
Getting Ready

Find these items in the picture. Write the letter next to each item.

 a computer case with initials ……

 a handbag with a leather strap ……

 s small suitcase with a checked design ……

 a large suitcase with wheels ……

 a backpack with a striped design ……

 a wallet without initials ……


1 A   2 E   3 C   4 D   5 B   6 F

Listening 1

People are describing item they left in a taxi. Listen and check (✓) the correct picture.

Answer & Transcript

1 a   2 b   3 a   4 b



A:   Hello. City Taxi.

B:   Yes, I left a computer bag in a taxi coming back from the airport.

A:   Can you describe it?

B:   Yes, it’s brown leather, with the initials PWD on it.


A:   Hello. City Taxi.

B:   Hello, has anyone turned in a lady’s handbag? I left one in a taxi about an hour ago.

A:   Can you describe it?

B:   Yes, it’s a wide bag with thin blue and brown stripes.


A:   Hello.

B:   Is this City Taxi?

A:   Yes, it is.

B:   I’m calling about a wallet. I think I left it in a taxi this morning. It’s a black wallet. It had all my credit cards in it.

A:   Oh, dear.


A:   Hello. City Taxi.

B:   Hello. I left a pair of glasses in a taxi this morning.

A:   Sunglasses? Black frames with initials on them?

B:   No. No, they’re regular glasses. They were in a brown leather case. I can’t see a thing without them.

A:   Sorry. They’re not here.

Listening 2

Task 1

People are describing these items. Listen and number the pictures.


A 6   B 3   C 4   D 1   E 5   F 2

Task 2

Listen again. Why does each person like the item? Circle the correct answer.

1   a   She wears it every day.

     b   The sun hurts her eyes.

     c   It’s good for windy days.

2   a   It’s made of plastic.

     b   It’s small.

     c   It’s great for work.

3   a   It’s small.

     b   It’s big.

     c   He uses it while he runs.

4   a   It’s cheap.

     b   It’s not easily seen.

     c   She likes the colors.

5   a   It doesn’t have wheels.

     b   It’s good for traveling.

     c   It’s very big.

6   a   They’re comfortable.

     b   They’re new.

     c   She likes the color.

Answer & Transcript

1 b   2 c   3 b   4 c   5 b   6 a



I wear it instead of sunglasses because sunglasses make me look so stupid. I always wear it when it’s sunny outside. If I don’t wear it, the sun hurts my eyes. It’s not too good on windy days, though.


It’s excellent for work because it’s pretty big and I can get my laptop and all my business papers in it. It’s not one of those cheap-looking plastic ones. It’s made of real leather.


I use it to put my things in when I play sports. It’s pretty big, so I can get all my clothes and my running shoes into it.


It’s an expensive one, but I use it a lot because it’s very wet here in the fall. I love the colors, too. People can easily find me in a crowd when I’m using it.


It’s great when you’re on a trip somewhere, especially when you’re taking a flight, because you can take it on board an aircraft. It’s not very big, so you can put it in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you. It also has wheels and a handle that you can pull out.


They’re very comfortable for jogging or walking. That’s good because I jog and walk a lot. I’ve had them for about three years. I hate the color. But I’ll use them until I can afford a new pair.

Listening 3

Task 1

People are talking about items they lost. Listen and check (✓) the item each person describes.

     Lost items



      beach bag






     pocket knife

4    suitcase

      credit card


5    passport



6    novel




1 wallet   2 glasses   3 keys

4 credit card   5 passport   6 newspaper

Task 2

Listen again. Where was each item lost? Circle the correct answer.

1   a   on the bus

     b   in the car

2   a   on the bus

     b   at the coffee shop

3   a   at school

     b   in the house

4   a   at the department store

     b   at the restaurant

5   a   at home

     b   at the office

6   a   on the subway

     b   at home

Answer & Transcript

1 a   2 b   3 b   4 a   5 b   6 a



It’s a brown leather one. I keep all my money and my credit cards in it. I usually keep it in my back pocket. It probably fell out when I was getting off the bus. I hope I get it back because it also has my ID card in it, and that’s very important.


I’m always losing them or putting them down and forgetting where I put them. I think I was wearing them when I was on the bus. Then I stopped for a cup of coffee at a coffee shop. I think I took them off then because I don’t need them when I read, and I was reading a magazine. Yes, maybe that’s where they are.


I’m sure I had them when I left school because I remember putting them in my purse. I’m sure I had them when I came home or I couldn’t have driven the car or opened the front door. So that means they’re somewhere inside the house.


I’m sure I used it to pay the bill at the restaurant when I had lunch there. After that I went to the department store, and I think I used it when I bought my jacket. I’m sure that’s the last time I used it, so it’s probably there.


I usually keep it at home in a drawer in my desk because I only use it when I travel internationally. But it’s not there, so I wonder where I put it. Oh, maybe I left it at the office when I came back from my trip to France. I think that’s where it is, because I went straight from the airport to my office.


I thought it was in my computer case. I usually put it there when I get one from the newsstand and then read it when I get home. Now I remember! I was on the subway! I took it out to read the sports section. I’m sure I left in there.

Conversation Corner: Describing lost items

Task 1

Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words.

A:   Hello. City Taxi.

B:   Hello, has anyone turned in a ……………. …………….? I think I left mine in a taxi this morning.

A:   Well, our taxi drivers find lots of cell phones ……………. ……………. . Can you describe it?

B:   Yes, it’s ……………. . And it’s in an orange case.

A:   Hmm… Those are ……………. ……………. . Let’s see… no, I’m sorry, we don’t have it.

B:   Are you sure? I have to find it… it has all my important ……………. in it. Wait – what’s that? Oh, it’s in my jacket …………….!

Task 2

Practice the conversation with a partner. Be sure to put stress on the correct syllables in the adjectives.

Answer & Transcript

A:   Hello. City Taxi.

B:   Hello, has anyone turned in a cell phone? I think I left mine in a taxi this morning.

A:   Well, our taxi drivers find lots of cell phones every day. Can you describe it?

B:   Yes, it’s purple. And it’s in an orange case.

A:   Hmm… Those are unusual colors. Let’s see… no, I’m sorry, we don’t have it.

B:   Are you sure? I have to find it… it has all my important information in it. Wait – what’s that? Oh, it’s in my jacket pocket!

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