
1. Write the past participle of the verbs. Tick ✓ the ones which are regular.

1   be                  ………………….

2   begin             ………………….

3   buy                ………………….

4   finish             ………………….

5   live                 ………………….

6   make             ………………….

7   own               ………………….

8   play               ………………….

9   rain                ………………….

10   sunbathe    ………………….

11   take             ………………….

12   travel          ………………….

13   visit             ………………….

14   write           ………………….


1 been   2 begun   3 bought   4 finished ✓   5 lived ✓

6 made   7 owned ✓   8 played ✓   9 rained ✓   10 sunbathed ✓

11 taken   12 travelled ✓   13 visited ✓   14 written

2. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form of verbs from exercise 1, affirmative ✓ or negative ✗.

 Don’t take my plate away. I …haven’t finished… ✗ my dinner!

 I ………………… ✓ a new jacket. Do you like it?

 My dad ………………… ✓ a letter to complain about our holiday.

 It’s 6.00 a.m.! We ………………… ✓ out all night!

 Some people ………………… ✓ over 1,000 kilometres to be at this wedding.

 I ………………… ✓ some great photos of my town. Do you want to see them?

 We aren’t late. The film ………………… ✗.

 The ground is very dry. It ………………… ✗ for months.


2 ‘ve bought   3 has written   4 ‘ve been   5 have travelled

6 ‘ve taken   7 hasn’t begun   8 hasn’t rained

3. Complete the sentences with been or gone.

1   I’ve never ………………… skiing, but I’m quite good at skateboarding.

2   Katy has ………………… to London for the day, but she’ll be home by the evening.

3   Have you ………………… on holiday this year?

4   I can lend you £20. I’ve just ………………… to the bank.

5   Is Grace still here, or has she ………………… home?

6   My dad’s ………………… to China. He’s in Beijing.


1 been   2 gone   3 been   4 been   5 gone   6 gone

4. Listen to Connor talking about his holiday. Tick ✓ the things he has done and cross ✗ the things he has not done.

 buy souvenirs


 go on a boat trip

 make new friends

 visit a castle

 play volleyball


1 ✗   2 ✗   3 ✓   4 ✓   5 ✓   6

Connor   Hi! How are you? … Yes, I’m having a great time, thanks … No, I haven’t bought any souvenirs yet. I haven’t had time! Why did you ask that? … Oh. You want a present … Well, don’t worry, I won’t forget … Sunbathing? No, I haven’t sunbathed at all. The weather isn’t sunny … I’ve done lots of things! I’ve been on a boat trip. That was great. I’ve made some new friends, and we all went together … Yes … I’ve visited a castle too … Sports? No, I haven’t. But I’m playing volleyball with my new friends this afternoon!

5. Write questions and answers about the activities in exercise 4.

 Has he bought any souvenirs?   No, he hasn’t.

 ………………………………………?   ………………………

 ………………………………………?   ………………………

 ………………………………………?   ………………………

 ………………………………………?   ………………………

 ………………………………………?   ………………………


2   Has he sunbathed? No, he hasn’t.

3   Has he been on a boat trip? Yes, he has.

4   Has he made new friends? Yes, he has.

5   Has he visited a castle? Yes, he has.

6   Has he played volleyball? No, he hasn’t

6. Choose for or since.

1   This restaurant has been open for / since 1885.

2   I haven’t felt well for / since last Easter.

3   You’ve been on the phone for / since ages!

4   My grandparents have been married for / since the age of seventeen.

5   Tom hasn’t been at school for / since Monday.

6   We’ve lived here for / since most of my life.


1 since   2 since   3 for   4 since   5 since   6 for

7. Read the sentences. Then write a question using How long …? and the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets, and an answer with for or since.

 I met my best friend three years ago. (you / know)

      How long have you known your best friend?   For three years.

 We moved to this house in 2005. (you / live)

      …………………………………………….   …………………………

 I started learning the piano ten years ago. (you / play)

      …………………………………………….   …………………………

 I got my first mobile phone at the age of ten. (you / own)

      …………………………………………….   …………………………

 My aunt started her job as a scientist in 2008. (she / be)

      …………………………………………….   …………………………

 I began making my own bread a year ago. (you / make)

      …………………………………………….   …………………………


2   How long have you lived in this house? Since 2005.

3   How long have you played the piano? For ten years.

4   How long have you owned a mobile phone? Since I was ten.

5   How long has your aunt been a scientist? Since 2008.

6   How long have you made your own bread? For one year.


Imagine you are Connor from exercise 4. Write a postcard about your holiday saying how long you have been there and what you have done.







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