
1. Listen to Kristin. Tick (✓) the things she did yesterday.

Yesterday she …

got up early

had breakfast in bed

saw her grandmother

listened to music

called a friend

went running

met some friends

bought some bread

invited friends to her flat

cooked a meal

played cards

watched a film

cleaned her flat

did some work at her desk

Answer & Audioscript

had breakfast in bed

listened to music

called a friend

met some friends

invited friends to her flat

cooked a meal

watched a film

cleaned her flat


Yesterday I got up really late – about ten o’clock. I had breakfast in bed – just orange juice, tea, and toast – and I listened to music. I love doing this on Sunday. It was a beautiful morning, so I called my friend Max – he lives near me – and we went for walk in the park with his dog. Then we met some friends for coffee at a local café. It started to rain, so I invited my friends to my flat. I cooked a meal for them, just roast chicken and salad, and we stayed at home for the rest of the afternoon and watched a film. My friends left about six o’clock and I cleaned my flat and then went to bed early. I took my laptop to bed and did some work. I like working in bed because it’s warm and comfortable, but I often fall asleep.

2. Write the Past Simple forms of these verbs. Then listen and repeat.

/t/   cook   …cooked…     watch   ……………

/d/   play   ……………     listen   ……………

/ıd/   start   ……………   invite   ……………

3. It is Monday morning. Kristin and Dave are at work. Listen and complete their conversation.

K   Morning, Dave. (1) …Did… you …have… a good weekend?

D   Yes, I did, thanks.

K   So, what (2)……….. you do yesterday?

D   Well, I got up really early, and I (3)……….. golf with some friends.

K   You (4)……….. up early on Sunday! Are you crazy!

D   Yes, I know, but it was such a lovely day – I didn’t want to stay in bed – and I love playing golf.

K   Mmm, I love my bed, not golf! Where (5)……….. you ………..?

D   At my local golf club. After we finished our game, we (6)……….. lunch in the clubhouse. The food is really good there.

K   Great! (7)……….. you ……….. out in the evening?

D   No, I didn’t go out – I was too tired. My sister visited me, and she (8)……….. dinner for me. She’s a great cook.

K   Lucky you! What (9)……….. you ………..?

D   Lasagne. It was delicious. What about you, Kristin? Did you have a good weekend?

Answer & Audioscript

1 Did … have   2 did   3 played   4 got   5 did … play

6 had   7 Did … go   8 cooked   9 did … have


K = Kristin D = Dave

K   Morning, Dave. Did you have a good weekend?

D   Yes, I did, thanks.

K   So, what did you do yesterday?

D   Well, I got up really early, and I played golf with some friends.

K   You got up early on Sunday! Are you crazy!

D   Yes, I know, but it was such a lovely day – I didn’t want to stay in bed – and I love playing golf.

K   Mmm, I love my bed, not golf! Where did you play?

D   At my local golf club. After we finished our game, we had lunch in the clubhouse. The food is really good there.

K   Great! Did you go out in the evening?

D   No, I didn’t go out – I was too tired. My sister visited me, and she cooked dinner for me. She’s a great cook.

K   Lucky you! What did you have?

D   Lasagne. It was delicious. What about you, Kristin? Did you have a good weekend?

4. Complete the questions (use did). Then listen and repeat.

Did she have a good weekend?   Where ………… they play?

What did you do yesterday?   When ………… you go?

5. Complete the negatives (use didn’t). Then listen and repeat.

He …didn’t want… to stay in bed.

They ………… go out.

I ………… cook a meal.

6. Listen to Dave asking Kristin about her weekend. Complete the questions?.

1    What / do on Saturday?

      What did you do on Saturday?

2    Who / see at the party?

3    … get home / late?

4    What / do / after breakfast on Sunday?

5    What / do in the afternoon?

6    … do anything / Sunday evening?

Answer & Audioscript

1   What did you do on Saturday?

2   Who did you see at the party?

3   Did you get home late?

4   What did you do after breakfast on Sunday?

5   What did you do in the afternoon?

6   Did you do anything on Sunday evening?


D = Dave K = Kristin

D   What about you, Kristin? Did you have a good weekend?

K   Oh yes, I did, very good.

D   What did you do on Saturday?

K   Well, on Saturday morning I went shopping and bought a new dress. Then on Saturday evening I went to a friend’s party. It was fantastic!

D   Who did you see at the party?

K   Oh, lots of old friends and an old boyfriend. Good thing I bought the new dress! He looked awful, and I looked great!

D   Did you get home late?

K   Yes, I did. I didn’t get up on Sunday until 10 o’clock and I had breakfast in bed.

D   Wow, breakfast in bed? But it was a lovely day! I was on the golf course at 10 o’clock! So … what did you do after breakfast?

K   Well, I was still very tired so I just called my friend Max and …

D   Ah, your new boyfriend?

K   He is not – we’re just friends! Anyway, we went for a walk with his dog and met some friends for coffee, but then it started to rain.

D   I know – we didn’t play golf after lunch … What did you do in the afternoon?

K   We all went back to my flat. I cooked lunch for everyone and we watched a film.

D   Nice … Did you do anything on Sunday evening?

K   Not much … I went to bed early, and I did some work in bed on my laptop.

D   Hmm … I often work on my laptop in bed … but I always fall asleep.

K   Me too. I didn’t do much work at all.

7. Complete the time expressions using a word from the box. Then listen and check.

at     in     on     last     yesterday

I went there …

…on… Wednesday

………. 8 o’clock

………. the morning

………. week

………. 2017

………. month

………. June 3rd

………. the weekend

………. Monday morning

………. evening

Answer & Audioscript

on Wednesday

at 8 o’clock

in the morning

last week

in 2017

last month

on June 3rd

at the weekend

on Monday morning

yesterday evening

8. Reply to these lines with a question. Then listen and check.

1    ‘I went shopping yesterday.’

      ‘Really? (Where/go?) …Where did you go?…’

2    ‘We went to that new Italian restaurant last night.’

      ‘Mmm! (What/have?) ………………………………….?’

3    ‘We saw a lot of our friends in the coffee shop.’

      ‘Oh! (Who/see?) ………………………………….?’

4    ‘I played tennis at the weekend.’

      ‘Oh, really? (Where/play?) ………………………………….?’

5    ‘The party on Saturday was great!’

      ‘Oh, good! (What time/leave?) ………………………………….?’

Answer & Audioscript


A   I went shopping yesterday.

B    Really? Where did you go?


A   We went to that new Italian restaurant last night.

B   Mmm! What did you have?


A   We saw a lot of our friends in the coffee shop.

B   Oh! Who did you see?


A   I played tennis at the weekend.

B   Oh, really? Where did you play?


A   The party on Saturday was great!

B   Oh, good! What time did you leave?

9. Choose one of the conversations in exercise 8 and make it longer. Then listen and compare.

Answer & Audioscript


 I went shopping yesterday.

 Really? Where did you go?

 Oxford Street.

 Oh, lovely! What did you buy?

 Well, I wanted a new dress for a friend’s wedding, and I went to Selfridges.

 Selfridges? Nice, but expensive! Did you find one?

 Yes, I did. I found a beautiful blue one in the sale. It was only £65!

 Wow! Well done!


 We went to that new Italian restaurant last night.

 Mmm! What did you have?

 Well, I had pasta and Tom had pizza.

 Did you enjoy it?

 Yes, it was excellent, and it wasn’t expensive.


A   We saw a lot of our friends in the coffee shop.

 Oh! Who did you see?

A   Tessa and Rick and some other friends from work.

 I don’t think I know them.

A   They’re really good fun!


A   I played tennis at the weekend.

B   Oh, really? Where did you play?

A   In the park. It was lovely. It was so sunny.

B   What a great thing to do on a Sunday morning!


A   The party on Saturday was great!

 Oh good! What time did you leave?

A   Three in the morning. The music was fantastic!

 Did you dance?

A   Of course! All night!

10. Listen to Cathy and Gary talking about their holidays. Underline what they say.

They usually … But last year they …
1   go in autumn / winter. went in spring / summer.
2   go to Barbados / Dubai. went to Florida / France.
3   go swimming / sailing. went canoeing / cycling.
4   stay in a villa / hotel. stayed in a tent / cabin.
5   eat in the hotel / at expensive restaurants. cooked outside / went to cafés.
6   play cards / golf. went fishing / played tennis.
7   have / don’t have a good time. also had / didn’t have a good time.
Answer & Audioscript

They usually …

But last year they …

1   go in winter.

went in summer.

2   go to Barbados.

went to France.

3   go swimming.

went canoeing.

4   stay in a hotel.

stayed in a cabin.

5   eat at expensive restaurants.

cooked outside.

6   play golf.

went fishing.

7   have a good time.

also had a good time.


C = Cathy G = Gary

C   Well our main holiday is usually in winter.

G   Yes, we don’t like winter in England, so we usually go to Barbados in February for two lovely warm weeks, don’t we, honey?

C   Yes, we do – it’s great! But last year we did something completely different. We didn’t go away in winter – we had our main holiday in summer – and we went to the Ardèche in France!

G   Yes, it was because we wanted to learn how to canoe … .

C   Well, you wanted to canoe. I wasn’t so sure! You see in Barbados we just read and sunbathe, go swimming and … .

G   And in Barbados we always stay in a five-star hotel, and eat at expensive restaurants, but in France we stayed in a cabin on a campsite, and we cooked outside every night.

C   Hmm, yes! Definitely not five-star food. But in fact I loved it! And I loved the canoeing, didn’t I?

 You did. It was great fun.

C   And Gary, you went fishing too, didn’t you?

 We both went fishing!

C   Well yes, but I didn’t catch any fish. You caught a really big one!

 That’s right. One of my best moments of the holiday. I usually play golf in Barbados, but I enjoyed the fishing more.

 And we met lots of lovely people, didn’t we?

G   We did. We made lots of new friends and had a really good time.

 And we always have a good time in Barbados, too, don’t we?

G   Yes, we’re very lucky.

11. Listen and complete the conversations in a tourist office.

1   A   Hello. Can I (1) ………… …………?

      B   Yes. (2) ………… ………… have a map of the city, please?

      A   Of course. Here you are.

      B   Can you show (3) ………… where we are on the (4) …………?

      A   Yes. We’re here in Regent Street, in the city centre.

2   C   We want to go on a (1) ………… tour of the (2) ………… .

      A   That’s fine. The next bus (3) ………… at ten o’clock. It (4) ………… about an hour and a half.

      C   Where does the bus go from?

      A   It (5) ………… ………… Trafalgar Square, but you can get (6) ………… and off when you want.

3   D   I want to visit the British Museum. What time does it (1) …………?

      A   It opens at 10 in the morning and (2) ………… at 5.30 in the evening.

      D   (3) ………… ………… is it to get in?

      A   It’s (4) …………!

Answer & Audioscript


1 help you   2 Can I   3 me   4 map   5 here   6 centre


1 bus   2 city   3 leaves   4 takes   5 goes from   6 on


1 open   2 closes   3 How much   4 free

1   A   Hello. Can I help you?

      B   Yes. Can I have a map of the city, please?

      A   Of course. Here you are.

      B   Can you show me where we are on the map?

      A   Yes. We’re here in Regent Street, in the city centre.

2   C   We want to go on a bus tour of the city.

      A   That’s fine. The next bus leaves at ten o’clock. It takes about an hour and a half.

      C   Where does the bus go from?

      A   It goes from Trafalgar Square, but you can get on and off when you want.

3   D   I want to visit the British Museum. What time does it open?

      A   It opens at 10 in the morning and closes at 5.30 in the evening.

      D   How much is it to get in?

      A   It’s free!

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