
Exercise 1

A. Choose the correct word. Then listen and check.

1   Qatar Airways designs / provides air transport services.

2   Allianz provides / makes ­financial services.

3   Volkswagen designs / provides, makes and sells cars.

4   Amazon makes / sells books and other products online.

5   Inditex makes and sells / provides clothes in shops and online.

6   Samsung makes / provides mobile phones and home electronics.

Answer & Audioscript

1 provides   2 provides   3 designs   4 sells

5 sells   6 makes


1   Qatar Airways provides air transport services.

2   Allianz provides ­financial services.

3   Volkswagen designs, makes and sells cars.

4   Amazon sells books and other products online.

5   Inditex makes and sells clothes in shops and online.

6   Samsung makes mobile phones and home electronics.

Exercise 2

A. Write the missing numbers. Then listen and repeat.


a/one hundred


three hundred and twenty


six hundred ……………… forty seven


a/one thousand


fifty-five ………………, three ……………… and sixty-seven


seventy-eight thousand, one hundred and thirteen


a/one hundred thousand


three hundred ……………… sixty ………………


eight hundred and ninety-two thousand, six hundred and seventeen


a/one million

B. Complete the sentences with the numbers in the box. Then listen and check.

150     220     7,000     174,000     100,000     140,000

Allianz has over (1)…………….. employees in more than seventy countries.

Amazon has over (2)…………….. warehouse robots.

Qatar Airways has (3)…………….. aircraft and flies to over (4)…………….. destinations.

Inditex has over (5)…………….. stores and over (6)…………….. employees in ninety-six countries.

Answer & Audioscript



(six hundred) and (forty-seven)

(fifty-five) thousand, (three) hundred (and sixty–seven)


(three hundred) and (sixty) thousand



1 140,000   2 100,000   3 220   4 150   5 7,000   6 174,000



a hundred

one hundred

three hundred and twenty

six hundred and forty-seven

a thousand

one thousand

­fifty-­five thousand, three hundred and sixty-seven

seventy-eight thousand, one hundred and thirteen

a hundred thousand

one hundred thousand

three hundred and sixty thousand

eight hundred and ninety-two thousand, six

hundred and seventeen

a million

one million


Allianz has over 140,00 employees in more than seventy countries.

Amazon has over 100,000 warehouse robots.

Qatar Airways has 220 aircraft and flies to over 150 destinations.

Inditex has over 7,000 stores and over 174,000 employees in ninety-six countries.

Exercise 3

A. Listen to Alan Murray talking about his company. Match 1-5 with a-e.

 We are

 We provide

 Our global head office is based

 We have over 360 offices

 We have

 in Bonn, Germany.

b   an international transport company.

 in 220 countries.

d   85,000 staff and 250 aircraft.

 global logistics services.

Answer & Audioscript

1 b   2 e   3 a   4 c   5 d


We are an international transport company. We provide global logistics services. Our global head office is based in Bonn, Germany. We have over 360 offices in 220 countries. We have 85,000 staff and 250 aircraft.

Exercise 4

A. Listen to a conversation at the Global marketing conference. Complete the business cards with the person’s job. Do the people how each other?

B. Listen to the conversation again. What do they talk about? Tick (✓) five options from the box.

their companies     their families     their home towns

the hotel     their jobs     their nationalities     the weather

Answer & Audioscript


Anthony Kowalski is a Social Media Manager.

Patricia Williams is a Digital Project Manager.

They don’t know each other but introduce themselves and start talking at the conference.

Anthony knows and works with Katia and he introduces her to Patricia.


their companies     their home towns

the hotel     their jobs     their nationalities


P = Patricia   A = Anthony   K = Katia

P:   Hello, my name’s Patricia Williams.

A:   Nice to meet you! I’m Anthony Kowalski.

P:   Kowalski. Where are you from, Anthony? Are you Polish?

A:   No, I’m from Birmingham in England but I’m based in Germany. What about you? You’re American, right?

P:   Yes, that’s right. I’m from Seattle.

A:   Ah! Seattle! A great city!

P:   Yeah, it is! I live and work in London now. What do you do, Anthony?

A:   I work in digital marketing. I’m a Social Media Manager.

P:   It’s all digital marketing today, isn’t it?

A:   Yes, you’re right!

P:   What do you do at work?

A:   I write blogs and make videos and content for our website and social media. And I answer guests’ messages. Communication with guests is an important part of my job.

P:   Really? What does your company do?

A:   It’s a hotel group. We have over 200 hotels in eighteen countries. In fact, this is one of our hotels.

P:   Really! It’s a nice hotel, light and modern. I like it.

A:   And there’s a large gym.

P:   Yeah, but I don’t have time for the gym!

A:   What about you, erm … Sorry, what’s your name again?

P:   Patricia … Patricia Williams.

A:   Yeah, sorry, Patricia, what do you do?

P:   I’m a Digital Project Manager.

A:   And what does a Digital Project Manager do?

P:   Well, my company provides design services to small businesses. We work on websites, mobile apps, social media and software. I have meetings with clients and manage a team of designers.

A:   That sounds interesting! Do you travel for work?

P:   Yes! We have projects all over the country. I like my job but travel is boring.

A:   Oh, I see. I don’t travel for work and I work at home on Fridays.

P:   That sounds good!

K:   Hi, Anthony.

A:   Ah! Hello Katia! Katia, this is Patricia. She’s a Digital Project Manager. Katia is a Marketing Assistant in my department.

K:   Nice to meet you!

P:   Nice to meet you, too!

K:   Anthony, I have a message from Mike. There’s a problem.

A:   OK! Thanks! Excuse us, Patricia. Nice talking to you.

P:   And you!

Exercise 5

A. Listen and complete the questions from the conversation. Use one word in each gap.

 ……………. are you from, Anthony?

 What ……………. you? You’re American, right?

 What do you ……………., Anthony?

 What do you do at …………….?

 What ……………. your company do?

 Sorry, what’s your name …………….?

 Patricia, ……………. do you do?

 What ……………. a Digital Project Manager do?

 Do you ……………. for work?

Answer & Audioscript

1 Where   2 about   3 do   4 work   5 does

6 again   7 what   8 does   9 travel


 Where are you from, Anthony?

 What about you? You’re American, right?

 What do you do, Anthony?

 What do you do at work?

 What does your company do?

 Sorry, what’s your name again?

 Patricia, what do you do?

 What does a Digital Project Manager do?

 Do you travel for work?

Exercise 6

A. Listen to Rosa talking about her company. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1   Dosa Gurve makes T-shirts.

2   The head office is in Italy.

3   The factory is in Milan.

4   Dosa Gurve sells clothes online.

5   The company has 800 staff.

6   The top sales are in Italy and Spain.

B. Listen again and complete the sentences.

1   I ……………… ……………… Dosa Gurve.

2   We ……………… ……………… ……………… dresses.

3   We ……………… our dresses in shops.

4   We ……………… 800 staff all over the world.

5   Most of our sales ……………… in Italy and Spain.

Answer & Audioscript

A   1 F   2 T   3 F   4 T   5 T   6 T

B   1 work for   2 make and sell   3 sell   4 have   5 are


I work for Dosa Gurve. We make and sell dresses. Our head office is in Milan in Italy and our factory is in Katowice in Poland. We sell our dresses in shops, department stores and online. We have 800 staff all over the world and most of our sales are in Italy and Spain.

Exercise 7

A. Listen to the conversation. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1   Paul and Maya are friends.

2   Maya works in the production department.

3   Paul works in the production department.

4   Paul works with Sylvie Petit.

5   Paul has a phone call with a client in Aberdeen.

B. Complete the conversation with the words in the box. Then listen again and check.

do you work     I’m in     in production     my name’s

nice talking     nice to     see you     which department

Paul:   Hi, (1)……………. Paul Donneti.

Maya:   Hi, I‘m Maya Divan. (2)……………. meet you.

Paul:   Nice to meet you too. (3)……………. are you in?

Maya:   (4)……………. sales. Which department are you in?

Paul:   I‘m (5)……………. .

Maya:   Oh, (6)……………. with Sylvie Petit?

Paul:   Yes, she‘s my manager.

Tom:   Hi Paul. Sorry, the client from Aberdeen is on the phone.

Paul:   Okay. Thanks, Tom. Excuse me, Maya. (7)……………. to you.

Maya:   Okay. (8)……………. later.

Answer & Audioscript


1 F   2 F   3 T   4 T   5 T


1 my name‘s   2 Nice to   3 Which department

4 I‘m in   5 in production   6 do you work

7 Nice talking   8 See you


P = Paul   M = Maya   T = Tom

P:   Hi, my name‘s Paul Donneti.

M:   Hi, I‘m Maya Divan. Nice to meet you.

P:   Nice to meet you too. Which department are you in?

M:   I‘m in sales. Which department are you in?

P:   I‘m in production.

M:   Oh, do you work with Sylvie Petit?

P:   Yes, she‘s my manager.

T:   Hi Paul. Sorry, the client from Aberdeen is on the phone.

P:   Okay. Thanks, Tom. Excuse me, Maya. Nice talking to you.

M:   Okay. See you later.


1. Listen and complete the table.

Name Vanda Adam

– Works for Danwear in (0) New York.

– Makes clothes for children.

– Has (1)………….. workers.

– Works for Walden.

– Head office is in Florida.

– Makes cars.

– Has (2)………….. offices around the world.

Job Digital (3)………….. Production Engineer

– Makes designs for the company’s website and social media.

– She needs to travel for work often.

– She spends (4)………….. weeks every year at conferences.

– Solves technical problems and manages a team of (5)………….. people.
Answer & Audioscript

1 30/thirty   2 six/6   3 Designer   4 six/6   5 15/fifteen


V = Vanda, A = Adam

V:   Hi, I’m Vanda.

A:   Adam. Nice to meet you. Where are you from?

V:   I’m from New Hampshire. I work for Danwear, based in New York.

A:   I don’t know that company.

V:   We make clothes for children. We’re a small company. We have thirty workers. What about you?

A:   I work for Walden. Our head office is in Florida, but I’m based here in London.

V:   What do Walden do?

A:   We make cars. We have six offices around the world.

V:   That sounds interesting.

A:   So, what do you do at Danwear?

V:   I’m a Digital Designer.

A:   Do you work in marketing?

V:   Yes, I make designs for the website and our social media.

A:   Do you travel for work very often?

V:   Yes, I do. I spend six weeks every year at marketing conferences. What about you? What do you do?

A:   I’m a Production Engineer. I solve technical problems.

V:   You have six offices, so that’s a lot of problems.

A:   Well, I also have a team of fifteen people. I manage them and yeah, it’s a lot of work!

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