
Exercise 1

A. Listen and number the topics in the order people talk about them. One topic is not in the listening.

friends     students     football     house 1     cars

B. Listen again and underline the correct alternative.

1   In the U.S.A., people live in houses/apartments.

2   Students have jobs in the mornings/evenings.

3   People drive/walk six hundred fifty feet to the stores.

4   My American friends like the same/different things.

Answer & Audioscript


2 students   3 cars   4 friends


1 houses   2 evenings   3 drive   4 the same


A:   Excuse me. Do you have a moment?

B:   Yes?

A:   You aren’t American?

B:   No, no, I’m from Japan. I’m on vacation here.

A:   OK. So, my question is: what’s different for you about life here?

B:   Erm … well, here people live in houses … they live in big houses. I’m from Tokyo, and we live in apartments, small apartments. So that’s very different.

A:   … and so for you, what’s different about life here?

C:   Erm … well, I study at college here. And it’s very different from my country because here, in the United States, the students have jobs. They work in the evenings, maybe ten hours a week.

A:   And you? Do you work?

C:   Me? No, I don’t. I don’t have time. And in my country students don’t work, they only study.

D:   What’s different here? Erm … oh yeah, people drive everywhere. I mean, they drive six hundred fifty feet to the store.

A:   Do you have a car?

D:   Yes, I do, but I don’t drive to the stores. Not six hundred fifty feet! I walk.

A:   And where are you from?

D:   I’m from England.

E:   I think it’s not so different. I’m from Italy and my American friends are not so different from me. Er … we like sports … we like clothes … We, er … we go to the movies, restaurants, have a coffee …

A:   So you like the same things?

E:   Yeah, the same … not different.

Exercise 2

A. Mia and Pete are in New York for the weekend. Listen to their conversations and write the events in the order they talk about them.

1   a concert

2   ……………

3   ……………

4   ……………

5   ……………

B. Listen again and complete Mia’s agenda.












C. Listen again and complete the conversations.

1   B:   What time is the concert?

      A:   Let me check. It’s at half past ______.

2   B:   Do you want to go at six?

      A:   Let’s go at quarter to ______.

3   B:   What time’s the party?

      A:   From ______ o’clock to six ______.

4   B:   What time in the evening?

      A:   Half ______ seven. Seven thirty.

5   B:   I’m tired. What time is it?

      A:   It’s quarter past ______. Let’s get a taxi.

Answer & Audioscript


2 a festival   3 a party   4 a play   5 a game






Susie’s party

baseball game


The Shakes concert, Madison Square Garden

Hamlet, the New Amsterdam Theater


1 six   2 six   3 three, o’clock   4 past   5 twelve


Conversation 1

A:   Hi, Pete.

B:   Hi, Mia. New York tomorrow!

A:   Yeah! Great! I just want to check the times.

B:   OK.

A:   Erm. What time’s the concert?

B:   Let me check. It’s at half past six. Yes. The Shakes … concert at the Madison Square Garden … half past six.

A:   Half past six. So do you want to go at six?

B:   Erm … Let’s go at quarter to six. And erm, Mia, the food festival is in the afternoon. The international food festival.

A:   But the afternoon is the party. Susie’s party.

B:   Oh, yes. Erm … maybe you …

A:  No, the invitation is for Mia and Pete. For me and you.

B:   OK. What time’s the party?

A:   From three o’clock to six o’clock. So that’s only two hours at the party because of the concert.

B:   So the party in the afternoon and the concert in the evening.

A:   Yes.

B:   OK. See you tomorrow at the station. What time …?

Conversation 2

B:   Good concert!

A:   Yes, great!

B:   Hey, Mia. You like Shakespeare, yes?

A:   Yes. Why?

B:   I have tickets for Hamlet. At the New Amsterdam Theater, tomorrow.

A:   Really! My favorite play! Afternoon or evening?

B:   In the evening.

A:   What time in the evening?

B:   Half past seven. Seven-thirty.

A:   Seven-thirty. That’s good.

B:   And in the afternoon … the food festival?

A:   Ah, but tomorrow is the baseball game. It’s the final.

B:   Oh yes. I want to watch that. What time is the game?

A:   It’s at a quarter past two.

B:   Sorry, What time?

A:   Quarter past two.

B:   Quarter past two. OK. Let’s watch the game and go to the theater after that.

A:   OK. I’m tired. What time is it?

B:   It’s quarter past twelve. Let’s get a taxi …

Exercise 3

A. Listen to three people doing a group survey. Check (✓) the topics a)—h) they talk about. How many say these things are good?

a) they don’t have a computer or a TV

b) they work outside

c) they live in the countryside

d) they don’t drive

e) the woman does the housework

f) the man has a job

g) the children help around the house

h) the family is together a lot

Answer & Audioscript

They talk about a), e) and f).

One person says a) (no computer or TV) is a good thing.

One person says e) and f) are a good thing.


S = Sam   I = Isabelle   M = Milan

S:   I’ll go first. My question is about a), the computer and TV. The Amish family doesn’t have these things. Do you think that’s a good thing? Isabelle?

I:    Well, for me it isn’t a good thing.

S:   Why not?

I:    A computer is important for information, from the Internet.

S:   How about you, Milan?

M:   I think it is a good thing. I have a computer, but I think I use it too much.

S:   And TV?

M:   I don’t have a TV.

I:    I do, but I don’t watch it. How about you, Sam?

S:   I have both a computer and a TV and they’re important for me. So for me, the Amish lifestyle with no computer or TV is a bad thing.

I:   OK, my turn. My question is about e), the woman does the housework and f), the man has a job. A good thing or bad thing? Milan?

M:   In my family, this is normal. I think it’s OK.

S:   Really? I think it’s a problem. Maybe the woman wants to work.

M:   Well, in this family I think they’re all happy. Miriam is happy at home.

S:   We don’t know that. Isabelle, what do you think?

I:    I think you’re right, Sam. But … I think housework is a job. It’s a very big job.

M:   Hmm … Well, it’s hard but it’s not a job …

Exercise 4

A. Listen to a woman talking about her favorite things and people. Number the icons in order.

B. Listen again. How many things or people does she talk about for each icon?

cafés _____

clothes _____

movies _____

people __3__

places _____

websites ____

Answer & Audioscript


1 people   2 places   3 clothes   4 websites   5 cafés   6 movies


Cafés–1   Clothes–1   Movies–2   Places–3   Websites–1


A:   So if I press this …

B:   Beth, who’s that?

A:   These are my favorite people.

B:   That woman. She’s beautiful.

A:   William! That’s my sister, Alicia. Watch it!

B:   Your sister? Oh … who’s that then?

A:   That’s Keith. He’s a good friend from college.

B:   Do you meet a lot now?

A:   No, but we email each other every day.

B:   And this?

A:   Monique, from work.

B:   Are you friends?

A:   Not really. But I like her a lot.

B:   And if I press this … Oh, look!

A:   Yeah, Paris …

B:   … Cairo … and the Great Wall of China. Big traveler!

A:   Yeah, then here …

B:   Hey, nice dress.

A:   You know that dress. My black party dress.

B:   Yeah, I like that dress. Oh, you like the BBC.

A:   Yeah, the website’s great for the news.

B:   Let’s look at … What’s this? Ice cream?

A:   Yeah, from the Gelatino Café. I love it. But I don’t go there a lot.

B:   And what’s this?

A:   Johnny Depp.

B:   Is he one of your favorite people?

A:   No, but Pirates of the Caribbean is one of my favorite movies.

B:   And here’s another movie. Pirates of the Caribbean II. Johnny Depp again and here’s …

A:   OK, that’s enough …

Exercise 5

A. Listen to the radio program and circle the correct alternative.

The name of the company is Twin Taxi Company because:

a) It has two taxis.

b) The drivers are twins.

c) The company is in Twin City.

B. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

 Angela and Matt have one taxi.

 Their taxi company is open at night.

 They don’t like their job.

 Angela and Matt both have children.

 They’re husband and wife.

 They don’t see each other.

C. Complete the sentences with the numbers in the box. You don’t need two of the numbers. Then listen again and check.

11     26     6     1     17     4     36     2

1   Matt drives …11… hours a day.

2   Angela and Matt are ……… years old.

3   Matt has ……… children.

4   Matt’s daughter is ……… years old.

5   Angela’s daughter is ……… years old.

6   Angela and Matt have coffee together at ……… in the morning.

Answer & Audioscript




1 T   2 T   3 F   4 T   5 F   6 F


2 36   3 2   4 4   5 17   6 6


I = Interviewer   A = Angela   M = Matt

I:   Today’s programme is about ‘double lives’ and we have in the studio a sister and brother, Angela…

A:   Hi.

I:   … and Matt.

M:   Hello.

I:   Angela and Matt are from Ohio, U.S. They’re twins, they’re thirty-six years old. And … well let me ask you some questions. Angela, you and Matt have a taxi company, yes?

A:   That’s right. Twin Taxi Company.

I:   So twin brother and sister, twin taxis – two taxis – good name for the company!

A:   We don’t have two taxis. We have one taxi.

I:   Oh? So who drives?

M:   Well, it’s a twenty-four-hour taxi service. Well, actually twenty-two hours. I drive eleven hours, and Angela drives eleven hours.

I:   In the same taxi, day and night.

A:   I drive in the morning and in the afternoon.

M:   And I drive in the evening, and at night.

A:   And we love it. It’s great!

I:   Eleven hours a day. That’s a lot of work.

M:   Yes, well we both have children.

A:   Yeah, and they always want something new – a new phone, new computer …

M:   … new clothes, new shoes.

I:   How many children do you have, Matt?

M:   I have two children.

I:   Twins?

M:   No! A son and a daughter. He’s three and she’s four years old.

I:   And you Angela?

A:   One girl, Diana. She’s seventeen.

I:   OK. You both work a lot. When do you two see each other?

A:   We have coffee together every morning at six.

M:   Yeah, I stop work then …

A:   … and I start work.

I:   And what do you two usually talk about?

M:   The usual, really – family, children, my wife …

A:   … my husband, money.

I:   The taxi?

A/M:   Yes, the taxi!

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