Phoning a landlord
1. Listen to Susan telephoning a landlord. Which advertisement below is she phoning about?

2. Read Susan’s notes below. The listen again and complete the gaps. (mins = minutes)
Address: House number: a………………..
b……………….. Street
Close to – shops: c……………….. mins walk
– train station: d……………….. mins walk
Two bedrooms: both double bedrooms: e YES / NO
Large garden: f YES / NO
Visit flat at g……………….. pm.
a 36 b Arawa c 10 d 5
e No. One of the bedrooms is a double bedroom but the other bedroom only fits a single bed in it.
f No. There is a small area where you can hang your washing but no garden.
g 5.30
(Landlord = New Zealander)
Landlord: Hello
Susan: Ah hello. I’m phoning about the house in Glen Eden that’s advertised in the paper today.
Landlord: Yes.
Susan: I was just wondering where it is exactly.
Landlord: 36 Arawa Street.
Susan: Sorry, 36 …
Landlord: Arawa Street, A-R-A-W-A. It’s number 36.
Susan: Oh OK. The ad says it’s close to the shopping centre and train station. How far away are they?
Landlord: Yeah, it’s really close. Um, it’s probably about a ten-minute walk to the shops and five minutes to the train station, so it’s not far from anything.
Susan: Oh good. Um, the bedrooms. There are two, aren’t there? What size are they?
Landlord: Yeah, one’s a bit bigger than the other … um but they’re … about … medium size I guess.
Susan: Would they both fit double beds in them?
Landlord: Ah the bigger one would, but the other one probably only fits a single bed. Ah they’re both very sunny rooms.
Susan: Oh OK. Is there a garden?
Landlord: Ah not really. There’s a small area where you can hang your washing, but no garden … You can go and have a look at it if you want.
Susan: OK, yeah.
Landlord: And your name is?
Susan: Susan.
Landlord: OK Susan, if you’re interested, I’ll be down there at 5.30 if you want to come and have a look.
Susan: Oh OK, thanks … Bye.
Landlord: Bye.
A problem in the house
1. Listen to the conversation. What is the problem?
The oven is broken. Susan says ‘the oven’s not working’.
2. Listen again and answer the questions below.
a When did the problem start?
b Has Susan tried to fix the problem?
c What will the landlord try to do?
d When will the landlord visit Susan’s flat?
a last night
b Yes, she checked the plug.
c He will try and fix the oven. If he can’t, he will call an electrician.
d 7 pm tomorrow
(Landlord = New Zealander)
Landlord: Hello, Tony speaking.
Susan: Ah hi, it’s Susan from your flat in Arawa Street here.
Landlord: Oh hi Susan. What can I do for you?
Susan: Um, we’ve got a bit of a problem in the flat. The oven’s not working … I was cooking dinner last night and I had some stuff in the oven. After a while I realized it wasn’t cooking. The oven was on, but it wasn’t getting hot. I had a look at the plug, thinking it might be that, but that seems to be OK … I’m not sure why … but it’s not working … I was wondering if you could get someone to come and have a look at it for us.
Landlord: Ah … Was it working before yesterday?
Susan: Yeah, it’s been working fine, but for some reason we couldn’t get it going last night … We use it quite a lot so it would be good if we could get it fixed.
Landlord: Ah … OK … Um, I’ll come round and have a look and see if I can fix it. If I can’t, I’ll get an electrician in.
Susan: OK.
Landlord: Ah … I won’t be able to come till tomorrow night. Say about seven. Will someone be home then?
Susan: Ah yeah. I’ll be here.
Landlord: OK. Well I’ll have a look at it tomorrow.
Susan: OK then. See you about seven.
Landlord: Yeah OK … Bye.
Susan: OK Bye.
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