
1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the zero conditional.

1   I …………………. (feel) better if I …………………. (do) some exercise every day.

2   If Dave …………………. (be) thirsty, he always …………………. (drink) water.

3   I …………………. (get) very tired at school if I …………………. (go) to bed late.

4   My dad …………………. (not sleep) well if he …………………. (drink) coffee before bed.

5   If you …………………. (buy) an ebook reader, you …………………. (can) download hundreds of books.

6   …………………. your teacher …………………. (get) annoyed if you …………………. (not do) your homework?

7   If you …………………. (switch off) the lights, you …………………. (save) electricity.

8   If you …………………. (use) your mobile to surf the Net, the battery …………………. (run out) quite quickly.


1 feel, do   2 is, drinks   3 get, go   4 can’t sleep/ doesn’t sleep, drinks

5 buy, can   6 Does, get, don’t do   7 switch off, save

8 use, runs out

2. Write zero conditional sentences using the prompts.

1   you / say ‘sit’ / my dog / sit down

     If you say ‘sit’, my dog sits down.

2   you / record / a programme on the hard dish recorder / you / can / watch it later


3   It / not matter / you / be / late


4   He / get / bad-tempered / he / not have / enough sleep


5   I / always / feel / happy / I / listen to / reggae music


6   I / be worried / about something / I / talk / about it / with my friends



2   If you record a programme on the hard disk recorder, you can watch it later.

3   It doesn’t matter if you are late.

4   He gets bad-tempered if he doesn’t have enough sleep.

5   I always feel happy if I listen to reggae music.

6   If I’m worried about something, I talk about it with my friends.

3. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with may, might or could. Use the verbs in the box.

buy     crash     fall     not finish     rain     not reach

1   It ………………………… soon.

2   He ………………………… a mobile.

3   She ………………………… out of the tree.

4   He ………………………… before bedtime.

5   It ………………………… into the hedge.

6   They ………………………… the top.


 It might/may/could rain soon.

 He might/may/could buy a mobile.

 She might/may/could fail out of the tree.

 He might/may not finish his homework before bedtime.

 It might/may/could crash into the hedge.

 They might/may not reach the top.


Write sentences about things you will possibly do (a) this weekend, (b) next summer, and (c) when you leave school. Use may, might and could.







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