3 p.m. yesterday. ………

4   I wrote the wrong address last week. ………

5   ……… The client complained and we gave him the money back.

Answer & Audioscript

1 d   2 b   3 e   4 c   5 a


 The headphones stopped working. I saw the people talking but there was no sound.

 I sent the report after the deadline. The project was delayed.

 We had a meeting at 3 p.m. yesterday. Tom was late, but he said sorry when he arrived.

 I wrote the wrong address last week. I went to the wrong office this morning.

 I made a mistake on an invoice. The client complained and we gave him the money back.

Exercise 2

A. Listen to a phone call and complete Maria’s notes.

Sandra Dennison from (1)……………… phoned.

Wrong information on the (2)……………… .

Can you call her on 45 (3)………………?

Answer & Audioscript

1 ATQ Global   2 invoice   3 895 3421


M = Maria   S = Sandra

M:   Good Morning. Meyer & McNulty. How can I help you?

S:   Hello, could I speak to Chris, please?

M:   I’m afraid Chris is in a meeting at the moment. Can I take a message?

S:   Yes please. This is Sandra Dennison from ATQ Global. We just got an invoice for our last order.

M:   OK.

S:   And it looks like some of the information is wrong.

M:   Oh no. I’m sorry about that. What’s the problem?

S:   I think one of the items we ordered wasn’t included. Could you ask Chris to call me to check it?

M:   OK, does he have your phone number?

S:   I think so but I’ll give it to you now. It’s 45 895 3421.

M:   So that’s 45 895 3421. Is that right?

S:   That’s right

M:   OK. I’ll give Chris the message. Can I help you with anything else?

S:   No, thanks. Bye.

M:   Bye.

Exercise 3

A. Listen and complete the words.

1   How can I h_ _ _ you?

2   Could I s_ _ _ _ to Chris, please?

3   I’m a_ _ _ _ _ Chris is in a meeting.

4   Can I t_ _ _ a message?

5   T_ _ _ is Sandra Dennison from ATQ Global.

6   I’m sorry a_ _ _ _ that.

7   Could you a_ _ Chris to call me?

8   Is that r_ _ _ _?

9   I’ll g_ _ _ Chris the message.

10   C_ _ I help you with anything else?

Answer & Audioscript

1 help   2 speak   3 afraid   4 take   5 This

6 about   7 ask   8 right   9 give   10 Can


1   How can I help you?

2   Could I speak to Chris, please?

3   I’m afraid Chris is in a meeting.

4   Can I take a message?

5   This is Sandra Dennison from ATQ Global.

6   I’m sorry about that.

7   Could you ask Chris to call me?

8   Is that right?

9   I’ll give Chris the message.

10   Can I help you with anything else?

Exercise 4

A. Listen to Chris return Sandra’s call. Tick (✓) the solution Chris offers.

to add an item to the order

to create a new order

to give Sandra her money back

Answer & Audioscript

to add an item to the order


S = Sandra   C = Chris

S:   Good Morning, ATQ Global. Can I help you?

C:   Hi, this is Chris from Meyer & McNulty. Can I speak to Sandra, please?

S:   Hi, Chris. This is Sandra.

C:   Hi, Sandra. I’m returning your call. Is there a problem with your invoice?

S:   That’s right. There’s some information missing.

C:   Really? What’s missing?

S:   Well, we ordered black ink and colour ink but the invoice only shows the black.

C:   OK. I can check what you ordered on the database. Just a minute.

S:   No problem.

C:   Hello, Sandra?

S:   Hi.

C:   So I’m afraid we only have a record of the black ink. I can add the colour ink to your order now.

S:   OK.

C:   So you want 200 black ink and 50 colour ink. Is that right?

S:   That’s right.

C:   So, I can add this to your order and I’ll create a new invoice. I’ll send you a copy of the new invoice today.

S:   OK. Thanks, Chris. Will this delay the delivery?

C:   No. I can ask the team to add it to your order and we’ll send it tomorrow.

S:   OK. Great.

C:   Can I help you with anything else?

S:   No, that’s it. Bye.

C:   Bye.

Exercise 5

A. Put the bold words in the correct order. Then listen and check.

 Hi, Chris. Sandra is this.

 Hi, Sandra. call returning I’m your.

 So I’m have we afraid only a record of the black ink.

 add I can the colour ink to your order now.

 create I’ll a invoice new.

 you send I’ll copy a of the new invoice today.

 No. can I the team ask to add it to your order.

 Can help I you anything with else?

Answer & Audioscript

1   This is Sandra.

2   I’m returning your call.

3   I’m afraid we only have

4   I can add

5   I’ll create a new invoice.

6   I’ll send you a copy

7   I can ask the team

8   I help you with anything


1   Hi, Chris. This is Sandra.

2   Hi, Sandra. I’m returning your call.

3   So I’m afraid we only have a record of the black ink.

4   I can add the colour ink to your order now.

5   I’ll create a new invoice.

6   I’ll send you a copy of the new invoice today.

7   No. I can ask the team to add it to your order.

8   Can I help you with anything else?

Exercise 6

A. Listen and read the dialogues. Match them with the pictures.


Customer:   Sorry, this is too much. I only bought three. This is the price for four.

Sales Assistant:   I’m very sorry about that. I’ll just change it and print you a new one.


Customer:   When I make a video call, people can’t hear me.

Customer Service:   Really? Did you check the microphone settings?


Customer:   I bought this yesterday but when I took it out of the box, I saw the screen was damaged.

Sales Assistant:   I’m very sorry. Can I have a look at it?

Answer & Audioscript

1 B   2 A   3 C

Exercise 7

A. Listen to a phone call. Tick (✓) the problem.

There’s a problem with a delivery.

There’s a problem with a machine.

There’s a problem with an order.

B. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1   Sam is on holiday.

2   Pamela wants Sam to email her.

3   Pamela works for BTG Tech.

4   Pamela’s number is 016320960068.

5   Pamela asks for Sam’s email address.

Answer & Audioscript


There‘s a problem with a machine.


1 F   2 F   3 T   4 T   5 F


C = Cath   P = Pamela

C:   Hello, Morata Machinery Corporation. How can I help you?

P:   Hi. Can I speak to Sam please?

C:   I‘m afraid Sam is in a meeting. Can I take a message?

P:   Could you ask him to call me?

C:   Of course. What‘s your name?

P:   It‘s Pamela, from BTG Tech.

C:   Does he have your number?

P:   No, but I can give it to you…

C:   OK.

P:   It‘s 0-1-6-3-2 …

C:   That‘s 0-1-6-3-2 …

P:   9-6-0-0-6-8.

C:   … 9-6-0-0-6-8. Great. Can I ask what it‘s about?

P:   We have a problem with our machine and we want him to look at it. I sent him an email about it.

C:   Okay. I‘ll give Sam the message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

P:   No, thanks. Bye.

C:   Goodbye.

C. Listen to Sam and Pamela’s conversation. Choose the correct option.

1   The problem started yesterday / this morning.

2   There is a / no problem with the power.

3   The parts are / aren’t damaged.

4   Sam / Katie can check the machine.

5   The technician will come tomorrow at 8 a.m. / 9 a.m.

Answer & Audioscript


1 this morning   2 no   3 aren‘t   4 Katie   5 9 a.m.


P = Pamela   S = Sam

P:   Hello, BTG Tech. Pamela speaking. How can I help you?

S:   Hi Pamela. It‘s Sam. I‘m returning your call.

P:   Hi Sam. Thanks for phoning.

S:   No problem. So, there‘s a problem with your machine?

P:   Yes, it stopped working this morning.

S:   OK. Did you check the power?

P:   Yes, there‘s no problem with the power.

S:   And did you check the parts didn‘t break?

P:   Yes, we checked. They didn‘t break.

S:   Okay, let me see when I‘m free. Umm … I‘m afraid I can‘t come this week.

P:   Oh. OK.

S:   But I can ask my colleague, Katie, to come and check the machine.

P:   That would be great.

S:   I‘ll add it to her diary. She’ll come tomorrow at 8 a.m.

P:   Oh. We start work at 9 a.m. Can she come then?

S:   That‘s ­ ne. She can come at 9 a.m.

P:   Thanks, Sam.

S:   Is there anything else?

P:   No, that‘s it. Thanks, Sam.

S:   Bye.

P:   Bye.

Exercise 8

A. Complete the conversation with phrases from the box. Then listen and check your answers.

can give     did you     help you     I’ll order

the problem     you can choose

A:   Hello. How can I (1)…………….?

B:   Well, I bought this phone last week, but it doesn‘t work.

A:   Oh really? What‘s (2)…………….?

B:   I can‘t turn it on.

A:   Okay. (3)……………. try taking the battery out and putting it back in?

B:   Yes, but it didn‘t work.

A:   Okay. Let me check … Yes, it‘s broken. So, I (4)……………. you your money back or (5)……………. a different phone.

B:   Can I have a new phone, please?

A:   Yes, of course. (6)……………. it today and you can collect it on Friday.

Answer & Audioscript

1 help you   2 the problem   3 Did you

4 can give   5 you can choose   6 I‘ll order


A:   Hello. How can I help you?

B:   Well, I bought this phone last week, but it doesn‘t work.

A:   Oh really? What‘s the problem?

B:   I can‘t turn it on.

A:   Okay. Did you try taking the battery out and putting it back in?

B:   Yes, but it didn‘t work.

A:   Okay. Let me check … Yes, it‘s broken. So, I can give you your money back or you can choose a different phone.

B:   Can I have a new phone, please?

A:   Yes, of course. I‘ll order it today and you can collect it on Friday.

B. Complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers.

Sales Assistant:   How (1)…………………………?

Customer:   My laptop doesn‘t work.

Sales Assistant:   What‘s (2)…………………………?

Customer:   The sound doesn‘t work.

Sales Assistant:   Did you (3)………………………… again?

Customer:   Yes, I turned it off and on three times.

Sales Assistant:   Did you (4)…………………………?

Customer:   Yes. I tried the headphones, but the sound still didn‘t work.

Sales Assistant:   OK, one moment please. … Yes, I‘m sorry, it‘s broken. Well, I can give you your money back, or I can (5)………………………… .

Customer:   I‘d like a new one, please.

Sales Assistant:   I‘ll order it today and you (6)………………………… .

Customer:   Thank you. I‘ll collect it on Wednesday.

Answer & Audioscript

 can I help you

 the problem

3   try turning it off and on

4   try using headphones

5   order you a new one

6   can collect it on Wednesday


A:   How can I help you?

B:   My laptop doesn‘t work.

A:   What‘s the problem?

B:   The sound doesn‘t work.

A:   Did you try turning it off and on again?

B:   Yes, I turned it off and on three times.

A:   Did you try using headphones?

B:   Yes. I tried the headphones, but the sound still didn‘t work.

A:   OK, one moment please. … Yes, I‘m sorry, it‘s broken. Well, I can give you your money back, or I can order you a new one.

B:   I‘d like a new one, please.

A:   I‘ll order it today and you can collect it on Wednesday.

B:   Thank you. I‘ll collect it on Wednesday.


1. Listen to the two phone calls and answer the questions.

Conversation 1

0   Who is calling?


1   What is his number?


2   What is the message?

      Please …………………………….

Conversation 2

 What is the problem?


 How many computers did John order?


 When can Jennifer send the new invoice?


Answer & Audioscript

1 0283 8762   2 call John

3 There is a mistake on the invoice.

4 10   5 tomorrow morning


Conversation 1

J = John, R = Receptionist

R:   Hello?

J:   Oh, hi. Can I speak to Jennifer, please?

R:   I’m sorry, she’s not here now. Can I take a message?

J:   Yes, it’s John, from Brooklands.

R:   John, that’s J-O-H-N?

J:   That’s right, and my number is 0283 8762.

R:   0283 8762. OK, and what’s your message?

J:   Can you ask her to call me?

R:   Of course. I’ll give her the message.

Conversation 2

Jo = John, Jen = Jennifer

Jo:   Hello?

Jen:   Hi, John, I’m returning your call.

Jo:   Oh, hi Jennifer. Thanks for calling. It’s about the invoice for the new computers.

Jen:   Oh, yes. Is there a problem?

Jo:   Yes, there’s a mistake on it.

Jen:   Oh. I’m sorry.

Jo:   We ordered ten, but the invoice says twelve.

Jen:   OK, I’ll create a new invoice.

Jo:   Great. Can you send it today?

Jen:   No, but I can send it tomorrow morning.

Jo:   OK, that’s fine. Thanks, Jennifer.

Jen:   Can I help you with anything else?

Jo:   No, have a nice day.

Jen:   You too.

2. Listen to the phone calls. Choose the correct word.

Conversation 1

0   Sofia has / doesn’t have the correct email.

1   Sofia / Jason will return the call.

2   Andrew’s number is 772 / 722.

Conversation 2

3   Keisha can’t hear / see the video.

4   Dave / The IT Specialist can fix the problem.

5   Dave will / won’t send an email to Keisha.

Answer & Audioscript

1 Jason   2 722   3 hear   4 The IT Specialist   5 will


Conversation 1

S = Sofia, A = Andrew

S:   Hello?

A:   Hi, Sofia, it’s Andrew. Do you have Ed Brown’s email address?

S:   I’m sorry Andrew. His information isn’t on our system, but I know Jason has the correct information.

A:   Jason?

S:   Yes, he has it on the invoice system. He’s not in the office at the moment, but I’ll ask him to call you back. What’s your number?

A:   It’s seven double two.

S:   OK, I’ll give Jason the message.

Conversation 2

D = Dave, K = Keisha

D:   Hello?

K:   Oh hello, Dave. It’s Keisha here. I have a problem with the video that you sent.

D:   Really? What’s wrong?

K:   There’s no sound.

D:   Oh, hmm. Let’s see. I see the problem. You’re right, there’s no sound for me.

K:   We have a presentation next week and I need the video for that meeting.

D:   OK, the IT Specialist here can check the video and fix it.

K:   OK great. So you can send me the correct video?

D:   Yes, I’ll call the IT Specialist now. Then, when she fixes it, I’ll send you an email with the correct video.

K:   Great. Thanks.

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