Exercise 1
A. Listen to two people doing the quiz. Answer the questions.
1 How many of their answers are the same?
2 Are they good travel partners?
B. Listen again. Write man (M) and woman (W) next to the answers in the quiz.
Going on vacation this year? Do the quiz and find your perfect travel partner!
1 I like traveling …
a) by plane
b) by train
c) by car
2 I like staying in …
a) a hotel
b) a self-catering apartment
c) a tent
3 I prefer …
a) relaxing on a beach
b) doing something athletic
c) going sightseeing
4 I like going on vacation …
a) in spring
b) in summer
c) in winter
5 When I’m on vacation I like eating …
a) local dishes
b) the food I usually eat
c) fast food
6 In the evenings I like …
a) going for a walk
b) going to a restaurant
c) going to a nightclub
7 My perfect vacation is …
a) a weekend
b) a week
c) a month
Answer & Audioscript
1 four 2 yes
1 a) M; b) W 2 b) M; a) W 3 c) M, W 4 a) M; b) W
5 a) M, W 6 b) M, W 7 c) M, W
M = Man W = Woman
M: So, on vacation, how do you like to travel? By plane, train or car?
W: Well, I don’t like airports, so put “train”. I hate traveling by car.
M: Me, too. I put “plane” because, well, planes are faster than trains.
W: Not always! OK, number two. It says, “I like staying in a) a hotel, b) a self-catering apartment or c) a tent.”
M: Forget the tent! Uh, in an apartment. And you?
W: In a hotel.
M: Really? A hotel’s more expensive than an apartment!
W: Yeah, but it’s more comfortable. Hmm … next question. Do you prefer relaxing on a beach, doing something athletic or going sightseeing?
M: What does it mean – something athletic?
W: Uh, playing tennis or maybe golf.
M: No, thank you! Not on vacation. But I hate staying on the beach all day. Boring!
W: OK – there’s one we answered the same. So we agree about that.
M: Yeah, sightseeing’s definitely more interesting than the beach!
W: Right. When do you like going on vacation: In the spring, summer or winter?
M: In spring – I never go on vacation in winter, but I don’t really like very hot weather. Tourist places are more crowded in summer.
W: True. But the weather’s better. Summer’s hotter than spring. I love hot weather.
M: Well, we don’t agree there. Anyway, next question. What do you like eating local dishes, the food you usually eat or fast food?
W: Local dishes, I think. You?
M: Definitely!
W: Hmm, interesting. Next, At night I like going for a walk, going to a restaurant or going to a nightclub.
M: Uh, going to a restaurant.
W: Oh, good. Me, too. I don’t like noisy places.
M: Yes, I agree. Restaurants are quieter, more relaxing. But I like going for a walk, too, sometimes, so I’m not sure. OK, let’s say “going to a restaurant”.
W: And the last question, how long is your ideal vacation?
M: Three months.
W: You can’t have three months! The answer is “a weekend, a week or a month”.
M: OK, a month then.
W: Me, too!
M: Maybe we can travel together …
C: Ss look at their quiz answers again and compare them with the man and woman’s answers. If they get four or more answers the same, they are good travel partners – though Ss may have different opinions!
Exercise 2
A. Listen to a conversation with a Silk Route Tour cyclist. Underline the answers he gives in a)—f).
a) “It was Turpan, China.”
“For me, the Gobi Desert: 122 degrees Fahrenheit!”
b) “The Blue Mosque. I took 100 pictures.”
“The Bibi-Khanym Mosque.”
c) “Meeting locals everywhere.”
“Arriving in Istanbul.”
d) “About 93 miles, in western China.”
“I don’t remember … at least 62 miles.”
e) “The mountains in Kyrgyzstan.”
“The desert at night. There was snow!”
f) “Iran; the people there were so kind.”
“Everywhere, really.”
Answer & Audioscript
a) “It was Turpan, China.”
b) “The Bibi-Khanym Mosque.”
c) “Arriving in Istanbul.”
d) “About 150 kilometers, in western China.”
e) “The mountains in Kyrgyzstan.”
f) “Iran; the people there were so kind.”
I = Interviewer J = Jeff
I: So, Jeff, a few questions about the trip. What was the coldest place you visited?
J: The coldest place was in the mountains in Kyrgyzstan. There was lots of snow, too.
I: Really? And what was the hottest place?
J: Well, it was Turpan, China. I think it was over one hundred and twenty-two degrees Fahrenheit.
I: Oh, was it? And what was the friendliest place?
J: That’s an impossible question. I can’t say. We met so many fantastic people. I think Iran – the people there were so kind. Perhaps that was my biggest surprise.
I: OK. What was the longest you traveled in one day?
J: One day we traveled about ninety-three miles in Western China. That was a long day!
I: Very! So what was the most beautiful building you saw?
J: There were some great ones in all of the countries, but my favorite building was the Bibi-Khanym Mosque in Uzbekistan. I think it’s the most beautiful building in the world.
I: Wow! So what was the most amazing experience of the journey?
J: Arriving in Istanbul after seven thousand five hundred miles. Amazing!
Exercise 3
A. Look at the map and find “Start here”. Listen to a woman asking for directions.

1 The Air and Space Museum
2 The Capital
B. Listen again. How does the woman ask for directions? Complete the conversations.
W: Excuse me.
M: Yes?
W: 1_____ you 2_____me 3_____ _____ _____ _____ the Air and Space Museum?
M: Yeah. You go straight on this pedestrian street.
W: Excuse me. 4_____ _____the Capitol 5_____ here?
M: Uh. let me think. Yes, the Capitol is at one end of The National Mall.
C. Number the directions to the Capitol in order. Then listen again and check.
a) Then turn left. The name of the street is 3rd Street.
b) The next street is a diagonal.
c) Go straight here for three blocks. 1
d) Then turn left on 1st Street. The Capitol is on the right.
e) Go straight for a short block.
f) Go past the East Building of the National Gallery of Art on the left.
g) Go left at the corner. I think it’s PennsyIvania Avenue.
Answer & Audioscript
1 L 2 C
1 Can 2 tell 3 how to get to 4 Is there 5 near
a) 6 b) 3 d) 4 e) 7 f) 2 g) 5
W = Woman M = man
W: Excuse me.
M: Yes?
W: Can you tell me how to get to the Air and Space Museum?
M: Yeah. You go straight on this pedestrian street. And, can you see those sculptures?
W: Yes.
M: Well, turn right at the corner after the Sculpture Garden.
W: Turn right?
M: Yes. Then you go past some grass, that’s the middle of The National Mall, and you’ll arrive at the intersection of 7th street and Jefferson Drive. On your right, you’ll see a large cylindrical building. That’s the Hirshhorm Museum. You can’t miss it.
W: OK.
M: There are always a lot of walking tours there. Turn left on Jefferson Drive, and it will be on your right side with a large pointed silver sculpture on top.
W: Thanks. So it’s at the corner after the Sculpture Garden and then past some grass, and then it’s on the left, on Jeff … ?
M: Jefferson Drive.
W: Jefferson Drive. Right, thanks.
M: No problem.
W: Excuse me, is the Capitol near here?
M: Uh. let me think. Yes, the Capitol is at one end of The National Mall. But it’s not very close.
W: Can you tell me how to get there?
M: I think the easiest way is, uh … OK, go straight here for three blocks. Then turn left. The name of the street is 3rd Street.
W: 3rd Street.
M: Yes, and keep walking. Go past the East Building of the National Gallery of Art on the left. The next street is a diagonal. Go left at the corner. I think it’s Pennsylvania Avenue.
W: Pennsylvania Avenue. OK.
M: Go straight for a short block. Then turn left on 1st Street. The Capitol is on the right. You can’t miss it. It’s really big.
W: Can I just check the first part? So straight here for three blocks, then turn right after the East Building of the National Gallery of Art.
M: No, turn left.
W: Turn left and after a short block go left onto 1st.
M: Yes.
W: Uh, can you repeat the last part?
M: OK, at the East Building of the National Gallery of Art go left.
W: OK, and then the Capitol is on the right.
M: Yes.
W: How far away is it?
M: Oh, about twenty minutes from here.
W: Thanks very much.
M: You’re welcome.
Exercise 4
A. Listen to a man talk about a place in his city. Which questions does he answer?
• Where is it?
• What can you find or see there?
• When is the best time to go there?
• Why do you like it?
Answer & Audioscript
Where is it? (East of Massachusetts)
What can you find or see there? (water, boats, sailboats, historic and interesting places.)
Why do you like it? (I can sit there, have a coffee sail or watch people on the boats or by the water.)
OK, so this place is in Massachusetts. Boston is in the in the east of Massachusetts and most tourists don’t know about it. It’s called; The Cradle of Liberty, which derives from its role in the American Revolution. There are lots of boats and historical and interesting places. There are lots of good restaurants and cafés next to the water. I like it because I can sit there, have a coffee and watch people on the boats or by the water. Boston is a lovely place in the daytime or at night. And it’s one of the best places to take pictures. You can take a picture of the sailboats or the water or the people. Some of the people are very interesting. I think the best time to take a picture is in the early morning or in the early evening because it’s really quiet and the light is beautiful.
Exercise 5
A. Look at the map and listen to Nick’s audio diary. Does his train go to or from Moscow?

B. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
1 The Trans-Siberian train journey takes nine days. F
The Trans-Siberian train journey takes seven days.
2 The compartment is for two people.
3 Anton doesn’t speak much English.
4 Nick can see snow, forests, villages, and lakes out of the window.
5 Nick and Anton buy food from women on the train.
6 They drink a lot of coffee on the train.
7 On the last evening of the journey, Nick went to a party.
8 Nick loved the Trans-Siberian train journey.
Answer & Audioscript
His train goes from Moscow.
2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 T 8 T
Hello. It’s 9:48 a.m. on Monday December the second. I’m Nick Young, and I’m on the Trans-Siberian train. Welcome to my audio diary. First of all, some facts: The Trans-Siberian is the longest train journey in the world. It’s five thousand seven hundred and seventy eight miles and takes seven days. So, this is day one. We left the city an hour ago, and I’m here in my compartment. It’s very comfortable, with two beds, one for me and one for Anton. Anton’s from Sweden, and he’s very friendly. He doesn’t speak much English, but that’s not a problem.
Hi, Nick here. It’s day three, and we’re in Siberia. Out of the window you can see snow and forests and small villages for mile after mile. It’s beautiful. About every two hours the train stops at a small station, and there are women selling bread, fish, fruit or vegetables. We often buy food for lunch or dinner. When we get back on the train, we chat and read and have more cups of tea. Then we have lunch and then dinner, and then we go to bed. It’s all very relaxing.
Hi there. This is my last audio diary on this journey. In one hour, we get into Vladivostok station! Last night, the Russian lady in the carriage next door had her fiftieth birthday party. It was crowded, but we had a good time! So what do I think about the Trans-Siberian train? Fantastic! And my best memories? Great dark forests, small Russian villages, and some good new friends. I really think this is the best journey of my life!
Exercise 6
A. Look at the map and correct A’s directions. Then listen and repeat.

1 A: So, the park’s between the movie theater and the pharmacy.
B: No, it’s …behind… the movie theater and the pharmacy.
2 A: So, the supermarket’s between the movie theater and the pharmacy.
B: No, it’s between ________________.
3 A: So, the movie theater is the fourth building on the left.
B: No, it’s ________________.
4 A: So, the café is the fourth building on the left.
B: No, it’s ________________.
5 A: So, the post office is across from the bank.
B: No, it’s across from ________________.
6 A: So, the town hall is across from the bank.
B: No, it’s ________________ the bank.
Answer & Audioscript
1 A: So, the park’s between the movie theater and the pharmacy.
B: No, it’s behind the movie theater and the pharmacy.
2 A: So, the supermarket’s between the movie theater and the pharmacy.
B: No, it’s between the movie theater and the post office.
3 A: So, the movie theater is the fourth building on the left.
B: No, it’s the third building on the left.
4 A: So, the café is the fourth building on the left.
B: No, it’s the fourth building on the right.
5 A: So, the post office is across from the bank.
B: No, it’s across from the museum.
6 A: So, the town hall is across from the bank.
B: No, it’s next to the bank.
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