
1. Listen and answer the questions.

 What floor do John and Stella live on?

     ……They live on the fourth floor. ……

 What is John’s favourite subject at school?


 What time does his piano lesson start?


 What time does his piano lesson finish?


 What does John do on Fridays?


 When do John and his friends play music together?



 His favourite subject is History.

 It starts at six o’clock.

 It finishes at quarter to seven.

 He goes swimming.

 They play music together on Saturdays.


John   My name’s John Phillips. I’m Stella’s brother. We live on the fourth floor of a block of flats in Brighton. My favourite subject at school is History. I don’t like Maths. On Mondays I have a piano lesson. The lesson starts at six o’clock and finishes at quarter to seven. On Fridays I go swimming with my friends. On Saturdays we play music together. We are in a band.

2. Listen to five people and write the dates of their birthdays. Write sentences.

1   Elaine’s birthday is on 14 May.

2   …………………………………

3   …………………………………

4   …………………………………

5   …………………………………


 Ralph’s birthday is on 12 April.

 Iza’s birthday is on 8 August.

 Chris’s birthday is on 29 February.

 Samantha’s birthday is on 26 December.



Elaine   My name’s Elaine. I’m twelve. My birthday is on the fourteenth of May.


Ralph   I’m Ralph. Today is the twelfth of April. It’s my birthday today. I’m thirteen.


Iza   My name’s Iza. My favourite month is August. My birthday is in August. It’s on the eighth.


Chris   I’m Chris. I don’t have a birthday every year. Why? Because my birthday is on the twenty-ninth of February.


Samantha   My name’s Samantha. My birthday is one day after Christmas Day. Christmas Day is on the twenty-fifth of December and my birthday is on the twenty-sixth.

3. Write the words in the correct order to make questions.

1   Lisa / does / live / Where

     Where does Lisa live?

2   get up / time / does / What / she


3   go to / time / work / parents / do / What / her


4   play / does / sports / What / Lisa


5   Maths / Lisa / Does / like


6   do / do / on Saturdays / Lisa / What / and her friends



 What time does she get up?

 What time do her parents go to work?

 What sports does Lisa play?

 Does Lisa like Maths?

 What do Lisa and her friends do on Saturdays?

4. Listen to Lisa and answer the questions from exercise 3.

1   She lives in ……Leeds…… .

2   She gets up at ……………………. .

3   They go to work at ……………………. .

4   She plays ……………………. .

5   ……………………. .

6   They ……………………. .


 She gets up at half past seven.

 They go to work at eight o’clock.

 She plays tennis and football.

 No, she doesn’t.

 They go shopping.


Lisa   Hi. My name’s Lisa. I’m twelve years old. I live in Leeds. I get up at half past seven. My parents go to work at eight o’clock. My brother and I walk to school. School starts at nine o’clock. I like sports. I play tennis and football. My brother doesn’t like sports. He likes Maths. I don’t! My favourite lesson is History. On Saturdays I go shopping with my friends.

5. Listen and write what jobs Toby does and doesn’t do in the house.

Things Toby does:

1   He sets the table.

2   …………………………………

3   …………………………………

4   …………………………………

Things Toby doesn’t do:

5   He doesn’t cook dinner.

6   …………………………………

7   …………………………………

8   …………………………………


 He loads the dishwasher.

 He tidies his room.

 He makes his bed.

 He doesn’t feed the dog.

 He doesn’t take the dog for a walk.

 He doesn’t vacuum the floor.


Interviewer   Toby, can I ask you a few questions about jobs you do in the house?

Toby   Yes, of course.

Interviewer   Do you cook dinner?

Toby   No, I can’t cook. My mum usually cooks. Sometimes my dad helps her. I set the table before dinner and after dinner I load the dishwasher.

Interviewer   Do you tidy your room?

Toby   Yes, I do. I tidy it every Saturday and I make my bed every day in the morning.

Interviewer   Have you got a pet?

Toby   Yes, we’ve got a dog.

Interviewer   Do you feed it?

Toby   No, I don’t. My sister feeds her every day and my dad takes her for a walk.

Interviewer   Do you vacuum the floor?

Toby   No, I don’t. I never vacuum the floor.

Interviewer   Thank you.

6. a Listen. Are the statements true or false?

1   Luke and his friends are in the same class.

2   Luke plays the drums.

3   The teachers don’t like the band’s music.

4   Ed often cooks at Luke’s house.

5   Luke always sets the table.

b   Complete the questions about Luke and his friends. Then listen again and answer them.

 What school ……do…… they all go to?

      They ……all go to Northview Secondary School……

 How ………… they get to school?

      They ………………………………

 What instrument ………… Sarah play?

      She ………………………………

 Where ………… they practise?

     They ………………………………

 ………… the teachers like Luke’s Maths?


 ………… Luke like PE and Geography?


 What subject ………… Ed know everything about?

     He ………………………………

 What ………… they all love eating?

     They ………………………………



2 True   3 False   4 True

5 False   6 True


2   do; They take the bus.

3   does; She plays the guitar.

4   do; They practise in the school gym.

5   Do; No, they don’t.

6   Does; Yes, he does.

7   does; He knows everything about History.

8   do; They all love eating Ed’s food.


Luke   I’m Luke. This is a picture of me and my friends. We go to the same school – Northview Secondary School. We take the bus together. Ed and I are in Year 7 and Sarah is in Year 8. We all play in a band. Sarah plays the guitar, Ed sings and I play the drums. We always play at school parties and we sometimes practise after school in the gym. Everyone watches us. The teachers like our music. But they don’t like my Maths! I’m not good at it. I enjoy PE and Geography.

Sarah is good at French – she speaks it well. And Ed knows everything about History! He likes cooking, too. He often cooks dinner for us at his house. I never cook, but I always set the table and load the dishwasher. And we all love eating Ed’s food!

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