
Listening 1

Questions 11-15

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Luis talking to his friend Charlotte about a computer game.

11   Where did Luis first find out about the game?

        A   from a game website

        B   from a school friend

        C   from a magazine advertisement

12   Charlotte likes the game because

        A   it’s funny.

        B   it’s hard.

        C   it’s new.

13   Who does Luis want to play the game with?

        A   his brother

        B   his granddad

        C   his cousin

14   How long did Charlotte play the game for last Saturday?

        A   forty-five minutes

        B   one hour

        C   one hour and thirty minutes

15   Which part of the game does Luis like best?

        A   finding food

        B   building a hut

        C   crossing the river

Answer & Audioscript

11 C   12 B   12 B   14 A   15 A


Luis:   Charlotte! I’ve got the computer game called Green Space.

Charlotte:   Where did you find out about it, Luis?

Luis:   I borrowed a magazine from a schoolfriend and there was an ad for it. I asked my mum and she bought it for me from their website.

Charlotte:   I really like that game. It’s not new, but it’s my favourite game because it isn’t easy. I play it a lot, which is strange because it’s not funny at all! Who are you going to play it with?

Luis:   Well, my brother’s too busy studying, and my cousin Amy only likes board games. But my granddad has lots of time, so I want to play with him. How long do you usually play it for?

Charlotte:   When I was sick last Wednesday, I played for an hour and a half. Then, on Friday, an hour. And on Saturday, three quarters of an hour! Which part do you like best?

Luis:   Crossing the river’s really good, but the bit I enjoy most is finding something to eat. The part about building a hut’s my least favourite.

Listening 2

Questions 16-20

For each question, choose the correct answer.

16   You will hear a girl, Teresa, talking to her friend.

        Who’s Teresa waiting for?

        A   a classmate

        B   a member of her family

        C   a teacher

17   You will hear a boy phoning his mother.

        Why is he phoning her?

        A   to ask about something

        B   to give her some news

        C   to say sorry for something.

18   You will hear two friends talking about a new café.

        How will they find out where the new café is?

        A   They’ll ask another friend.

        B   They’ll check on the internet.

        C   They’ll look at a poster.

19   You hear a girl and her dad talking about a boat tour.

        Why do they decide to go on the boat tour today?

        A   It’s cheap today.

        B   The weather’s good.

        C   They know the guide.

20   You will hear a boy, Hugo, talking to his teacher.

        What must Hugo do first?

        A   help another teacher

        B   help the school secretary

        C   help another student

Answer & Audioscript

16 B   17 A   18 C   19 C   20 B


16   You will hear a girl, Teresa, talking to her friend. Who’s Teresa waiting for?

Steve:   Hi Teresa, why are you waiting outside the school gates?

Teresa: My aunt’s picking me up today because we’re going into the centre to buy some birthday presents.

Steve:   Do you think she’d take my brother? She knows him. He’s in your class. He’s talking to Mr Harrison, the new sports coach, over there.

Teresa:   Let’s ask her. That’s her car.

17   You will hear a boy phoning his mother. Why is he phoning her?

Boy:   Mum, I’m still at school at the moment. If it’s OK with you, I’d like to go to Frank’s house after school because we want to work on our science project together. All right? And Frank’s mum’s said I can have dinner with them too. I hope you haven’t already cooked something for me.

18   You will hear two friends talking about a new café. How will they find out where the new café is?

Boy:   Let’s go to that new café after school. Do you know where it is?

Girl:   I tried to go online earlier to find out, but the wi-fi wasn’t working. Isn’t there a big notice about it on the wall in the library?

Boy:   You’re right, let’s go and read it. Has anyone in our class been to the café yet?

Girl:   Sophia has.

19   You hear a girl and her dad talking about a boat tour. Why do they decide to go on the boat tour today?

Dad:   How about going on a boat tour today?

Girl:   Yes! I don’t mind that the weather’s a bit cloudy.

Dad:   Uncle Pablo works for the tour company and he’s telling tourists about the history of the town when they’re on the boat today!

Girl:   I’d love to hear him!

Dad:   Me too. I’ll book our tickets online. It isn’t cheaper, but it’s more convenient.

20   You will hear a boy, Hugo, talking to his teacher. must Hugo do first?

Male:   Hugo, are you free after my lesson?

Hugo:   Yes, would you like me to take these books to the library for you?

Man:   Thank you, but actually, Mrs Spencer, who works in the office, needs a pupil to take some boxes to the computer room.

Hugo:   OK, fine.

Man:   Thank you. I’ve got to show Year 6 how to upload their projects.

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