
1. Choose will or going to.

 James is standing on the side of the pool. He will / is going to jump in.

 Look at those dark clouds. It will / is going to snow.

 I think Barcelona will / are going to win the Champions League this year.

 I’m sure Jane will / is going to like the present you’ve bought for her.

 This time next year we will / are going to be in France.

 ‘Why are you turning on the radio?’ ‘I will / am going to listen to the news.’

 ‘What are you doing later?’ ‘I will / am going to play basketball.’


1 is going to   2 is going to   3 will   4 will   5 will

6 am going to   7 am going to

2. Complete the conversations. Use will or going to and the verbs in the box.

be      buy      lend      spend      turn on      turn up

1   A   I’ve decided to get a smartphone.

     B   Cool. Which one …………………… you ……………………?

2   A   I think we’re lost.

     B   No problem. I …………………… the satnav

3   A   Oh, no. My camcorder is broken! I’m going on holiday tomorrow!

     B   Don’t worry. I …………………… you mine.

4   A   Have you decided where to go for your next holiday?

     B   Yes, we …………………… a week in Italy.

5   A   What do you want to do when you grow up?

     B   I …………………… an astronaut.

6   A   I can’t hear the TV.

     B   OK. I …………………… it …………………… .


1 are, going to buy   2 ‘ll turn on   3 ‘ll lend

4 ‘re going to spend   5 ‘m going to be   6 ‘ll turn, up

3. Complete the dialogue. Use will or going to and the verbs in brackets.

Jack      I 1 …’m going to see…… (see) the new Zac Efron film this evening. Would you like to come?

Vicky    I’d love to, but I haven’t got any money.

Jack      Don’t worry. I 2………………… (lend) you some.

Vicky    Really? Great! 3………………… (Jason / come) too?

Jack      No, he 4………………… (play) basketball at the sports centre.

Vicky    OK, I 5………………… (phone) my mum now and tell her.

              How 6………………… (you / get) home after the film?

Jack      My dad 7………………… (pick) me up. I’m sure he 8………………… (give) you a lift home too.

Vicky    Cool!


2 ‘ll lend   3 Is Jason going to come   4 ‘s going to play

5 ‘ll phone   6 are you going to get   7 ‘s going to pick

8 ‘ll give


Write down:

1   two things you definitely intend to do this week.




2   two things you’ll probably do this week.




3   two predictions.




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