Exercise 1
1. Listen to Freya telling Mike about her after-school clubs. What day is her favourite club?
2. Listen again and match the photos 1-5 to the days.

Monday ………
Tuesday ………
Wednesday ………
Thursday ………
Friday ………
Answer & Audioscript
1 Monday
2 Monday 5 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 1 Thursday 3 Friday 2
Freya: Hi, Mike.
Mike: Hi, Freya. What are you doing?
Freya: I’m looking at some photos of me in my after-school clubs. They’re funny!
Mike: Can I see them?
Freya: Sure. Here’s Thursday’s club.
Mike: Are you making a pizza?
Freya: No, I’m not making a pizza. I’m making a cake for my mum!
Mike: Hmm, cake! I like cake!
Freya: And here’s a photo at Tuesday’s club. It’s new and I love it. It’s the board games club and we’re learning new games. It’s really good!
Mike: Cool!
Freya: Here’s another photo. We’re practising in the park. We aren’t running a race. You can see I’m not running very fast. That’s the Wednesday athletics club.
Mike: I like athletics too, and I’m good at it!
Freya: Well, I’m learning! Right, here’s another picture. This is Friday’s yoga club. I’m good at that and it’s very relaxing. It’s a nice end to the week. And here’s one more picture. This is my favourite club. It’s on Monday. I don’t like playing games on the computer very much, but I love writing them. The coding club is really good.
Mike: I’ve got some photos here on my phone. Here, have a look.
Freya: Sorry Mike. Got to go.
Mike: Oh … OK, see you.
Freya: Bye
Exercise 2
1. Listen to Miss Doyle talk to her class. Which club does everyone like?
2. Listen again. Complete the timetable.
Timetable for after-school clubs
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
0…judo… | 3……………. | 5……………. | 6……………. | 7……………. |
1……………. | 4……………. | 8……………. | ||
2……………. | 9……………. |
3. Listen again. Write Yes or No. Correct the wrong sentences.
0 Judo club is at four o’clock. …Yes…
1 Yoga starts before athletics club.
2 Athletics club starts at 4.15.
3 The school doesn’t have a coding club.
4 Horse-riding club is at half-past four.
5 There is one club on Friday.
Answer & Audioscript
1 film club
2 1 yoga 2 athletics 3/4 gardening / cookery
5 coding club 6 horse-riding
7/8 board games and drama 9 film
3 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 No. It has / There is / There’s a coding club.
4 Yes 5 No. There are three clubs.
Teacher: OK, class, quite please. Thank you. I want to tell you about the after-school clubs for this year. Please write this information down in your notebooks. OK, Monday is sporty. There’s judo club, yoga club and athletics club.
Callum: What time is judo club, Miss Doyle?
Teacher: It’s at 4.00, Callum. Yoga’s at 4.00 too, but athletics starts at quarter past four. Right, on to Tuesday. That day you can go to gardening club or cookery club. Those clubs start at half past four. Does anyone want to go to coding club?
Class: Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!
Teacher: Yes, it’s very popular. It’s on Wednesday and it starts at 4.00, but remember – it’s not for playing computer games. All right, Thursday. That day you can go to one club – horse-riding. It starts at half past four. Right, that’s it.
Grace: Aren’t there any clubs on Friday, Miss Doyle?
Teacher: Oh, yes! Thanks, Grace. I forgot about Friday. There are three clubs. At 4.00 you can go to board games club or drama club. And at half past four you can go to film club. But remember – everyone likes film club, so put your name down for that one today if you want to go to it.
Exercise 3
1. Listen to Sophia talking about her youth club. Underline five activities she talks about.
basketball board games coding football
music running table tennis
2. Listen again. Choose the correct words and phrases.
1 What do some people like doing in the living room area?
a playing board games
b painting pictures
2 What does Jack like playing at the club?
a tennis
b table tennis
3 What sport can you do on Mondays and Wednesdays?
a basketball
b badminton
4 What sport can you do on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
a football
b baseball
5 What is Sophia’s favourite room at the club?
a art room
b music room
6 What can Sophia do?
a sing
b play the guitar
Answer & Audioscript
1 Sophia talks about football, basketball, music, board games and table tennis.
2 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 a
Sophia: Hi. I’m Sophia. This is the Fun Zone Youth Club. It’s open Monday to Friday, from five o’clock until nine o’clock at night. You don’t pay lots of money to come in. Lots of different people are here. Let’s go in. Here’s the living room area. It’s big. Some people like talking to friends and some people like playing board games. There are lots of board games in the blue cupboard. Oh. Here’s my friend, Jack. Hi Jack.
Jack: Hi Sophia.
Sophia: What do you like doing, Jack?
Jack: I like playing table tennis with my friend Paul.
Sophia: There are two tables for playing table tennis in this room. There are lots of sports you can do. There’s basketball on Mondays and Wednesdays, and there’s football on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are also art classes. But now, let me show you my favourite room. My favourite room is the music room. Oh, here’s Lucy.
Lucy: Hi Sophia.
Sophia: Hi Lucy. Lucy’s good at playing the guitar.
Lucy: And Sophia’s good at singing.
Sophia: Thanks, Lucy. We practice here on Wednesdays. A music teacher comes and helps people with music on Wednesdays and Fridays. So that’s the Fun Zone Youth Club. It’s a great place!
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