Listening task 1: The meaning of dreams
A Listen. People are describing their dreams to a dream interpreter. What happens in each dream? Number the pictures in the correct order from 1 to 3.

Answer & Audioscripts
1 [3], [1], [2]
2 [2], [1], [3]
3 [1], [3], [2]
4 [3], [2], [1]
Woman: In my dream, I’d just bought a beautiful, new house. I couldn’t believe I’d found such a wonderful home. A couple of my friends helped me move in. While we were moving in, I had this really strange feeling. I felt really afraid of one of the bedrooms upstairs. I went to the door and started to open it slowly. I knew there was a ghost living in that room.
Man: I had this weird dream about snakes. There were snakes everywhere – hundreds of them – all over my house. I didn’t know what to do. I decided to put them all in a big bag and take them outside. When I finally got outside, I opened the bag to let the snakes out, but when I looked, they weren’t snakes anymore. They had all changed into pens and pencils!
Woman: I once had a really funny dream. In the dream, I was walking down the street, feeling happy, and everything was fine. But then, I felt like something was behind me. I looked back, and there was a big spider. It was ready to catch me, so I started to run as fast as I could. Then, all of a sudden, I started to fly. The spider couldn’t catch me because I was flying high above the ground.
Woman: I had this dream a few weeks ago. In my dream, I was at Heathrow Airport in England. I wanted something to drink, so I was walking through the airport when suddenly, I noticed a bag in the middle of the floor. I bent down to get a closer look and saw that the bag was full of coins. I picked up the bag and held it. I remember that I had such a good feeling because the coins were so shiny and bright.
B Now listen to the dream interpreter. What does he say is the real meaning of the dreams? Check (✓) the correct answers.
1 She doesn’t like something about
◻ her bedroom.
◻ herself.
2 He worried about
◻ changing his life.
◻ losing his pen.
3 She will
◻ get over her problem.
◻ never have problems.
4 She’s excited about
◻ taking a trip.
◻ making money.
Answer & Audioscripts
1 herself 2 changing his life
3 get over her problem
4 taking a trip
Interpreter: In dreams, houses often mean something about ourselves or our feelings. Because your dream is about a beautiful house, it might mean that you feel happy, beautiful, and easygoing. However, the haunted room might mean that there is some part of yourself that you don’t like, or that you’re afraid of.
Interpreter: Snakes in dreams can represent change. Maybe you’re feeling stressed out about some change you’re going to make in your life, and you feel you’re not ready. Dreaming about snakes can mean some kind of change is coming. But you don’t need to worry. A change in your life can be very good.
Interpreter: Being chased in a dream usually means you’re having a problem in your life. You’re worried or nervous about something. The good thing about this dream is that you’re able to overcome the problem. Flying shows that you’re in control, and can get over the problem easily.
Interpreter: In dreams, money or shiny things like silver or gold can be about learning new things or having new experiences. It’s clear you’re feeling adventurous and excited about a trip. You’re going to learn new things and have interesting experiences. This was a very positive dream.
Listening task 2: The dream catcher
A Listen. A man is explaining Native American dream catchers. Circle the correct information.
Dream catchers are a tradition of the Chippewa Indian tribe from the U.S. and Canada / Mexico. Grandparents usually make dream catchers as gifts for new neighbors / babies. The dream catchers are made from trees and plants, and are decorated with beads, paper / leather, and feathers. Owl feathers are for girls, and eagle feathers are for boys. Chippewa families put the dream catchers above / under their babies’ beds at night. They believe that good dreams will go through the center of the dream catcher, and spiders / nightmares will get caught in the web and will not reach the baby.

Answer & Audioscripts
1 Canada 2 babies 3 leather
4 above 5 nightmares
Man: Dream catchers are a tradition of the Chippewa Indian tribe from the U.S. and Canada. Grandparents usually make dream catchers as gifts for new babies. The dream catchers are made from trees and plants, and are decorated with beads, leather, and feathers. Owl feathers are for girls, and eagle feathers are for boys. Chippewa families put the dream catchers above their babies’ beds at night. They believe that good dreams will go through the center of the dream catcher, and nightmares will get caught in the web and will not reach the baby.
B Now listen to the dream catcher legend. Number the sentences in the correct order from 1 to 8.
___ One day, her grandson came in and saw the spider.
_8_ The spider said, “Now you will have only good dreams.”
___ The grandmother asked her grandson not to kill the spider.
_1_ A grandmother was watching a spider making a web.
___ The spider said, “I will give you a gift.”
___ The spider thanked the grandmother for saving his life.
___ He picked up a shoe to hit the spider.
___ The spider had made a beautiful web near the window.
Answer & Audioscripts
1 A grandmother was watching a spider making a web.
2 One day, her grandson came in and saw the spider.
3 He picked up a shoe to hit the spider.
4 The grandmother asked her grandson not to kill the spider.
5 The spider thanked the grandmother for saving his life.
6 The spider said, “I will give you a gift.”
7 The spider had made a beautiful web near the window.
8 The spider said, “Now you will have only good dreams.”
Man: A grandmother was watching a spider making a web.
Man: One day, her grandson came in and saw the spider. “Grandmother, a spider!” he shouted.
Man: The grandson was frightened when he saw the spider and wanted to show that he could protect his grandmother. So he picked up a shoe to hit the spider.
Man: The grandmother asked her grandson not to kill the spider. She said, “That spider will not hurt us. He has worked very hard on his web.” So the grandson put down the shoe and did not kill the spider.
Man: When the boy left, the spider stopped spinning his web. He crawled slowly across the floor to where the grandmother was sitting. The spider thanked the grandmother for saving his life.
Man: The grandmother listened carefully to the spider and was not afraid. The spider said, “I will give you a gift because you saved my life.” And then he crawled away.
Man: That evening, the grandmother saw something shining across the room. The spider had made a beautiful web near the window.
Man: The spider said, “Now you will have only good dreams. Only good dreams will go through this web. The nightmares will be caught in the web and will not cause you trouble or pain. This is my gift to you.”
And so that is why the Chippewa people make dream catchers – their own webs – to help protect their children from bad dreams.
Listening task 3
Listen. Circle the correct answers.
1 The man had the dream
a. a week ago.
b. last night.
c. two days ago.
2 In his dream, he was getting ready for
a. school.
b. work.
c. a trip.
3 He dreamed that
a. he was wearing pajamas.
b. his clothes were dirty.
c. he forgot to eat breakfast.
4 In his dream, the man felt
a. frightened.
b. unhappy.
c. embarrassed.
5 The dream meant
a. he didn’t like school.
b. he was stressed out.
c. he forgot something.
Answer & Audioscripts
1 b 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 c
Man: I had the strangest dream last night.
Woman: Really? What happened?
Man: Well, it was in the morning. I was getting ready to go to class. I ate my breakfast, got my bag, got on the bus…
Woman: Yeah?
Man: But when I got to school and walked into the classroom, I realized I was still wearing my pajamas!
Woman: What?
Man: That’s right. I had forgotten to get dressed. I felt really embarrassed. What a nightmare, huh? I wonder if it means anything.
Woman: Maybe it means you don’t like school.
Man: No, that can’t be right. I love school.
Woman: So, anyway … Are you ready to hand in your report today?
Man: What? The report? Is the due today? Oh, no!
Listening task 4
A Listen. People are talking about their dreams. What does the interpreter say the dreams mean? Circle the correct answers.
1 The man is
a. worried about school.
b. afraid of being late.
c. ready for the test.
2 The man
a. doesn’t like his job.
b. has trouble with his co-workers.
c. is doing well at work.
3 The man is
a. adventurous.
b. forgetful.
c. creative.
4 The man is
a. ambitious.
b. embarrassed.
c. competitive.
5 The dream was really about
a. his cat.
b. his father.
c. a trip.
Answer & Audioscripts
1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 b
Audioscripts in B below
B Listen again. Do the people agree with the interpretations? Check (✓) yes or no.
yes |
no |
1 |
◻ |
◻ |
2 |
◻ |
◻ |
3 |
◻ |
◻ |
4 |
◻ |
◻ |
5 |
◻ |
◻ |
Answer & Audioscripts
1 no 2 no 3 yes 4 yes 5 no
Man: I dreamed that I was walking to school when a big dog started to chase me. I ran as fast as I could I got away from the dog, but I was late for school; I missed all of my classes.
Woman: You’re probably worried about something. Is there something at school you’d like to avoid?
Man: Well, I do have a test tomorrow, and I’m not ready for it yet. But I’m not worried. I have plenty of time to study tonight, so I don’t think I believe your interpretation.
Man: In my dream I’m in a restaurant with my co-workers. We’re talking and laughing and having a good time, when suddenly my teeth start falling out. Soon my teeth are all gone, and I can’t eat anything.
Woman: Hmm. This dream might mean that you don’t think people are listening to you. Maybe there’s some kind of communication problem with your co-workers.
Man: That’s crazy. Everything’s fine at work. I just have strange dreams. That’s all.
Man: I can’t remember my dreams very well, but I know that they’re always in color.
Woman: Well, dreaming in color means that you’re a very artistic person. Are you a painter or an artist of some sort?
Man: Not really…. Well, actually, I do like to draw and take pictures. Yeah, maybe you’re right. I never really thought about it before.
Man: I dreamed that I was flying in an airplane when suddenly, I fell out. I fell for a long way, but I don’t remember landing.
Woman: Well, it could be that you’re feeling badly about not doing well at something. Have you recently been embarrassed about some kind of failure?
Man: Yes! I just failed my driver’s test, so it makes perfect sense. That’s it!
Man: I dreamed that I was walking around a zoo. This big tiger started talking to me. He seemed very angry, but I didn’t listen to him. I just walked away.
Woman: The tiger probably represents a man in your life – maybe your father? He’s giving you some advice, but you don’t agree with it or don’t want to take it.
Man: Well, my father is nothing like a tiger. I don’t think the dream has any special meaning at all.
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