Exercise 1
People are describing how they feel. Listen and circle the problem.
1. a. an upset stomach
b. the flu
2. a. a sore throat
b. a headache
3. a. a toothache
b. a cold
4. a. a backache
b. a headache
5. a. an upset stomach
b. a sore throat
6. a. a cold
b. a backache
Answer & Transcript
A: I feel terrible today. I ate too much last night and my stomach doesn’t feel well at all.
B: You should take something for it.
A: This pain in my head in terrible.
B: Let me get you some aspirin.
A: Thanks. That’s just what I need.
A: I’m not going to school today. I’ve got to see the dentist. My tooth is really bothering me.
B: Oh, that’s too bad.
A: I think I’ll stay in bed today. I think I hurt myself carrying those bags on the weekend. My back is killing me.
B: Can I give you a massage? Maybe that will help.
A: Oh, yeah. Thanks. I’ll try anything.
A: How do you feel?
B: Sorry. I can’t talk.
A: Let me get you some hot lemon tea. That should help
B: Thanks.
A: I need to go to the drugstore. I have a bad cold and my head is all stuffed up.
B: Oh, that’s too bad. I hope you feel better soon.
Exercise 2
Task 1
People are asking friends what they take for a cold. Listen and number the pictures.

Task 2
Listen again. Where did each person learn the cold remedy? Circle the correct answer.
1. a. his grandmother
b. his mother
c. his grandparents
2. a. a radio commercial
b. a TV commercial
c. a TV show
3. a. the newspaper
b. her mother
c. her doctor
4. a. a co-worker
b. a roommate
c. a Korean woman
5. a. in an e-mail
b. on the TV
c. on the Internet
6. a. a pianist
b. an opera singer
c. a stranger
Answer & Transcript
A: What do you take for a bad cold, Ted?
B: Oh, I have this great cold remedy. It always works. I chop up a bunch of garlic, put it in hot water, then drink it.
A: Gross! That sounds awful.
B: It is awful. I hated it when I was a kid. But my grandmother made me drink it every time I got a cold, and I always felt better a few hours later. It works for her, too. She’s going to be ninety-four years old this summer!
A: Hmm. Maybe I should try it.
A: What do you think is the best thing to take for a cold?
B: I take that new cold medicine. You know, the one they advertise on TV.
A: I’ve seen that commercial. The one with the dancing pink pills, right?
B: That’s the one. Well, anyway, I had this really bad cold a few months ago and I was watching TV when the commercial came on. So I thought, you know, why not try it? It worked so well for me. Now it’s the only thing I take.
A: It sounds pretty effective.
A: Do you have a good cold remedy?
B: Oh, sure. Chicken soup.
A: No way! Does that really work?
B: Have some. I promise you’ll feel better.
A: Who makes the soup? Your mom?
B: Actually, my mom’s a doctor, so she doesn’t believe that chicken soup really works. So I make it myself. I just go down to the supermarket and pick up a can. I got the idea from a story I read in the newspaper. It was all about this guy who ate chicken soup for every meal, and now he’s over a hundred years old.
A: I don’t know. I never believe that stuff.
A: What do you take for a bad cold, Jill?
B: Well, I don’t like to take those cold medicines. They put me to sleep. I bought this last time I had a cold.
A: Whoa, what is that? It looks like the root of a plant.
B: it’s called ginseng.
A: It looks kind of weird.
B: Yeah, but it really works. I live across the street from this woman from Korea, and she told me to try it. You should try it, too!
A: Well, I’ll think about it.
A: What do you take for a cold, Helen?
B: Oh, orange juice. It’s supposed to be good for you because it has a lot of Vitamin C in it. I make a big pitcher of it and drink it all the time.
A: Interesting. Maybe I should try it.
B: You really should. I read about it on this website for health problems, you know, on the Internet? It says that drinking a lot of orange juice can cure just about anything – even stuff like toothaches and sore muscles!
A: Well, I’m not sure about that. But I’ll try it next time I have a cold.
A: Do you have a good cold remedy?
B: Oh, sure. I usually make some hot tea – with a little honey and lemon juice in it. I feel much better after that.
A: Yeah, but you probably take cold medicine, too.
B: No, not at all. Those cold medicines make me feel really strange. I was complaining about it one day to this friend of mine who is an opera singer. She told me to try that tea. She said it’s what all the famous singers drink when they have a cold.
A: Oh, yeah? Has your singing improved, too?
B: Actually, I think it has. Listen!
Exercise 3
Task 1
Four people are talking about health problems. Listen and check the correct information.
1. Patrick What is the problem? When did the problem start? Has he had this problem before? Has he taken anything for it? Has he seen a doctor for it |
◻ a headache ◻ this morning ◻ yes ◻ yes ◻ yes |
◻ a stomachache ◻ last night ◻ no ◻ no ◻ no |
2. Jenna What is the problem? When did the problem start? Has he had this problem before? Has he taken anything for it? Has he seen a doctor for it |
◻ a sore arm ◻ on Saturday ◻ yes ◻ yes ◻ yes |
◻ a sore hand ◻ on Sunday ◻ no ◻ no ◻ no |
3. Kenneth What is the problem? When did the problem start? Has he had this problem before? Has he taken anything for it? Has he seen a doctor for it |
◻ an eye infection ◻ last week ◻ yes ◻ yes ◻ yes |
◻ an ear infection ◻ last weekend ◻ no ◻ no ◻ no |
4. Alexis What is the problem? When did the problem start? Has he had this problem before? Has he taken anything for it? Has he seen a doctor for it |
◻ food poisoning ◻ two days ago ◻ yes ◻ yes ◻ yes |
◻ a stomachache ◻ two weeks ago ◻ no ◻ no ◻ no |
Task 2
Listen again. What phrase completes each statement? Write the correct letter.
1. If he’s not better, he can’t go to ……
2. If she’s not better, she won’t be able to ……
3. He has to ……
4. She probably won’t go to ……
a. play tennis.
b. play in a band.
c. his friend’s concert.
d. her friend’s party.
Answer & Transcript
I woke up this morning with a really bad stomachache. At first I thought it was because I ate a really big dinner last night. I often have a stomachache if I eat too much. Anyway, I took some medicine, but I don’t think it’s working because my stomach still feels funny. So I’m going to see the doctor tomorrow. Maybe she can give me something stronger. It’s awful because if I’m sick, I can’t go to my friend’s concert tomorrow night.
I really hurt my arm playing tennis on Saturday. It’s strange because I’ve been playing tennis for a long time, and I’ve never had this problem before. I can hardly lift my arm at all. It’s really sore. I’ve been taking aspirin for the pain and that helps a little, but if it isn’t any better tomorrow, I’ll go and see the sports doctor. It’s annoying because we have the tennis championships this weekend. If it isn’t better, I won’t be able to play.
I have a bad ear infection. It started after I went swimming last weekend. It’s really painful and I can hardly sleep at night. I often get ear infections in the summer. The doctor gave me some ear drops and some antibiotics, so it should get better in a few days. I hope my ears get better because I have to play in a band at a party next Saturday.
I came down with food poisoning two days ago. It was awful I went out for dinner and ate fish. I don’t think the fish was fresh because I got really sick in the middle of the night. Luckily, I had some medicine in the house because I had the same problem once before. I didn’t go to the doctor. I just took the medicine and I feel better today. Unfortunately, I probably won’t go to my best friend’s birthday party tonight. I still don’t feel 100 percent well. That’s life, I guess!
Exercise 4
People are talking about health problems. What is each person’s problem? listen and write the correct letter.
1. Julia …….
2. Henry …….
3. Regina …….
4. Dale …….
5. Victoria …….
a. sore throat
b. stomachache
c. cold
d. toothache
e. backache
Answer & Transcript
1 d 2 b 3 c 4 e 5 a
A: Hi, Julia. You don’t look very well. Are you going to work today?
B: No, I think I’m going to stay home. My tooth really hurts. The pain is just awful.
A: Henry, are you okay? You don’t look so good.
B: I have a stomachache. I ate too much at Dennis’ party last night.
A: You should take something for it.
A: Hey, Regina. Is your cold any better?
B: No, it’s not. I feel terrible. I can’t breathe very well. And I keep sneezing.
A: That’s too bad. You should eat a lot of chicken noodle soup.
A: Ouch! I think I just hurt my back.
B: Oh, no! What happened, Dale?
A: I was trying to lift the TV and… ouch!
A: How are you feeling, Victoria?
B: My throat is really sore.
A: Really? What happened?
B: I went to a football game last night and yelled too much.
Exercise 5
Madeleine is telling a friend about her health problem. listen and circle the correct answer.
1. What’s the problem?
a. a toothache
b. an earache
c. a weight problem
2. When did the problem start?
a. last week
b. two weeks ago
c. yesterday
3. How often has she had this problem?
a. never
b. a few times
c. often
4. What did she do for it?
a. took some aspirin
b. put some drops in her ear
c. drank some hot tea
5. When will she see a doctor?
a. never
b. today
c. tomorrow
Answer & Transcript
1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 c
I woke up with an awful ache in my right ear yesterday morning. I’m trying to lose weight, so I’ve been swimming every day for two weeks now. I’ve never had any earaches before. My ear really hurts! I think the water may not be good for it. Anyway, I put some drops in my ear and that has helped a little bit. I’m still going to go to the doctor tomorrow, though.
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