1. Listen to two people talking about television programmes. Number them in the order they are going to watch them. There are two programmes that they aren’t going to watch.
a …… a sports programme
b 1 a cartoon
c …… a police drama
d …… a chat show
e …… the news
f …… a reality show
g …… a comedy programme
h …… a film
2 d 3 c 4 e 5 a 6 g
A What are we going to watch?
B Let’s watch this cartoon. I like it!
A OK, but after that, we’re going to watch my favourite programme.
B Not a reality show, please!
A No, it’s a chat show. It’s on at six o’clock with Johnny Depp.
B Oh, great. And after that, we can watch On the street. It’s a great police drama.
A Right. It says in the TV guide that it finishes at seven thirty. Then we can watch the news.
B The news! Boring.
A I like the news.
B Can I watch the football at eight o’clock?
A Football? Oh … well, OK. Then at ten o’clock I’m going to watch the comedy show Make them laugh.
B Can I watch the film at eleven o’clock?
A No, you can’t! I’m not going to watch it either. We’ve got school tomorrow.
2. Listen to a teacher and match the children to how they wrote the test.

slowly badly quickly very well carefully
1 Uma carefully
2 Sara ……………………
3 Daniel ……………………
4 Jane ……………………
5 Harry ……………………
2 quickly 3 badly 4 slowly 5 very well
Teacher Here are your tests. Uma, you made a few mistakes, but you were much more careful than usual and this is quite good. Well done! I’m very pleased with you.
Sara, you had twenty minutes to write this test, but you did it in three minutes. Why did you write so quickly? It wasn’t a race. Daniel, you didn’t try hard at all. Your test was very bad. Do it again for homework and do it better this time.
Jane, I don’t know what happened to you. You only wrote ten words in twenty minutes. Why did you write so slowly? Were you asleep?
Harry, you came first in the class again. Well done! This was a very good test result. You are a very good student.
3. Listen to Simon talking about his weekend. Tick (✓) the things he has to do and cross (✗) the things he doesn’t have to do.
1 Get up early ✓
2 Revise for a test
3 Go to sports training
4 Tidy his room
5 Go shopping
6 Make his lunch
7 Take the dog for a walk
2 ✓ 3 ✓ 4 ✗ 5 ✗ 6 ✗ 7 ✓
Simon This weekend is going to be very busy. It’s Saturday, but I have to get up early! We’ve got a test on Monday, so I have to revise for that. I also have sports training on Saturday mornings. It starts at ten o’clock and I have to go. Luckily, I don’t have to tidy my room. I tidied it yesterday. Mum and dad are going shopping, but I don’t have to go with them. Sometimes I have to make my lunch on Saturdays, but I don’t have to do it this weekend. My sister and I are going to get a pizza. Great! Later, in the afternoon, I have to take the dog for a walk. He loves going to the park.
4. Listen and complete the notes.
Friday |
Going to: the cinema |
Meeting at (place): |
Meeting at (time): |
Saturday |
Going to: |
Meeting at (place): |
Meeting at (time): |
Sunday |
Going to: |
Meeting at (place): |
Meeting at (time): |
Wednesday |
Going to: |
Meeting at (place): |
Meeting at (time): |
Thursday |
Going to: |
Meeting at (place): |
Meeting at (time): |
1 Emily’s house, quarter to six
2 the shops, the café, half past two
3 the park, outside the park, ten o’clock
4 the sports centre, the school gym, half past three
5 the zoo, the bus stop, eleven o’clock
Sara Hello?
Emily Hi, Sara, it’s Emily. How are you?
Sara I’m fine.
Emily Do you want to go out on Friday?
Sara OK. Where?
Emily Let’s go to the cinema.
Sara Great. Where do you want to meet?
Emily Why don’t we meet at my house?
Sara Good idea. What time shall I come round?
Emily At quarter to six.
Sara Fine. See you on Friday at quarter to six.
Steve Hello?
Emily Hi, Steve. It’s Emily.
Steve Hi, Emily.
Emily Do you want to meet on Saturday?
Steve Yes, great. What do you want to do?
Emily Let’s go to the shops.
Steve Great. Why don’t we meet in the café?
Emily OK. What time?
Steve At half past two.
Emily See you at half past two in the café. Don’t be late.
Emily Hello?
Nikki Hi, It’s Nikki. Do you want to meet this weekend?
Emily Yes, great. Why don’t we go to the park on Sunday?
Nikki OK, good idea. I have to take the dog for a walk.
Emily Meet me outside the park.
Nikki OK. Let’s meet at ten o’clock.
Tom Hello?
Emily Hi, Tom. Are you going to be busy next week?
Tom Not really. Why?
Emily Why don’t we go to the sports centre? We can play table tennis!
Tom Good idea. Wednesday is a good day for me. I don’t have much homework that day. Let’s meet on Wednesday in the school gym.
Emily What time?
Tom At half past three. After the last lesson.
Emily Great.
Emily Hello?
Matt Hi. It’s Matt. Do you want to go out on Thursday?
Emily OK. What do you want to do?
Matt Let’s go to the zoo!
Emily Good idea! Let’s meet at the bus stop at eleven o’clock.
Matt Fine. See you then!
5. Listen to an interview with an actor and circle the correct words.
The actor:
1 works hard / slowly.
2 learns his line easily / carefully.
3 is going to work on television / make a film.
4 isn’t going to work in America / get married.
5 sings badly / well.
The interviewers says:
6 Shall we sing a song / watch a film?
7 Let’s talk about your new film / family.
8 Why don’t you go to Hollywood / make a CD?
2 carefully 3 make a film 4 get married 5 well
6 sing a song 7 new film 8 make a CD
Lena Welcome to the Lena Andrews Show! Our guest tonight is Ricky Cooper, the actor. Ricky, you are Britain’s favourite actor. Why do you think that is?
Ricky Well, I always work hard and I think people like that.
Lena Is it difficult to be an actor?
Ricky Yes. I have to learn my lines very carefully and try to become the character. It isn’t easy.
Lena What are you going to do next?
Ricky I’m going to make a film. I like working on television, but I want to try something new.
Lena And you’ve got a new girlfriend. Are you going to get married?
Ricky No. I’m going to be in America for a year, so it isn’t a good time to get married.
Lena Tell me about the film you’re going to be in.
Ricky It’s a musical. I have to sing three songs in the film, but I like singing and I sing quite well.
Lena Shall we sing a song together?
Ricky Er, not now, no.
Lena OK, let’s talk about your new film. It’s a musical – you’re going to go to Hollywood to make it. America is going to love you. Why don’t you make a CD? You can be a pop star, too.
Ricky That’s a good idea.
6. Listen to the interview and answer the questions.
1 Has he got any brothers or sisters?
Yes, he has. He’s got one brother.
2 What subjects does Josh like?
3 What sports does Josh so?
4 When does he do sport?
5 What does he usually do at the weekend?
6 Does he like playing computer games?
7 What jobs does he have to do in the house?
2 He likes English and Maths.
3 He does karate.
4 He does karate after school on Mondays.
5 He watches DVDs or reads books.
6 No, he doesn’t.
7 He has to tidy his room and vacuum the floor.
Aggie I’m writing about students for our school magazine. Can I ask you some questions, Josh?
Josh Yes, you can.
Aggie Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Josh I’ve got one brother. His name is Ben.
Aggie What subjects do you like?
Josh English. I love it! And I love Maths, too.
Aggie What sports do you do?
Josh I usually do karate after school on Mondays. My brother does karate, too.
Aggie What do you usually do at the weekend?
Josh I watch DVDs at home, or I read books. My brother often plays computer games, but I don’t like them.
Aggie What jobs do you have to do in the house?
Josh I have to tidy my room and I have to vacuum the floor.
Aggie Thanks, Josh.
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