
Exercise 1

1. Cam is doing a project for school. He asks three people in the street about their favourite things. Listen to the recording. Which thing was a present?

2. Listen again and complete the table.


Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

What is the thing?




Who does it belong to?




What is it made of?




Answer & Audioscript

1   the origami birds


Speaker 1: earrings, her mum, silver

Speaker 2: elephant, his dad, wood

Speaker 3: origami birds, her parents, paper



Cam:   Hello. My name’s Cam. Can I ask you a few questions about your favourite thing, a very special object?

Speaker 1:   OK.

Cam:   Right. Do you have a favourite thing?

Speaker 1:   Yes, I do and I’m wearing them right now!

Cam:   Oh, OK – your earrings?

Speaker 1:   Yes, that’s right!

Cam:   Oh yes, I think they’re great. They’re made of silver right?

Speaker 1:   Yes. Actually, they’re not really mine. They belong to my mum, but she doesn’t wear them.

Cam:   Ah, so they were hers and now they’re yours.

Speaker 1:   You’ve got it!


Cam:   Hello, my name’s Cam. Can I ask you a few questions please?

Speaker 2:   Yes sure. But, be quick. I’m in a hurry.

Cam:   OK. I’m asking about people’s favourite things. Can you tell me about yours?

Speaker 2:   Mmm, I don’t really have any. But my parents do. They’ve got lots.

Cam:   OK! So what are theirs?

Speaker 2:   Well, my dad’s favourite thing’s a little wooden elephant.

Cam:   Wow. OK. Has it always been his?

Speaker 2:   He bought it when he was a student, years ago. I don’t know why he likes it so much.

Cam:   OK, thank you.


Cam:   Hello. My name’s Cam. Can I ask you a few questions about your favourite thing?

Speaker 3:   Yeah, sure.

Cam:   OK, so, do you have a favourite thing?

Speaker 3:   Yes. I can give you a list. There’s my bike, my skateboard, my football kit, my new trainers …

Cam:   OK, thanks. I meant one very special thing. What about your parents? Is there something of theirs that’s very special to them?

Speaker 3:   The birds!

Cam:   What do you mean?

Speaker 3:   When they got married, their friends made them lots of origami birds to bring them luck. They’re made of coloured paper and they’re everywhere in the house. I guess they’re ours now.

Cam:   Wow, that’s unusual. Thanks.

Exercise 2

1. For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Carmen talking to Murat about some things she has found in her grandparents’ house. Who does each thing belong to?

Things People
0   clock   E

1   computer

2   hat

3   toy bear

4   painting

5   jacket






F   grandmother



Answer & Audioscript

1 A   2 H   3 B   4 D   5 F


You will hear Carmen talking to Murat about some things she has found in her grandparents’ house. Who does each thing belong to?

Carmen:   I’m looking for a small wooden clock. It belongs to my granddad, and he says I can paint it. I think it’s in this box.

Murat:   Let’s have a look. Oh, here’s a heavy old computer. Is that your grandma’s?

Carmen:   Actually, it’s my aunt’s. She doesn’t use it any more, though.

Murat:   And this old hat’s cool! Ah, is it your mother’s?

Carmen:   That was a present from my mum to my uncle. He never liked it!

Murat:   Ah, … look, a toy bear! It’s really soft! Is this your baby cousin’s?

Carmen:   That’s my brother’s. My dad gave it to him when he was little.

Murat:   Oh, and look at this painting!

Carmen:   Ah, I painted that and I gave it to my dad when I was about eight. I don’t know why it’s here.

Murat:   It’s lovely! … And what’s this? Oh, it’s a colourful, cotton jacket! Is it yours?

Carmen:   That thing? That’s not mine! My aunt gave it to my grandma.

Murat:   Well, the box is empty now. The clock isn’t here.

Carmen:   Oh no!

Murat:   Eh, Carmen?

Carmen:   Yes?

Murat:   What’s that on the wall?

Carmen:   Huh? It’s the clock! Thanks, Murat!

Exercise 3

1. For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Alicia talking to her Aunt Jane about packing things in boxes to take a new house. Who does each thing belong to?



0   tennis racket   F

1   phone

2   book

3   video games

4   photo

5   keys



 Aunt Jane



F   Alicia’s dad

 Alicia’s mum


Answer & Audioscript

1 H   2 E   3 D   4 B   5 C


You will hear Alicia talking to her Aunt Jane about packing things in boxes to take a new house. Who does each thing belong to?

Alicia:   Thanks for helping me put everything in boxes for our new house, Aunt Jane.

Aunt Jane:   That’s all right, Alicia. Hmm, is this old tennis racket your dad’s?

Alicia:   Of course! He wants to keep it – don’t ask me why!

Aunt Jane:   And this phone? I think that’s yours, Alicia?

Alicia:   Er, that one’s my brother Daniel’s. Can you put it in his box?

Aunt Jane:   OK. Now I know this book about motorbikes is George’s. It’s got his name in it.

Alicia:   Actually, he gave it to Ryan. Ryan’s more interested in motorbikes. So can you put it in his box?

Aunt Jane:   Wow! Look at all these DVDs. And these video games!

Alicia:   Ben loves them. They’re his. He plays them with Daniel all the time.

Aunt Jane:   I love this photo of you and your mum, Alicia.

Alicia:   It’s great. Dad took it, but he gave it to me.

Aunt Jane:   I’ll put it in your box, then.

Alicia:   Oh, but who do these keys belong to? They’re not mine. Perhaps they’re Mum’s. She’s got lots of keys.

Aunt Jane:   Oh, they’re mine, Alicia. Don’t put them in any of the boxes!

Exercise 4

1. Listen to Aleesha talking about Woodedge School. Answer the questions.

1   How many pupils are there at Woodedge?

2   What is Aleesha’s cultural background?

3   What time does school finish?

4   What do students learn about in PDT?

5   What kind of food can you get at lunchtime?

6   How does Aleesha pay for her lunch?

7   What after-school clubs is she doing this term?

8   What is she making for Charity Day?

Answer & Audioscript

1 1,200   2 She is Asian.   3 3.00 pm

4 What’s in the news; money

5 hot food and sandwiches

6 She has a card. (Her parents put money into an online account which she accesses with the card.)

7 singing and badminton   8 cakes


Aleesha:   My school, Woodedge, is a comprehensive with 1,200 pupils. It’s a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic school in London. That means we have people from lots of different backgrounds in our school. For example, I’m Asian, but in my class, there are people who are Afro-Caribbean, East European, African, and lots more. It’s great because we learn about each other’s cultures, festivals and languages – it’s really interesting.

My school day begins at 8.35 and ends at 3 o’clock. We have six lessons a day. We also have PDT every day – that’s personal development time. We often talk about what’s in the news. We sometimes also talk about money – how to open a bank account and that sort of thing.

We have a break in the morning and a break at lunchtime. I eat in the school café every day. The food’s quite nice. There’s always a hot meal, like beef curry or roast chicken, or you can buy sandwiches. Our parents put money into a school account online for us and then we pay for our lunch with a card.

After school, we have lots of different clubs to choose from. This term I’m doing singing and badminton. Last term I did table tennis and drama club. They’re good fun and we don’t have to pay for them.

We’ve got Charity Day next Friday. It’s always really good fun. We’re all making things to bring to school and sell. I’m making cakes and my friend’s making biscuits. I hope we sell a lot and make lots of money for Save the Children!

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