Exercise 1
1. Look at the photos A-F. They tell a story. Listen and put them in the right order.

2. Match some of the adjectives in the box to things in the photos. Makes sentences with your partner.
difficult easy excited fast friendly late loud slow |
The music’s band. Picture C
Paolo’s a bit late. Picture F
Listen to the story again and check.
Answer & Audioscript
1 1 B 2 F 3 D 4 C 5 E 6 A
2 Possible answers
It’s difficult to take a photo. (C)
It’s easy to see the band. (C)
The friends are excited. (B, D, F)
The bus is usually fast. (B)
The band are friendly. (C, E)
The bus is slow. (F)
Teacher: OK, everyone! Paolo, Joelle and Rosa want to show us their photos. Now Joelle, tell us. Where were you last night?
Joelle: We were at a José da Silva concert. This is my first photo. It’s Rosa waiting for the bus. Paolo wasn’t there.
Teacher: Paolo, where were you? This was an important night!
Paolo: I was late. I know, I know! I’m sorry! I’m always late!
Rosa: It’s OK, Paolo. You were only five minutes late. This is my photo. We were all on the bus. You can see Paolo looking at his watch.
Paolo: That’s because the bus was really slow! It’s usually fast but that night it wasn’t. But it was fine – we weren’t late. The concert was at eight o’clock and we were there at quarter to eight. You can see Rosa and Joelle in my picture, with their tickets. We were all really excited!
Joelle: Yes, we were! The next picture shows the band. It was easy to see them but it was difficult to take a photo – there were too many people!
Teacher: Was the music good?
Joelle: Yes, of course it was! It was really loud, and it was fantastic!
Rosa: This picture shows us after the concert. We were with José and his band. We were so excited to meet them. They were really friendly!
Paolo: And this is the last picture. It’s us, going home in my dad’s car.
Teacher: Were you tired?
Paolo: Yes, we were. But we were very happy too!
Rosa, Joelle: Yeah.
Exercise 2
1. Listen to the conversation between Erin and Conrad. Who was at a party last night?
2. Listen again. Tick (✓) the right sentence.
1 Erin isn’t tired.
Conrad is tired.
2 Erin was dancing.
Erin wasn’t dancing.
3 Conrad’s brother’s got a band.
Erin’s brother’s got a band.
4 Conrad was at home.
Conrad wasn’t at home.
5 The dog wasn’t loud.
The dog was loud.
3. Listen again. Write Conrad or Erin.
1 The party was for ………………’s sister.
2 ……………… loves dancing.
3 ………………’s sister was happy.
4 ……………… has got a test soon.
5 ………………’s brother plays the guitar.
6 ……………… was asleep at one o’clock.
Answer & Audioscript
1 Erin
2 1 Conrad is tired.
2 Erin wasn’t dancing.
3 Erin’s brother’s got a band.
4 Conrad was at home.
5 The dog was loud.
3 1 Erin 2 Conrad 3 Erin 4 Conrad 5 Conrad 6 Erin
Erin: Hi, Conrad.
Conrad: Hello, Erin. Are you OK?
Erin: I’m fine, thanks. Well, I’m a bit tired actually.
Conrad: Me too. Were you out last night?
Erin: Yes, I was. It was my sister’s sixteenth birthday party. People were dancing until very late!
Conrad: I love dancing.
Erin: Really? I never dance. But I like watching other people dance.
Conrad: What was the music like? Was it good?
Erin: It was brilliant. There was a band playing. My sister was very happy.
Conrad: What was the band?
Erin: Oh, it was my brother’s band. They’re called The Downloads. My brother is the singer.
Conrad: Really? My brother likes music too. He wants to be a famous musician. He plays the guitar, but he hasn’t got a band.
Erin: How about you, Conrad? Were you out last night as well?
Conrad: No, I wasn’t. I was at home. I was in my room – doing homework! I’ve got a big maths test at the end of the week.
Erin: Oh, bad luck. Why are you feeling tired then?
Conrad: Well, it’s because of the dog that lives next door to us. Last night, it was barking and barking. It was very loud. I was in bed, feeling sleepy, and then … Woof, woof, woof! For hours! I was still awake at 1 o’clock!
Erin: Oh, no! I was back from the party then – and sleeping!
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