Exercise 1
A. Listen and number the topics in the order people talk about them. One topic is not in the listening.
friends students football house 1 cars
B. Listen again and underline the correct alternative.
1 In the U.S.A., people live in houses/apartments.
2 Students have jobs in the mornings/evenings.
3 People drive/walk six hundred fifty feet to the stores.
4 My American friends like the same/different things.
Answer & Audioscript
2 students 3 cars 4 friends
1 houses 2 evenings 3 drive 4 the same
A: Excuse me. Do you have a moment?
B: Yes?
A: You aren’t American?
B: No, no, I’m from Japan. I’m on vacation here.
A: OK. So, my question is: what’s different for you about life here?
B: Erm … well, here people live in houses … they live in big houses. I’m from Tokyo, and we live in apartments, small apartments. So that’s very different.
A: … and so for you, what’s different about life here?
C: Erm … well, I study at college here. And it’s very different from my country because here, in the United States, the students have jobs. They work in the evenings, maybe ten hours a week.
A: And you? Do you work?
C: Me? No, I don’t. I don’t have time. And in my country students don’t work, they only study.
D: What’s different here? Erm … oh yeah, people drive everywhere. I mean, they drive six hundred fifty feet to the store.
A: Do you have a car?
D: Yes, I do, but I don’t drive to the stores. Not six hundred fifty feet! I walk.
A: And where are you from?
D: I’m from England.
E: I think it’s not so different. I’m from Italy and my American friends are not so different from me. Er … we like sports … we like clothes … We, er … we go to the movies, restaurants, have a coffee …
A: So you like the same things?
E: Yeah, the same … not different.
Exercise 2
A. Mia and Pete are in New York for the weekend. Listen to their conversations and write the events in the order they talk about them.
1 a concert
2 ……………
3 ……………
4 ……………
5 ……………
B. Listen again and complete Mia’s agenda.
Saturday |
Sunday |
afternoon |
evening |
C. Listen again and complete the conversations.
1 B: What time is the concert?
A: Let me check. It’s at half past ______.
2 B: Do you want to go at six?
A: Let’s go at quarter to ______.
3 B: What time’s the party?
A: From ______ o’clock to six ______.
4 B: What time in the evening?
A: Half ______ seven. Seven thirty.
5 B: I’m tired. What time is it?
A: It’s quarter past ______. Let’s get a taxi.
Answer & Audioscript
2 a festival 3 a party 4 a play 5 a game
Saturday |
Sunday |
afternoon |
Susie’s party |
baseball game |
evening |
The Shakes concert, Madison Square Garden |
Hamlet, the New Amsterdam Theater |
1 six 2 six 3 three, o’clock 4 past 5 twelve
Conversation 1
A: Hi, Pete.
B: Hi, Mia. New York tomorrow!
A: Yeah! Great! I just want to check the times.
B: OK.
A: Erm. What time’s the concert?
B: Let me check. It’s at half past six. Yes. The Shakes … concert at the Madison Square Garden … half past six.
A: Half past six. So do you want to go at six?
B: Erm … Let’s go at quarter to six. And erm, Mia, the food festival is in the afternoon. The international food festival.
A: But the afternoon is the party. Susie’s party.
B: Oh, yes. Erm … maybe you …
A: No, the invitation is for Mia and Pete. For me and you.
B: OK. What time’s the party?
A: From three o’clock to six o’clock. So that’s only two hours at the party because of the concert.
B: So the party in the afternoon and the concert in the evening.
A: Yes.
B: OK. See you tomorrow at the station. What time …?
Conversation 2
B: Good concert!
A: Yes, great!
B: Hey, Mia. You like Shakespeare, yes?
A: Yes. Why?
B: I have tickets for Hamlet. At the New Amsterdam Theater, tomorrow.
A: Really! My favorite play! Afternoon or evening?
B: In the evening.
A: What time in the evening?
B: Half past seven. Seven-thirty.
A: Seven-thirty. That’s good.
B: And in the afternoon … the food festival?
A: Ah, but tomorrow is the baseball game. It’s the final.
B: Oh yes. I want to watch that. What time is the game?
A: It’s at a quarter past two.
B: Sorry, What time?
A: Quarter past two.
B: Quarter past two. OK. Let’s watch the game and go to the theater after that.
A: OK. I’m tired. What time is it?
B: It’s quarter past twelve. Let’s get a taxi …
Exercise 3
A. Listen to three people doing a group survey. Check (✓) the topics a)—h) they talk about. How many say these things are good?
a) they don’t have a computer or a TV
b) they work outside
c) they live in the countryside
d) they don’t drive
e) the woman does the housework
f) the man has a job
g) the children help around the house
h) the family is together a lot
Answer & Audioscript
They talk about a), e) and f).
One person says a) (no computer or TV) is a good thing.
One person says e) and f) are a good thing.
S = Sam I = Isabelle M = Milan
S: I’ll go first. My question is about a), the computer and TV. The Amish family doesn’t have these things. Do you think that’s a good thing? Isabelle?
I: Well, for me it isn’t a good thing.
S: Why not?
I: A computer is important for information, from the Internet.
S: How about you, Milan?
M: I think it is a good thing. I have a computer, but I think I use it too much.
S: And TV?
M: I don’t have a TV.
I: I do, but I don’t watch it. How about you, Sam?
S: I have both a computer and a TV and they’re important for me. So for me, the Amish lifestyle with no computer or TV is a bad thing.
I: OK, my turn. My question is about e), the woman does the housework and f), the man has a job. A good thing or bad thing? Milan?
M: In my family, this is normal. I think it’s OK.
S: Really? I think it’s a problem. Maybe the woman wants to work.
M: Well, in this family I think they’re all happy. Miriam is happy at home.
S: We don’t know that. Isabelle, what do you think?
I: I think you’re right, Sam. But … I think housework is a job. It’s a very big job.
M: Hmm … Well, it’s hard but it’s not a job …
Exercise 4
A. Listen to a woman talking about her favorite things and people. Number the icons in order.

B. Listen again. How many things or people does she talk about for each icon?
cafés _____
clothes _____
movies _____
people __3__
places _____
websites ____
Answer & Audioscript
1 people 2 places 3 clothes 4 websites 5 cafés 6 movies
Cafés–1 Clothes–1 Movies–2 Places–3 Websites–1
A: So if I press this …
B: Beth, who’s that?
A: These are my favorite people.
B: That woman. She’s beautiful.
A: William! That’s my sister, Alicia. Watch it!
B: Your sister? Oh … who’s that then?
A: That’s Keith. He’s a good friend from college.
B: Do you meet a lot now?
A: No, but we email each other every day.
B: And this?
A: Monique, from work.
B: Are you friends?
A: Not really. But I like her a lot.
B: And if I press this … Oh, look!
A: Yeah, Paris …
B: … Cairo … and the Great Wall of China. Big traveler!
A: Yeah, then here …
B: Hey, nice dress.
A: You know that dress. My black party dress.
B: Yeah, I like that dress. Oh, you like the BBC.
A: Yeah, the website’s great for the news.
B: Let’s look at … What’s this? Ice cream?
A: Yeah, from the Gelatino Café. I love it. But I don’t go there a lot.
B: And what’s this?
A: Johnny Depp.
B: Is he one of your favorite people?
A: No, but Pirates of the Caribbean is one of my favorite movies.
B: And here’s another movie. Pirates of the Caribbean II. Johnny Depp again and here’s …
A: OK, that’s enough …
Exercise 5
A. Listen to the radio program and circle the correct alternative.
The name of the company is Twin Taxi Company because:
a) It has two taxis.
b) The drivers are twins.
c) The company is in Twin City.
B. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Angela and Matt have one taxi.
2 Their taxi company is open at night.
3 They don’t like their job.
4 Angela and Matt both have children.
5 They’re husband and wife.
6 They don’t see each other.
C. Complete the sentences with the numbers in the box. You don’t need two of the numbers. Then listen again and check.
11 26 6 1 17 4 36 2 |
1 Matt drives …11… hours a day.
2 Angela and Matt are ……… years old.
3 Matt has ……… children.
4 Matt’s daughter is ……… years old.
5 Angela’s daughter is ……… years old.
6 Angela and Matt have coffee together at ……… in the morning.
Answer & Audioscript
1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F
2 36 3 2 4 4 5 17 6 6
I = Interviewer A = Angela M = Matt
I: Today’s programme is about ‘double lives’ and we have in the studio a sister and brother, Angela…
A: Hi.
I: … and Matt.
M: Hello.
I: Angela and Matt are from Ohio, U.S. They’re twins, they’re thirty-six years old. And … well let me ask you some questions. Angela, you and Matt have a taxi company, yes?
A: That’s right. Twin Taxi Company.
I: So twin brother and sister, twin taxis – two taxis – good name for the company!
A: We don’t have two taxis. We have one taxi.
I: Oh? So who drives?
M: Well, it’s a twenty-four-hour taxi service. Well, actually twenty-two hours. I drive eleven hours, and Angela drives eleven hours.
I: In the same taxi, day and night.
A: I drive in the morning and in the afternoon.
M: And I drive in the evening, and at night.
A: And we love it. It’s great!
I: Eleven hours a day. That’s a lot of work.
M: Yes, well we both have children.
A: Yeah, and they always want something new – a new phone, new computer …
M: … new clothes, new shoes.
I: How many children do you have, Matt?
M: I have two children.
I: Twins?
M: No! A son and a daughter. He’s three and she’s four years old.
I: And you Angela?
A: One girl, Diana. She’s seventeen.
I: OK. You both work a lot. When do you two see each other?
A: We have coffee together every morning at six.
M: Yeah, I stop work then …
A: … and I start work.
I: And what do you two usually talk about?
M: The usual, really – family, children, my wife …
A: … my husband, money.
I: The taxi?
A/M: Yes, the taxi!
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