Listening task 1: Relax!
A Listen. Mia is feeling stressed out. What activities does her friend suggest? Number the activities from 1 to 5. (There is one extra activity.)

Answer & Audioscripts
(top row) 3, 2
(middle row) 5, X
(bottom row) 1, 4
Audioscripts in B below
B Listen again. Will Mia follow her friend’s suggestions? Check (✓) yes or no.
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Answer & Audioscripts
1 no 2 no 3 yes 4 yes 5 yes
Friend: Are you OK, Mia? You look really tired.
Mia: I am. I can’t seem to sleep at night. I’ve been pretty stressed out lately.
Friend: What’s up?
Mia: I’ve got so many things to do. I’m just really busy at work these days.
Friend: Why don’t you take a vacation, you know, just a few days off from work? Go someplace warm – to the beach!
Mia: Gosh, my boss wouldn’t like that at all! We have this huge project to work on. They really need me now.
Friend: Well, you need to find a way to relax. Are you getting any exercise?
Mia: No, not really.
Friend: Maybe you should join a gym. You know, take an aerobics class or something. I always have more energy after I go to the gym.
Mia: I just don’t have the time. I think I’d be even more stressed out!
Friend: There must be something you can do. Hey, didn’t you tell me there’s a lunchtime yoga class at your office?
Mia: Yes, it just started a few months ago.
Friend: Yoga is a great way to deal with stress, and it would probably help you sleep at night.
Mia: Yeah, and the class is just half an hour, so I’d still have time to eat lunch. Hmm. That’s a really good idea.
Friend: Oh, I just remembered this article I read in a health magazine. It was all about relaxation techniques.
Mia: Really? Like what?
Friend: Well, like yoga, and exercise, and – oh, yeah – aromatherapy!
Mia: Aromatherapy? You mean like smelling things?
Friend: Yeah. The article said some smells can be very relaxing.
Mia: Hmm. Sounds interesting. I think that’s something I’d like to try.
Friend: How about going out with me this Friday? It’ll do you good. We could go out to eat, then maybe see a movie. You need to have a little fun.
Mia: You know, that does sound good. I could use a little fun.
Friend: Now you’re talking! Why don’t I pick you up at six o’clock on Friday?
Mia: Sounds like a plan. But now I’ve really got to get back to work.
Friend: Mia, you’re hopeless!
Listening task 2: What’s it good for?
A Listen. People are talking about health and relaxation. Where are they? Circle the correct answers.
1 a. a tea shop
b. a sports gym
2 a. a doctor’s office
b. an aromatherapist’s office
3 a. a yoga class
b. a massage therapist’s office
4 a. a sports gym
b. a health food store
5 a. a doctor’s office
b. a yoga class
Answer & Audioscripts
1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b
Audioscripts in B below
B Listen again. Check (✓) the two health benefits for each technique.
sleep better |
feel younger |
look younger |
have more energy |
feel calmer |
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Answer & Audioscripts
1 sleep better, look younger
2 feel younger, have more energy
3 sleep better, feel calmer
4 look younger, have more energy
5 feel younger, feel calmer
Man: This place is great. They have so many different choices. What kind are you going to have?
Woman: Hmm, I’m not sure. Here’s a green one with mint and ginger. That sounds good.
Man: Yeah, the menu says if you drink it every day, you’ll sleep better, and it will make you look younger, too!
Woman: Well then, that’s definitely the one for me!
Salesclerk: Can I help you?
Man: I hope so. I’ve been feeling kind of tired lately. I need some more energy.
Salesclerk: Here. Try this.
Man: Mmm … that’s nice. Is it, um, lemon?
Salesclerk: Yes, and there are also some flower scents. It’ll help you feel younger and have more energy, too.
Man: Wonderful! I think I feel younger already! How do I use it?
Salesclerk: You just put a few drops on a handkerchief, like this, and smell it a few times every hour. Or you can add some hot water…
Massage therapist: Is this your first time here?
Woman: Yes, actually. My friend recommended you. You really helped her with her back problem.
Massage therapist: And what sort of problems are you having?
Woman: Well, I’m very stressed out. I just can’t seem to relax.
Massage therapist: Mm-hmm. And where in your body are you feeling the stress?
Woman: My shoulders and my neck. Sometimes I’m so stressed out I can’t sleep at night, and that just makes it worse.
Massage therapist: I see. Well, I think this will help you sleep better and feel calmer. Let’s start with your neck.
Sandy: Hi, I’m Sandy. I’ll be showing you around today.
Dan: Thanks, I’m Dan.
Sandy: So, Dan, why did you decide to become a member?
Dan: Well, uh, as you can see, I’m a bit, um, heavyset. My friends tell me I look older lately… and my energy has been kind of low, so I thought losing some weight might help me feel better.
Sandy: Well, you’ve come to the right place! Exercising regularly can help you look younger. And when you get in shape, you’ll have more energy, too. Do you do any exercise now?
Dan: Not much. I do walk to work but, uh, my office is just down the street from my apartment.
Woman 1: Hi, are you new here?
Woman 2: Yeah, I am.
Woman 1: Oh, you’ll love it here. Claire is a great teacher.
Woman 2: Well, I know I need this. I got an office job last year, and I’m really stressed out. My muscles are so tight. I feel like I’m ten years older than I am.
Woman 1: Well, this should help you feel younger and feel calmer. Come on, I’ll show you where to get your mat.
Listening task 3
Listen. Circle the correct answers.
1 The people are
a. a doctor and a patient.
b. brother and sister.
c. two friends.
2 The people are
a. at a relative’s house.
b. outside a store.
c. at the park.
3 Andy exercises because he wants to
a. have more energy.
b. feel younger.
c. look younger.
4 Sarah is
a. an aromatherapist.
b. a student.
c. a massage therapist.
5 Andy will probably
a. never have a massage.
b. stop jogging.
c. try getting a massage.
Answer & Audioscripts
1 c 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 c
Sarah: Hi, Andy!
Andy: Oh, hi, Sarah! How’s it going?
Sarah: Good, thanks. Have you been jogging?
Andy: Yeah. I come here every morning. I love starting the day with some exercise. It really gives me more energy, and I just feel calmer all day long.
Sarah: Wow. That’s great.
Andy: So, what’s new with you these days, Sarah?
Sarah: Well, I’m in school. I’m studying to be a massage therapist.
Andy: Really? I’ve never had a massage. My doctor told me it might help me sleep better, though.
Sarah: Oh, it definitely will. Hey, you should come to the school. The students give free massages on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Andy: Free? Wow! What days did you say? …
Listening task 4
A Listen. People are talking about ways to relieve stress and other health problems. What activities do they suggest? Circle the correct answers.
1 a. meditation
b. massage
c. yoga
2 a. aromatherapy
b. a hot bath
c. herbal tea
3 a. massage
b. yoga
c. exercise
4 a. exercise
b. sleep
c. vacation
5 a. massage
b. aromatherapy
c. meditation
Answer & Audioscripts
1 a 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 b
Audioscripts in B below
B Listen again. Will the people follow the suggestions? Check (✓) yes or no.
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Answer & Audioscripts
1 no 2 no 3 yes 4 yes 5 yes
Man: Hi, Olivia. How are you doing?
Olivia: Oh, not too well. I’m so stressed out from work.
Man: You really need to relax. Why don’t you try meditation? Just an hour a day can really help.
Olivia: I can’t do that! I don’t have time!
Woman: Are you OK, Andy?
Andy: Actually, I have a headache.
Woman: Oh, let me make you a hot cup of tea.
Andy: For a headache?
Woman: Yes. It’s a special type of herbal tea.
Andy: Thanks, but I really don’t want any. I’ll just take an aspirin.
Man: Oh, my hand hurts from working on the computer all day.
Woman: You know, when your hand hurts, it often means you have a stiff shoulder. Here, try this stretch.
Man: Hey, that does help! Where did you learn that?
Woman: In my yoga class. You know, I have class tomorrow morning. You should come with me.
Man: OK. Can you pick me up on your way to class?
Woman: Definitely!
Woman: I don’t know why I feel so tired all the time.
Man: You probably don’t get enough exercise.
Woman: I don’t get any exercise.
Man: Well, that’s your problem. Why don’t you join a gym?
Woman: I don’t have the energy to go to the gym after working all day.
Man: But, if you exercised regularly, you’d have more energy.
Woman: That’s true. All right. I’ll stop by that new gym on my way home tonight.
Man: Hi, Amanda. Are you feeling better today?
Amanda: Not really. I couldn’t sleep again last night.
Man: Amanda, you really need some rest. Have you tried aromatherapy?
Amanda: Aroma what?
Man: Before you to go bed, you smell a special type of oil. It’s made from herbs that help you relax and sleep better.
Amanda: That’s all it takes? Hmm. Where can I get some of that?
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