
Exercise 1

1. For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Tanya talking to her friend Jon about her new school.

1   What time did Tanya arrive for her exam at her new school?

      A   8.30

      B   8.40

      C   9.00

2   How does Tanya get to her new school at the moment?

      A   by bike

      B   on foot

      C   by car

3   What can Tanya take home from school?

      A   a musical instrument

      B   sports kit

      C   a science textbook

4   What has Jon just started doing?

      A   playing in a band

      B   playing hockey

      C   working

5   What reason does Jon give for wanting to stay at his school next year?

      A   friends

      B   a school trip

      C   his mum and dad

Answer & Audioscript

1 A   2 C   3 A   4 A   5 B


You will hear Tanya talking to her friend Jon about her new school.

Jon:   Hi Tanya, what’s your new school like? Did you have to pass an exam to get a place there?

Tanya:   Hi Jon. Yes, but I nearly didn’t get there in time. The exam was at nine o’clock and we had to be there by half past eight.

Jon:   Oh no! Do you get the bus to school?

Tanya:   Well, there is a bus, but it leaves quite early, so Mum gives me a lift. I’ll cycle when it’s warmer.

Jon:   Mmm, how is it different from your old school?

Tanya:   Well, it’s got a much bigger science building. And the music lessons are great. They even have instruments we can borrow. Oh, and we play cricket, not hockey. Are you still in the school hockey team?

Jon:   No. No time! I’ve joined a band called The River Boys and I’m starting a part-time job next week.

Tanya:   So, do you think you’ll change schools and come to mine?

Jon:   My parents want me to. I like my classmates, but I can see them at weekends. No, the thing is I’m going to China with the school next year. I definitely don’t want to miss that!

Tanya:   OK. See you later.

Jon:   Bye.

Exercise 2

1. For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Robert talking to his friend Penny about moving house.

1   When is Robert moving?

      A   in May

      B   in June

      C   in July

2   Robert is moving to

      A   Leeds.

      B   Liverpool.

      C   York.

3   Penny will visit Robert by

      A   train.

      B   bus.

      C   car.

4   Why is Robert moving?

      A   His dad wants a new job.

      B   His mum is changing jobs.

      C   His mum is becoming a student.

5   How does Robert feel about moving?

      A   worried

      B   sad

      C   excited 

Answer & Audioscript

1 C   2 C   3 A   4 B   5 C


Narrator:   You will hear Robert talking to his friend Penny about moving house.

Robert:   I’ve got something to tell you, Penny. We’re moving house.

Penny:   What, Robert? When?

Robert:   In about three months, at the beginning of July. I’ve got my exams in May so we can’t go then, and in June my sister has exams.

Penny:   I can’t believe it! Are you staying here in Liverpool?

Robert:   No, but the new house is in York – that’s not too far. You can come and visit me when you go to see your grandma in Leeds.

Penny:   Yes, I’d like that. I can’t drive yet and it’s a bit far to get a lift. So it’ll have to be the train. The bus would probably take too long.

Robert:   Yes, I suppose so.

Penny:   Yes. So why are you moving? Is your dad changing jobs again?

Robert:   It’s my mum this time. She’s going to work at the university. Dad will travel to his old job.

Penny:   Oh, really? And how do you feel about moving, Robert?

Robert:   Well, I’ll miss my friends, but I’m not unhappy about it. Starting a new life is exciting. Meeting new people and things like that don’t worry me.

Penny:   You’ll have to take lots of photos and send them to me.

Robert:   I will!

Exercise 3

1. Listen to the conversations and answer the questions.

Conversation 1:   What things did Peter and Matty need for the exam?

Conversation 2:   Why did Meg fail her exam?

Conversation 3:   Did Sam answer all the questions in the exam?

Conversation 4:   What did Tim forget to do in the exam?

Conversation 5:   What advice does the teacher give Sophie?

2. Listen again. Complete the expressions for giving advice.

1   You …………… remember to bring an extra pen.

2   …………… I help you study for the next test?

3   You know that you …………… guess?

4   You …………… make sure you’ve done everything.

5   If I …………… you, I’d look at the clock.

Answer & Audioscript

1    1 Peter: a pen, Matty: a ruler

      2 she looked in her book for the answer

      3 no

      4 check his work / answer question six

      5 to organise her time

2    1 should always   2 Shall   3 could   4 must   5 were you


1   What things did Peter and Matty need for the exam?

Teacher:   All right, please put your hand up if you have any questions. Yes, Peter?

Peter:   My pen is broken.

Teacher:   OK. Here’s another one. You should always remember to bring an extra pen with you to the exam. Anything else? Yes, Matty, what do you need?

Matty:   I forgot my ruler to draw the triangle shapes.

Teacher:   I’ll give you a ruler, but next time you mustn’t forget it.

2   Why did Meg fail her exam?

Emily:   Meg, you look worried. What’s the matter?

Meg:   I’ve just done my final history exam, but I did something really stupid.

Emily:   Oh, what happened? Did you forget an answer?

Meg:   No, it was much worse. I thought the teacher wasn’t watching and I looked in my book for the answer.

Emily:   And she saw you do it!

Meg:   Yes, so now I’ve failed history!

Emily:   Oh dear! Shall I help you study for the next test?

3   Did Sam answer all the questions in the exam?

Sam:   Well, my French exam went really badly!

James:   Why, what did you do?

Sam:   Well, I had to choose a, b or c, but I didn’t know some of the answers so I didn’t write anything.

James:   You know that you could guess? You should choose an option for every question. It doesn’t matter if you get in wrong but if you write nothing you get no marks.

Sam:   Oh no!

4   What did Tim forget to do in the exam?

Tim:   Miss, Miss, I’ve finished now! Can I leave?

Teacher:   Have you checked your work? You must make sure you’ve done everything.

Tim:   Yes, it was easy!

Teacher:   Mmm. Let me see. And what about question 6? You haven’t written anything.

Tim:   Oh. I didn’t see it. Maybe I won’t go yet.

5   What advice does the teacher give Sophie?

Sophie:   I hate exams! I never have time to finish all the questions. I’m so slow.

Teacher:   Have you tried organising your time better? I mean, if the exam is 60 minutes and you have six questions, then you should spend 10 minutes on each question.

Sophie:   You’re right. I always try to do the first question perfectly and it takes me a long time.

Teacher:   Well, if I were you, I’d look at the clock and move to the next question after ten minutes. Then you’ll have time to try and answer all the questions.

Sophie:   OK. I’ll try that next time.

Exercise 4

1. For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time.

You will hear a woman talking to a class of students about the history of her town.

Mrs Smith’s town

Years Mrs Smith has lived in the town:   (0) ……60…… years

Age of town:   (1)…………… years

Town in 1980

Number of people:   (2)……………

Day shops closed:   (3)……………

Name of old cinema:   (4) the ……………

Cost of cinema seat:   £ (5)……………

Answer & Audioscript

1 850   2 54,000   3 Thursday(s)   4 Regent   5 1.75


You will hear a woman talking to a class of students about the history of her town.

Mrs Smith:   Hello everyone. My name’s Mrs Smith and I’m here to tell you about this town, where I’ve lived for 60 years. First, let’s think about the town’s history. Does anyone know how old it is? 400 years? 700 years? Almost! It’s 850 years old.

Next, I want to talk about what the town was like in 1980. There are 66,000 people living here now but then there were only 54,000. But, surprisingly, there were more shops in the town centre in 1980 than there are now and oh, a fantastic market. Another thing, today the shops are open every day, including Sundays, but in 1980 all the shops were closed on Thursdays. Strange, isn’t it? And, you know, the cinema in the High Street. Well, it wasn’t called the Royal then. Its name was the Regent. Ah, sorry, that’s R-E-G-E-N-T. I went to the cinema last week and paid £12 for a seat. I couldn’t believe it! In 1980 it only cost £1.75.

So, any questions?

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