
Exercise 1

1. For each question, choose the correct picture.

1   What time is basketball practice today?

2   Which food does the girl choose?

3   Which earphones does the boy buy?

4   What’s the weather like?

5   What are they going to do?

Answer & Audioscript

1 B   2 A   3 C   4 A   5 A


1   What time is basketball practice today?

Boy 1:   Are you going to basketball practice this afternoon?

Boy 2:   Yes, I’ll go if it doesn’t rain. I’m not sure of the time. Is it at three or three thirty?

Boy 1:   It’s at a quarter past three. It was at three thirty last week!

Boy 2:   Thanks. See you there, if it isn’t raining!

2   Which food does the girl choose?

Girl:   Hello. What kind of pizzas do you do?

Waiter:   Sorry, we aren’t doing pizza today. The oven is broken. But our burgers are very popular. We do lots of different kinds of sandwiches, too.

Girl:   I’ll try the burger, thanks. I had a sandwich for lunch. And can I have a lemonade with that?

Waiter:   Certainly. I’ll bring your drink now.

3   Which earphones does the boy buy?

Boy:   Hello. I’d like to buy some earphones, please. What have you got?

Assistant:   Well, we’ve got these for ten pounds twenty, these for fifteen pounds fifty and these for eighteen pounds.

Boy:   The eighteen-pound ones are a little expensive. I’ll have the fifteen fifty ones, please.

Assistant:   Certainly. I’ll put them in a bag for you.

4   What’s the weather like?

Girl:   Hi, Sandy. Do you want to come for a walk in the park with me?

Sandy:   I’m not sure. Isn’t it very windy?

Girl:   It was windy earlier, but now it’s just a bit cloudy. It’s going to rain later.

Sandy:   OK, let’s go before it rains.

5   What are they going to do?

Girl:   I’m bored. What shall we do? Let’s play tennis.

Boy:   I’m tired, and we have to get the bus there. I’ve got a new computer game. Let’s play that.

Girl:   Oh, I played computer games all morning. I want to do something outside. Oh, how about a bike ride?

Boy:   I can’t. My bike’s broken. OK, let’s do what you want – I’ll go and get my racket.

Exercise 2

1. For each question, choose the correct picture.

1   How much did Monica pay for her keyboard?

2   What time will the football match finish?

3   When is the history test?

4   Where is the girl’s purse?

5   What is the girl’s father doing now?

Answer & Audioscript

1 B   2 A   3 B   4 C   5 A


1   How much did Monica pay for her keyboard?

Boy:   You play your keyboard well, Monica. Do keyboards cost a lot of money?

Monica:   My friend William bought this one for £450 a few years ago. He sold it to me for £120 last month.

Boy:   That’s still a lot of money.

Monica:   Yes. I had £90 from my job in my uncle’s café and Mum gave me some pocket money.

2   What time will the football match finish?

Mum:   I’ll be at the sports field at five o’clock to pick you up after the match, Mark.

Mark:   That’s too late, Mum. It ends at quarter past four today.

Mum:   What about quarter to five, then?

Mark:   Yes, that’s better. Thirty minutes is enough time to have a shower and get changed. Thanks.

3   When is the history test?

Girl:   I need to study for next week – the history test’s on Wednesday, isn’t it?

Boy:   We’ve got a geography test on Wednesday, but not a history test.

Girl:   Oh, really? When is it then? On Tuesday?

Boy:   That’s right. And it’s maths next Monday morning, OK?

4   Where is the girl’s purse?

Girl:   Have you seen my purse, Mum? I need to take it to school.

Mum:   Is it on the sofa? You often leave it there.

Girl:   I’ve looked there. Oh, here it is: under the chair!

Mum:   Really? Why don’t you keep it in your bag?

5   What is the girl’s father doing now?

Girl:   Where’s Dad, Tom? Has he already gone to the office?

Tom:   Not yet. He’s in the garden cutting the grass. Why?

Girl:   I’d like him to fix my computer. It’s stopped working again.

Tom:   Well, he won’t have time to do that now.

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