
1. Match the two parts of the compound nouns.

chewing      dental      finger      murder      open-top

secret      train      telephone

1   ………………………… records

2   an ………………………… car

3   a ………………………… number

4   a ………………………… code

5   a ………………………… investigation

6   a ………………………… ticket

7   ………………………… gum

8   ………………………… prints


1 dental   2 open-top   3 telephone   4 secret

5 murder   6 train   7 chewing   8 finger

2. Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?.

1   A man took a bomb onto a plane.

2   The man jumped out of the plane between Portland and Seattle.

3   No one knows where the man is now.

Where is DAN COOPER?

On 24 November 1971, at Portland Airport, a man wearing a suit and a raincoat bought a one-way ticket for the evening flight to Seattle. He checked in and got on the plane. The name on the ticket was Dan Cooper, but that wasn’t his real name.

When the plane had taken off, he put on sunglasses and gave the flight attendant a note. The note said that Cooper had a bomb in his suitcase, that he would use it if necessary, and that he was hijacking the plane. He showed the flight attendant the bomb and told her that when the plane landed in Seattle, he wanted $200,000 and four parachutes. He told her that he would let the passengers leave the plane.

When the plane landed, the police gave Cooper the money and the parachutes, and the plane took off again with just Cooper and five members of the crew. The flight attendant said that Cooper wasn’t nervous, he didn’t get angry, and he seemed to be a nice, polite man. Cooper ordered the pilot to fly low, at about 3,000 metres, towards Mexico. Twenty minutes after taking off, Cooper opened the back door and jumped out of the plane with a parachute and the money.

That was the last time anyone saw Cooper. The police launched an investigation and searched the area where Cooper had jumped – but they found nothing. Ten years later, an eight-year-old boy found some of the money (only $6,000) on a beach nearby. The rest of the money is still missing. Over the years, the police have interviewed hundreds of suspects, but they haven’t made any arrests. The real identity of Cooper and what happened to him remain a mystery to this day.


1 T   2 F   3 T

Reading Strategy

When you do a multiple-choice task, try to predict the answers just by looking at the beginning of each question, not the options. (If is not always possible, but sometimes you can.) Then look at the options. If one of them matches your prediction, it is probably the correct one. However, you still need to check carefully.

3. Read the Reading Strategy. For questions 1-4, circle the correct option (a-d).

1   The man in the suit and raincoat.

a   wanted to fly to Portland.

b   wanted a return flight to Seattle.

c   used a false name when he checked in.

d   got on the plane without a ticket.

2   In the note, Cooper

a   ordered the plane to return to Portland.

b   asked for a large amount of money.

c   said he was hijacking the plane.

d   said he would use the bomb if the passengers tried to leave the plane.

3   After leaving Seattle,

a   Cooper became more nervous, but was always polite.

b   the plane flew straight to Mexico.

c   the pilot decided to fly as low as possible.

d   only six people remained on the plane.

4   Since Cooper’s jump from the plane,

a   only one young boy has seen him.

b   no one has found any of the money.

c   the police have arrested a lot of suspects.

d   the police have recovered a small part of the money.


1 c   2 c   3 d   4 d

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