
1. Underline the correct forms of the verb be.

1   You …have to… wash your hands before you go into this room.

2   Excuse me, madam. You ……………. stand up until the plane has stopped.

3   I’m sorry, sir. You ……………. take photos in here with a flash.

4   Excuse me. I’m afraid you ……………. wear your seat belt all the time.

5   Visitors ……………. wear hard hats when they come to this building site.

6   I’m sorry. You ……………. smoke in the toilet.


2 can’t   3 can’t   4 have to   5 have to   6 can’t

2. Underline the correct words to complete the text.

I work as a receptionist in a big hotel, so I (1) must / mustn’t / can always be polite to the guests. During the week, I (2) don’t have to / can’t / must go to bed late because I have to start work early. Fortunately, I (3) don’t have to / mustn’t / can’t wear a uniform, but I (4) can / mustn’t / have to dress smartly.

My sister’s a student, so she (5) mustn’t / doesn’t have to / can’t get up early most days. However, she (6) doesn’t have to / mustn’t / has to study very hard at the moment because she’s got important exams next month.

My dad’s a taxi driver, so he often (7) has to / mustn’t / can’t work in the evenings and at weekends. He (8) doesn’t have to / mustn’t / must drive fast because there are speed cameras everywhere in my town.

My mum’s a nurse, so she (9) has to / mustn’t / can’t wear a uniform when she’s at work. Sometimes she starts work very early but my dad usually takes her to work in his taxi, so she (10) must / doesn’t have to / mustn’t get the bus.


2 can’t   3 don’t have to   4 have to   5 doesn’t have to   6 has to

7 has to   8 mustn’t   9 has to   10 doesn’t have to

3. Flavia works in a call center. Read her office rules. Complete Flavia’s description of her work with have to, can or can’t and the words in brackets.

Office Rules

Employees must wear a uniform at all times.

Employees must not check emails during working hours.

You must not talk to other employees during working hours.

You must answer the phone within 5 seconds.

Employees must always be polite to customers.

I’m telling you, Jo, it’s a terrible place to work! The customers can’t see you, but we still (1) …have to…… wear a uniform all the time. You (2) ……………. (wear) your normal clothes.

I (3) ……………. (check) my emails – it’s not allowed – and I (4) ……………. (speak) to my colleagues during the day! Fortunately, we (5) ……………. (talk) to each other during our breaks!

When the phone rings, we (6) ……………. (answer) it very quickly – withing 5 seconds. And we always (7) ……………. (be) polite to customers, but they’re often incredibly rude to us! I really (8) ……………. (find) a new job!


1 have to   2 can’t wear   3 can’t check   4 can’t speak

5 can talk   6 have to answer   7 have to be   8 have to find

4. Choose the correct option.

 Visitors must not / don’t have to smoke in the building.

 It’s a relaxed office – you must not / don’t have to wear a tie.

 I start at 10 am, so I mustn’t don’t have to get up early.

 Employees must not / don’t have to park in the customer car park. It is for customers only.

 If there is a fire, you must not / don’t have to use the lift. You must use the stairs.


1 must not   2 don’t have to   3 don’t have to   4 must not   5 must not

5. Complete the sentences with one of the expressions from the box. Use each expression once.

can     can’t     doesn’t have to     has to     must     must not

1   In my office, we …………… eat or drink at our desks. We have to go to the canteen.

2   My job’s really nice. I …………… start work when I want and finish when I want.

3   She works from home so she …………… drive to work.

4   Warning! Dangerous work area. Visitors …………… enter without permission.

5   Important! You …………… keep your visitor card with you at all times.

6   He …………… travel a lot in his job. Sometimes he goes to three or four countries in a month.


1 can’t   2 can   3 doesn’t have to   4 must not   5 must   6 has to

6. Choose the correct answers.

1   Employees must not use their computers to send personal emails.

      ‘We …………… use our computers to send personal emails.’

(a) have to     (b) don’t have to     (c) can’t

2   Employees can leave the building at lunch time.

     ‘We …………… stay in the building at lunch.’

(a) must     (b) don’t have to     (c) can’t

3   Employees …………… use social media.

     ‘We can’t use social media at work.’

(a) must not     (b) must     (c) don’t have to

4   Employees …………… make local phone calls on company phones.

     ‘We don’t have to use our mobiles to make local calls.’

(a) can     (b) can’t     (c) must

5   Employees …………… wear a shirt and tie.

     ‘We have to wear a shirt and tie.’

(a) can     (b) must not     (c) must


1 c   2 b   3 a   4 a   5 c

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