
Exercise 1

A. Listen to texts a—c. Match them with the families in pictures 1—3.

Answer & Audioscript

a 3   b 1   c 2



a   They eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every day. And they eat meat with rice. They like eggs, but they don’t eat bread or fish. They don’t like fish.

b   They eat meat and eggs every day, but they don’t eat fish. And they don’t eat vegetables, but they eat fruit. They really like bread.

c   They eat a lot of rice and vegetables. They like fruit and they eat bread. They don’t eat fish or meat. They are vegetarians.

Exercise 2

A. Listen to a conversation with Rajit. Tick (✓) the food he eats.







B. Listen again. Complete the conversation.

A   Rajit, what do you eat in a week?

B   Oh lots of things. I eat rice every day, and bread. I eat a lot of fruit. I eat fish …

A   (1)……………… you eat meat?

B   No, I don’t like meat.

A   Do you (2)……………… vegetables?

B   Oh yes, I like vegetables. I eat a lot of vegetables.

A   Do you (3)……………… them every day?

B   Yes. They’re very good for me.

Answer & Audioscript


bread, fish, vegetables, rice, fruit


1 Do   2 like   3 eat

Exercise 3

A. Listen to three people talk about dinner. Match 1—3 with a country in the box.

Poland  –  Spain  –  the USA  –  Russia  –  Mexico  –  China

B. Listen again. Complete the table.


Dinner time











Answer & Audioscript


1 the USA   2 Russia   3 Spain



Dinner time



about 7 o’clock

rice, meat, vegetables


at 5 o’clock

different things, fish


between 9 and 10 o’clock

(usually) meat and vegetables, (sometimes) bread and cheese



INTERVIEWER   Are you from China, Julie?

JULIE   No, I’m not. My parents are Chinese, but I’m American.

 What time do you have dinner?

 In my family, we usually have dinner at about 7 o’clock.

 And what do you have?

 We usually have rice with meat and vegetables.


I   Where are you from, Misha?

MISHA   I’m from Russia.

 And when do you have dinner?

M   I always have dinner early.

 What time?

M   At 5 o’clock.

 And what do you have?

M   Different things, but I like fish for dinner.


I   Are you Spanish or Mexican, Bianca?

BIANCA   I’m Spanish.

 What time do you have dinner?

B   I usually have dinner between 9 and 10 o’clock.

 You have dinner late.

B   Yes. People never have dinner early in Spain.

 What do you have?

B   I usually have meat and vegetables, but I sometimes have bread and cheese.

Exercise 4

A. Listen and complete the sentences with the words in the box.

always  –  usually  –  sometimes  –  never

1   JULIE   We …………… have rice with meat and vegetables.

2   MISHA   I …………… have dinner early.

3   BIANCA   People …………… have dinner early in Spain.

4   BIANCA   I …………… have bread and cheese.

Answer & Audioscript

1 usually   2 always   3 never   4 sometimes

Exercise 5

A. Listen. Put pictures a—c in the correct order.

B. Listen again. Are the sentences true or false?

1   Sophia has a new flat.

2   Sophia has a cup of tea.

3   Sophia likes her flat.

4   The text message is from Sophia’s cousin.

Answer & Audioscript


a 2   b 3   c 1


1   T

2   F (Sophia has a cup of coffee. Megan has a cup of tea.)

3   T

4   F (The message is from Megan’s cousin.)


MEGAN   Hi, Sophia. How are you?

SOPHIA   I’m well. In fact, I’m very well!

M   What’s that? A key?

 It sure is!

M   Your new flat!

 That’s right.

M   Great.

 I’m so happy! Come on – time for a coffee!

M   Yes, good idea.


 OK – something to drink?

M   Yes, I’d like a cup of coffee, please.

 Coffee. OK.


 Hi. So two cups of …

M   No … um … I’d like tea. Yes, a cup of tea, please.

 Tea – right. Cake?

M   No, thank you.

 OK. Can I have a cup of tea, a cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate cake, please?

A   OK … So that’s a cup of tea, a cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate cake.

 That’s right. Thanks.

M   Sorry, but I’d like a piece of chocolate cake too. Sorry!

 Sure – no problem. Can we have two pieces of chocolate cake, please?

A   Certainly. That’s £11.00, please.

 Here you are.

A   Thank you.

M   So – the flat?

 It’s nice. Look – it’s quite big and very beautiful.

M   Oh yes, lovely.

 And it’s quite old. I like that.

M   Is it near the office?

 Yes, it is. It’s also near a park. It’s great.

M   Sorry. It’s from my cousin, James.

 That’s OK.

M   Sorry. I can answer later. So, London’s now home!

 Yes! London’s now home.

Exercise 6

A. Listen and complete the sentences.

1   MEGAN   I’d ………… a cup of coffee, please.

2   SOPHIA   Can I ………… a cup of tea, a cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate cake, please?

B. Put the words in the correct order. Listen and check.

1   have / I / a cup of / can / coffee / please ?

2   please / an egg sandwich, / I’d like .

3   two / can / have / we / tomato sandwiches ?

C. Put the conversation in the correct order. Listen and check.

……   A cheese sandwich, please.

……   Of course. That’s £6.00, please.

……   Certainly. And to eat?

……   Here you are.

……   Can I have a glass of cola, please?

……   Thank you.

Answer & Audioscript


1 like   2 have


 Can I have a cup of coffee, please?

 I’d like an egg sandwich, please.

 Can we have two tomato sandwiches? 


3   A cheese sandwich, please.

4   Of course. That’s £6.00, please.

2   Certainly. And to eat?

5   Here you are.

1   Can I have a glass of cola, please?

6   Thank you.

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