Getting information
1. Listen to their conversation. Choose the information that Matt asks about.
a train timetables
b ticket machines
c late night train services
d ticket prices
e train and bus connections
b and d
2. Read the instructions for using the Osaka underground. Listen again and complete the gaps with the word or number you hear.
Paying for tickets
You can use these coins in all ticket machines: 500 yen, a …………….. yen, b …………….. yen, 10 yen.
You can use these notes in all ticket machines: c …………….. yen.
You can use these notes in some, but not all ticket machines: d …………….. yen and 10,000 yen.
Ticket prices can be found on the big e …………….. above the machine.
a 100
b 50
c 1000
d 5000
e map
3. Try to remember what you heard. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a When you go through the ticket gate, put your ticket in the machine. ……….
b Take the ticket with you when get on the train. ……….
c When you arrive at your destination somebody will take your ticket. ……….
Answer & Transcript
a True b True c False. You put it in a machine.
(Kumiko = Japanese)
Matt: Hello, I’d like to get some information about catching the underground, please.
Kumiko: Yes, of course.
Matt: Well, the first thing I’m not sure about is umm … how do I buy a ticket?
Kumiko: Ah yes. Well, to begin, you should look for a ticket machine – you can find them at the station.
Matt: OK.
Kumiko: And um you can … you can use coins or notes?
Matt: Any coins or notes?
Kumiko: With coins only 500 yen and 100 and 50 and ten.
Matt: Hmm. OK.
Kumiko: You can use 1,000 yen notes in every machine.
Matt: I see.
Kumiko: And you can also find some machines where you can use 5,000 and 10,000 yen notes.
Matt: How will I know which notes I can use?
Kumiko: It will say on the machine. And some take credit card too.
Matt: So how much money … How can I tell how much money I need to put in the machine?
Kumiko: There’s a map which tells you. It’s above the machine.
Matt: Oh right – the big map.
Kumiko: Yes. You can find the price. You have to … er you need to choose the correct price for the place you want to go to.
Matt: Ah right – I choose the price. What should I do next? Just catch the train?
Kumiko: Yes, you keep ticket and insert it in the machine at the ticket gate.
Matt: And will the ticket come out of the machine?
Kumiko: Yes, it comes out of the machine. So you have to keep your ticket until you get off.
Matt: And then what do I do? Give the ticket to somebody or …?
Kumiko: No, when you arrive at the station, you have to insert the ticket into a machine again.
Matt: Oh. OK, at the exit ticket gate?
Kumiko: Yes, the exit ticket gate. But your ticket will not come out.
Matt: OK. I understand. Thank you.
Kumiko: You’re welcome.
Asking more questions
1. Listen to the rest of the conversation. Matt asks about two of the following. Choose them.
a train timetables
b discount cards
c multi-trip tickets
d directions to a station
b and c
2. Read the sentences below about the ‘No-My-Car-Day’ Pass and the Rainbow Card. Listen again and place the letter in the correct box. One sentence matches both cards. You may want to listen more than once.
a You can use it every Friday.
b You can buy one for 5,000 yen.
c You can buy it on the 20th of every month.
d You get a discount with it.
e You don’t get a discount with it.
f You can use if for more than one trip.
g You can use if for one day.
Note: ‘No-My-Car-Day’ is not a standard English expression.

Answer & Transcript
No-My-Car-Day Card: c d f g
Rainbow Card: b e f
Matt: What about discount tickets? Is there any way to get a cheaper fare?
Kumiko: Well, we’ve only got one discount ticket.
Matt: OK.
Kumiko: If you take the train every Friday or the 20th of every month …
Matt: Mmm
Kumiko: … you can use the ‘No-My-Car-Day’ discount pass.
Matt: OK, so how does that work?
Kumiko: If you buy a ‘No-My-Car-Day’ discount pass, you can go everywhere on the underground for a whole day. And it costs 250 yen less than a normal day pass.
Matt: That sounds good.
Kumiko: But it’s only available every Friday or the 20th of every month.
Matt: So you can only get it on those days?
Kumiko: Yes.
Matt: Do I get this discount pass from normal ticket machines or from special ticket machines?
Kumiko: You can buy them from all stations, from all ticket machines.
Matt: OK right – the normal ticket machine. OK.
Kumiko: But if you travel every day, you can get the pre-pay Rainbow Card. You cannot get a discount with it, but it’s very useful because you don’t need to buy a ticket before you get on the train.
Matt: So how often do I need to buy a Rainbow Card?
Kumiko: Not each morning – perhaps only once a week.
Matt: OK.
Kumiko: So that … for example, on Monday you can buy 5,000 yen Rainbow Card.
Matt: So how long can I use a 5,000 yen card for?
Kumiko: Ah but it depends on … depends on where you go on the train.
Matt: OK. So will the money come off the card?
Kumiko: Yes, yes.
Matt: So how does it work with the ticket machine at the gate? The same as a normal ticket?
Kumiko: Yes, exactly the same.
Matt: OK. Thank you very much.
Kumiko: You’re welcome.
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