Exercise 1
A. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
1 Which types of transportation do the people talk about?
2 How did the man travel for free?
B. Listen again. Write one good thing and one bad thing about each way of traveling for free.
Answer & Audioscript
1 by plane, by train, by car, by bike, on foot, by ship
2 with a Driveaway car (by driving someone’s car across the U.S.), by working on a ship
by car:
good: he was able to stop and visit a few places on the way; he loves driving; he loves cars
bad: you can’t choose the date or the place you want to go
by ship:
good: he learned a lot; he enjoyed the slow life; he loved watching the sun go down
bad: difficult to find a ship; you need time to travel
A: We never travel long distance. It’s too expensive. And I hate traveling by plane.
B: Really? What about trains or cars?
A: Well, I like traveling by train, and I love going by car because you can stop anywhere. But they’re all too expensive now.
B: Mmm, not really. You can travel for free.
A: Sure, if you go by bike or on foot.
B: No. Last year, I was on vacation in the U.S. and I drove across the country for free.
A: How?
B: I had a Driveaway car.
A: A driveway?
B: No, drive-A-way. Driveaway. It’s a company.
A: How does it work?
B: Well, there was a family in New York, and they wanted to go to Los Angeles, but they didn’t want to drive there. It’s almost more than three thousand miles. But they needed their car in Los Angeles. So they went by plane, and I drove their car to Los Angeles, to their hotel downtown. I had a week to get there. I stopped in the Grand Canyon on the way. It was the best journey ever – I love driving, and I love cars.
A: That’s amazing! And it’s free?
B: Yeah, I just paid for gas.
A: And did you have time to stop?
B: I had a week, so I stopped in a few places. St Louis – I have friends there – the Grand Canyon.
A: That sounds great.
B: It was wonderful. Not good for everybody. You can’t choose the date or the place you want to go. But good for me.
A: Yeah, And is that the longest journey? The longest you traveled for free?
B: Uh, let me think. I once traveled about eight thousand seven hundred miles for free, by ship. I was in Mombasa.
A: Where’s that?
B: It’s a city in Kenya.
A: And?
B: Well, it has a lot of big container ships. I found a ship that went to Indonesia.
A: For free?
B: Well, I worked on the ship.
A: Oh, that sounds hard.
B: Not really. Well, long days, yes. But I learned a lot. And I loved the slow life. At night, I loved watching the sun go down.
A: Was it difficult to find a ship?
B: It wasn’t easy. But if you have time, it’s possible.
A: That’s the problem, isn’t it? When I was younger, I had more time.
B: Do you want to travel with me next summer?
A: Where to?
B: Around India.
A: Mmm, maybe not.
Exercise 2
A. Listen to the woman talk to a colleague Which two days does she talk about?
B. Listen again. Which two things are different from the online diary above?
Answer & Audioscript
Monday and Tuesday
1 The recording says the woman was two hours late for work, but the text says one hour.
2 The recording says the train stopped for forty minutes, but the text says twenty minutes.
K = Kamal V = Val
K: Hey, Val. Did you stay in bed too long this morning?
V: Ha, ha! It’s these trains – they’re terrible!
K: Why? What happened this time?
V: Well, first of all, the train was late leaving the station, but only about fifteen minutes or so. After that, it just went at walking speed – all the way to Chicago. Really! There was a guy on a bicycle on the road next to us. I think he got to Chicago before we did!
K: Well, you’re two hours late – and the boss wants to see you …
K: Hey, Val. The boss wants to see you. Whoa! What happened to you? You’re all wet!
V: Believe me, it’s a long story. First of all, I got up late because I didn’t hear my alarm, so I only woke up at eight thirty. I ran to the train station – usually I walk – but I missed the train by two minutes! Then I waited for the next train, the nine-fifteen, and everything was fine until we just stopped – just stopped – in the middle of nowhere. The guard said that there was a signal problem. After that, the air-conditioning stopped working, so it was like an oven – at least a thousand degrees! Finally, after forty minutes, we started moving – very, very slowly. What could I do? Uh oh, there’s the boss.
K: Yeah. She’s not happy. Two and a half hours late, Val. Good luck!
Exercise 3
A. Listen to the conversation. Which problem does the passenger have? What solution does the person give?
At the airport:
1 Your luggage is too heavy, but you don’t want to pay the $200 fee.
2 Your flight is delayed by twenty-four hours, and there’s no place to sleep in the airport.
3 You arrive and go to get your luggage. Another passenger is walking out with your bag.
On the plane:
4 There’s a screaming child in the seat behind you.
5 You ordered a vegetarian meal, but when your food arrives, it’s chicken curry.
6 You can’t sleep because a) you’re cold and b) there’s too much light.
B. Listen again and check (✓) the key phrases you hear.
There’s a small problem here.
But it’s very important that [I arrive on time].
You don’t understand.
I see/understand, but …
Let me explain one more time.
It’s your job to [bring me a meal].
Can I speak to the person in charge, please?
Answer & Audioscript
Problem 5. The flight attendant brings the passenger a vegetarian meal.
Ss should check (✓) all phrases except But it’s very important that [I arrive on time].
A = Attendant P = Passenger
A: Your meal, sir.
P: Thank you. Uh, excuse me.
A: Yes, can I help you?
P: Hope so! I’m sorry, but there’s a small problem here. I ordered a vegetarian meal, but this is meat.
A: Oh, just a moment. I checked, and we don’t have a record of your order.
P: What?! But I always order vegetarian. I’m a frequent flyer.
A: I understand, sir, but we don’t have any more vegetarian meals.
P: I don’t believe it! You always have extra meals in business class.
A: Yes, but this is economy class.
P: You don’t understand. Let me explain one more time. I don’t eat meat. I ordered vegetarian. I can’t fly to Tokyo without dinner. It’s your job to bring me a meal. A business class vegetarian meal is fine.
A: Just a moment. Here you are, Sir. A vegetarian meal.
P: Thank you – but this is already open. And it’s cold! Uh, can I speak to the person in charge, please?
Exercise 4
A. Look at the picture of Carin Van Buren on her balancing scooter. Listen. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 It’s difficult to ride.
2 You can ride it on the pavement.
3 In a city, it’s faster than a bus.
4 It’s tiring to ride.
B. Listen again and answer the questions.
1 Does Carin ride the scooter to work?
Yes, she does.
2 How did she travel to work before?
3 How long does it take to learn?
4 How fast can the scooter go?
5 Does she think a scooter is better than a bike?
6 Where does she leave her scooter at work?
7 How does she feel when people laugh at her on her scooter?
8 Does she like it when people stop her and ask her questions?
Answer & Audioscript
1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T
2 By bike or (sometimes) by bus.
3 About two hours.
4 Twenty-five kilometers an hour.
5 Yes, she does.
6 Near her desk.
7 She feels stupid.
8 No, she doesn’t.
R = Reporter C = Carin
R: We’re in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and we’re talking to Carin van Buren. Carin’s riding a kind of scooter with a motor. Carin, what is this, um, machine called?
C: It’s a balancing scooter.
R: And do you ride it around the city?
C: Yes, I use it to go to work. Before this year, I went to work by bike or sometimes by bus. Then I saw a balancing scooter on the internet and thought, “That looks good,” and I bought one!
R: Is it difficult to ride?
C: No, it’s actually very easy.
R: And how long does it take to learn to ride?
C: It takes about two hours. Yes, it took me two hours.
R: Can you ride it on the sidewalk here?
C: No, you can’t. You have to ride it on the road or you can use the bike paths.
R: And how fast does it go?
C: The maximum speed is fifteen miles an hour, but I usually go slower than that.
R: Do you feel safe on it?
C: Yeah – yes, I do. I always wear a helmet. The scooter doesn’t go very fast, and it’s easy to stop.
R: And is it better than traveling by bus or bike?
C: I think so. By bus it took about forty-five minutes to go to work, and now it takes me twenty minutes by scooter. And it’s better than a bike because I’m not hot when I arrive at work.
R: Where do you leave your scooter at work?
C: I take it into my office, and I leave it near my desk.
R: Really?
C: Yeah, it isn’t a problem.
R: Is it tiring to ride?
C: Yes, it is quite tiring. You can’t really relax.
R: Is there anything else you don’t like about the scooter?
C: Sometimes people laugh at me, and I feel quite stupid. Oh yes, and people often stop me and ask questions about it! I don’t like that.
Exercise 5
A. Listen to the conversations and circle the correct option.
Jurgen recommends a restaurant to Greg, but
a) Greg doesn’t understand and takes the wrong street.
b) He gives bad directions, and Greg doesn’t find the restaurant.
c) Greg decides to stay home and eat pizza.
B. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 It’s Jurgen’s wife’s birthday. F
2 Greg and his wife like Chinese food.
3 Jurgen recommends a Chinese restaurant.
4 The restaurant is near the movie theater.
5 Greg and his wife find the restaurant.
6 The have pizza at the restaurant.
C. Listen again and complete the sentences.
1 What kind of food …do you like…?
2 Do you think my wife ……………………?
3 Can you tell ……………………?
4 Go down Mason Street past the pharmacy …………………… .
5 Then go straight …………………… 200 meters.
6 Oh, no – I’m so …………………… .
7 I feel terrible …………………… .
8 Don’t worry …………………… .
Answer & Audioscript
2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F
2 would like it 3 me the way 4 and turn left 5 on for about
6 sorry 7 about this 8 about it, really
G = Greg J = Jurgen
G: Hey, Jurgen. It’s my wife’s birthday tomorrow. Can you recommend a good restaurant?
J: Well, what kind of food do you like?
G: We both like Chinese food and, uh, French food.
J: There’s a good restaurant called Bouchon in town. It serves French food.
G: Do you think my wife would like it?
J: Yes, I think so. It’s quite romantic.
G: Where is it?
J: It’s in a small street near the movie theater.
G: Can you tell me the way?
J: From the movie theater, you go down Mason Street past the pharmacy and turn left.
G: Left at the pharmacy. OK …
J: Then go straight ahead for about two hundred meter – Bouchon is on the right. It isn’t far.
G: Great – thanks!
J: Hi, Greg. Did you find the restaurant?
G: No!
J: Oh? Why?
G: Your directions were all wrong! You said to turn left at the pharmacy.
J: Oh, no!
G: And we did, but it took us completely the wrong way!
J: Oh, no – I’m so sorry. I always mix up left and right.
G: Hm. My wife was really angry.
J: I feel terrible about this.
G: In the end, we went home and ordered pizza!
J: Oh, no!
G: Ah, well. Maybe next year! Don’t worry about it, really.
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