Exercise 1
People are talking about vehicles. Listen and number the pictures.

Answer & Transcript
A: Let me show you this two-door car.
B: You mean the blue one?
A: That’s right. People love renting this car. It’s fast and fun, and it’s got a really great stereo system. You’ll have a great time at the beach with this car.
B: Well, I don’t know. I am going to the beach, but I’m taking my brother and his kids with me. Do you have anything bigger, and, you know, safer? Like a minivan?
A: Sure. There’s one right behind you.
A: I’m so glad we tented this time.
B: Me, too. The RV was a little more expensive than a regular car, but it’s so roomy and comfortable. And the kids love it.
A: Yeah. They can really stretch out and relax in here.
B: And that means we can relax, too.
A: So, what do you think?
B: Wow! What a beautiful sports car!
A: I know. It’s really fast.
B: How do you afford a car like this? Do you have a really important job?
A: Well, actually, I’m still a student. This is just a rental car.
B: Oh, I see. Well, it’s still a very nice car.
A: Hi, there! Can I help you?
B: Yeah, I need to rent a car but I don’t want to spend too much.
A: Then you’ve come to the right place! Here at Rent-A-Wreck we fix up old cars and rent them for the lowest prices in town.
B: Nice. Do they still run okay?
A: Oh sure, and they’re only $20 a day.
A: Wow! Just look at this baby! How long is it, anyway? 4 meters?5?
B: Almost, but not quite. Let me open the door for you, sir.
A: Hey, thanks! Geez, it’s so big inside! I could put my whole apartment in here! They’ll be really impressed when I come to the wedding in a car like this!
B: Is this your first time renting a limo, sir?
A: Yeah. How did you know?
I’m moving this weekend, so I rented a big yellow truck. I’m really glad I did. It doesn’t cost very much, and there’s plenty of room for my things. And that’s good, you know, because when I started moving my boxes out of the house, I realized that I had a lot of stuff. And I mean a lot. It would take all day to move it in my tiny car.
Exercise 2
Task 1
People are discussing cars at a rental agency. Listen and check the correct information:
Rental period | Size | Location |
◻ weekend ◻ one week ◻ more than a week |
◻ small ◻ medium ◻ large |
◻ city ◻ airport
Rental period | Size | Location |
◻ weekend ◻ one week ◻ more than a week |
◻ small ◻ medium ◻ large |
◻ city ◻ airport
Rental period | Size | Location |
◻ weekend ◻ one week ◻ more than a week |
◻ small ◻ medium ◻ large |
◻ city ◻ airport
Rental period | Size | Location |
◻ weekend ◻ one week ◻ more than a week |
◻ small ◻ medium ◻ large |
◻ city ◻ airport
Task 2
Listen again. Why does each person want to rent a car? Circle the correct answer.
1. a. business
b. pleasure
c. business and pleasure
2. a. business
b. pleasure
c. business and pleasure
3. a. business
b. pleasure
c. business and pleasure
4. a. business
b. pleasure
c. business and pleasure
Answer & Transcript
A: Hi. I’m in town on business and I need a car.
B: Sure. How long do you need it for?
A: I guess for seven days. Then I can use it to go sightseeing over the weekend when I finish my business here.
B: Fine. We have lots of cars for you to choose from. But first, will you be the only driver?
A: Yes, I will.
B: Okay. What kind of car would you like?
A: Just a regular, medium-size car.
B: Great. When you finish with the car, do you want to leave it in the city or at the airport?
A: I’ll leave it at the airport.
B: Certainly. Let me just check and see what we can offer you.
A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, I’d like to rent a car, please. I need it from Friday till Sunday. It’s my wife’s birthday and we’re celebrating.
A: Certainly, sir. We have special rates for the weekend.
B: That’s perfect!
A: Will you be the only driver?
B: No. My son will also be driving.
A: Okay. Would you like a small car?
B: Well, no. There will be six of us, so we’ll need a large car or van.
A: Of course. No problem. And do you want to leave it at the airport when you finish?
B: No, we’ll be staying in the city for a few more days, but we won’t need the car after Sunday.
A: Okay. Then you can leave it at the city location.
A: Hi. I’d like to rent a car please.
B: Sure.
A: I’m here for meetings all next week, and I’ll need a car to get around.
B: Certainly. Just for yourself, ma’am?
A: That’s right. I’ll be the only driver. I don’t need a large car.
B: How about a nice new Volkswagen Beetle? It’s small, but very comfortable.
A: Sounds good.
B: And you can either bring it back here to the airport when you finish or drop it off in the city.
A: I’ll bring it back here to the airport, thanks.
B: Fine. Then, let me tell you how much it’s going to cost.
A: Hi. My sister and I are here for a vacation and we’d like to rent a car.
B: All right. Is that for a week?
A: No. It’ll be for ten days altogether.
B: Okay. I have a nice large car available.
A: Well, there are just the two of us, so we don’t need such a big car.
B: I see. Just you and your sister. Will both of you be driving?
A: No, just me. She doesn’t have a license.
B: Okay. I think I have a nice, new, medium-size car that just came in. How’s that?
A: Sounds great.
B: And where will you drop it off when you finish?
A: Oh, here at the airport, if that’s okay.
B: That’s fine.
Exercise 3
Task 1
A car rental agent is suggesting different options to customers. Do the customers accept or refuse the options? Listen and check the correct answer.
Accept |
Refuse |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. |
◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ |
◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ |
Task 2
Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check the correct answer.
True | False | |
1. A large car costs an extra $5 a day. | ◻ | ◻ |
2. A city guide costs $50. | ◻ | ◻ |
3. The customer is leaving on Saturday. | ◻ | ◻ |
4. The customer thinks that the cost of the accident insurance is reasonable. | ◻ | ◻ |
5. The customer is the only person that will be driving a car. | ◻ | ◻ |
6. The customer rarely rents a car. | ◻ | ◻ |
Answer & Transcript
A: Right now you’re talking a small car, but you know, I can give you a much more comfortable car if you like.
B: How much more will it cost to take a large car?
A: It’s only an extra $5 a day if you take it for the whole weekend.
B: Oh, that’s a good idea because we’ll have more room. We have three children, so a bigger car would be much more comfortable.
A: Would you like to buy a city guide?
B: How much is it?
A: It’s $15.
B: Fifteen dollars? Can I look at it?
A: Sure. Here you are.
B: Let me see what kind of information it has in it. Hmm, sightseeing, restaurants, hotels. Actually, I already have a guide that has all that information. So, thanks anyway.
A: No problem.
A: It’s cheaper for you to take the car for three days instead of just for two days.
B: How come?
A: Well, it’s $30 a day, but if you take it for three days, we have a special rate of just $70 altogether.
B: I see. Actually, I’m leaving on Sunday. I really only need it for two days. Thanks anyway.
A: Would you like to take out accident insurance? We have an excellent policy we can offer you. Take a look at this brochure. It gives you all the information you’ll need.
B: Thanks. Let me see… what does it say? Oh, I see. It only costs an extra five dollars a day. That seems pretty reasonable.
A: So, you’ll take the accident insurance?
B: Yes. I think I will because I can drive without worrying.
A: You certainly can.
A: Now, are you sure you wouldn’t like to rent a bigger car? The car you’ve asked for only has two doors. It’s probably more convenient to have a four-door car.
B: Does it cost any more?
A: It’s just an extra $10 for a four-door.
B: Well, I don’t think it’s necessary because I’ll be alone. A small two-door car is fine. Thanks anyway.
A: You rent cars a lot. Are you interested in joining our car rental club? You can save money on car rentals that way. We have branches in all the major cities.
B: Hmm. Sounds interesting. Can I look at the brochure, please?
A: Here you are.
B: Hmm. This is good. I can get a 20 percent discount every time I rent a car.
A: That’s right. Twenty percent off every time.
B: Excellent. I think I’d like to join, please. I can save a lot of money.
Exercise 4
People are renting vehicles. Why does each person need to rent a vehicle? Listen and write the correct letter.
1. The man is …….
2. The woman is …….
3. The woman is …….
4. The man is …….
5. The woman is …….
a. moving to a new apartment.
b. going on a weekend trip.
c. going to a conference.
d. moving to a new office.
e. going to a wedding.
Answer & Transcript
1 b 2 e 3 e 4 d 5 a
A: Good morning. Can I help you, sir?
B: Yes, I’d like to rent a large, roomy vehicle for three days.
A: Okay… Are you moving to a new apartment?
B: No, I’m just going on a weekend trip with my family.
A: Well, I think you’d be most comfortable in a minivan. Is that okay?
B: Sure.
A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, I need to rent a car this week while I’m here for a conference.
A: Well, we have several different small cars available. Would you like a Volkswagen Beetle or a sports car?
B: A sports car? Sounds fun! I’ll try it.
A: My husband and I would like to rent a car this Saturday. We’re in town for a friend’s wedding. What kind of car do you suggest?
B: I think a medium-size one would be fine.
A: Okay. We’ll take it. Thank you.
A: Hello, how can I help you?
B: Well, my business partners and I are moving to our new office this weekend and we need to rent something big enough for us to move everything.
A: In that case, I think a large truck will be best for you.
B: That sounds perfect. Thank you.
A: My roommate and I would like to rent a vehicle this Sunday.
B: Okay, what kind of vehicle do you need?
A: Well, we’re moving to a new apartment. We don’t have a lot of stuff… mostly books and clothes, and a computer and stereo, and television.
B: A small truck should work just fine.
A: Okay. Thank you.
Exercise 5
Ms. Streeter is renting a car. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check the correct answer.
True | False | |
1. She reserved a small car. | ◻ | ◻ |
2. She’ll take the larger car. | ◻ | ◻ |
3. She’ll take if for three days. | ◻ | ◻ |
4. She’ll get extra insurance. | ◻ | ◻ |
5. She’ll join the rental club. | ◻ | ◻ |
Answer & Transcript
1 True 4 False
2 True 5 True
3 False
A: Hello, Ms. Streeter. I see you reserved a small car. We can upgrade you to a medium-size car if you like.
B: Oh? How much will that cost?
A: Just another $10 a day.
B: Well, I do have a lot of luggage. Yes, I’ll take the medium-size car.
A: Okay. And, let’s see, you’re down for 2 days, but we have a three-day special right now. Your third day is absolutely free.
B: Well, that’s nice. But I’m only in town for two days.
A: Oh, I see. Well, you also have the option of getting extra insurance. Would you…
B: No, I’m? very careful driver, so I don’t need insurance, just the car, please.
A: Okay, but before you go, would you like to join our rental club? If you join, the next time you rent a car, it will be ready for you when you arrive at the rental location.
B: You mean I don’t have to stand here and answer a lot of questions?
A: That’s right.
B: Okay, I’ll join. Where do I sign?
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