
1. Complete the exchanges. Use the present perfect forms of the verbs in brackets and for or since.

1   A   …Have you…… (you) always …loved…… (you, love) horses?

      B   Yes, I ………………… (love) horses ………………… I was a little girl.

2   A   ………………… (you, live) in Cambridge ………………… a long time?

      B   Yes, we ………………… (live) here all our lives.

3   A   How long ………………… (you, be) married to Sarah?

      B   We ………………… (be) married ………………… 2005, but I ………………… (know) her ………………… longer.

4   A   How long (you, have) your stomach ache?

      B   I ………………… (have) it ………………… last night.

5   A   How long ………………… (you, work) as a journalist?

      B   I ………………… (be) a journalist ………………… over 20 years.


1 B ‘ve loved / have loved, since

2 A Have you lived, for B ‘ve lived / have lived

3 A have you been B ‘ve been / have been, since, ‘ve known / have known, for

4 A have you had B ‘ve had / have had, since

5 A have you worked B ‘ve been / have been, for

2. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

1   We ’ve lived / lived here for 10 years – from 1964 to 1974.

2   I know / ’ve known Sam since we were at school together.

3   My daughter ’s been / was in the USA for six weeks, but she’s flying home from San Francisco tomorrow.

4   She had / ’s had a headache since she woke up this morning.

5   I ’ve been / was in Madrid since 2012, but before that I worked / ’ve worked in Hong Kong for two years.

6   John had / ’s had a motorbike since he was 16 years old.


2 ‘ve known   3 ‘s been   4 ‘s had   5 ‘ve been, worked   6 ‘s had

3. Write for or since.

1   ……since…… last week

2   ………………… a week

3   ………………… a long time

4   ………………… last weekend

5   ………………… five minutes

6   ………………… I was a child

7   ………………… July

8   ………………… 1,000 years

9   ………………… yesterday

10   ………………… months

11   ………………… ten days

12   ………………… I last saw you


1 since   2 for   3 for   4 since   5 for   6 since   7 since

8 for   9 since   10 for   11 for   12 since

4. Rewrite the sentences with the present perfect and for or since.

1   I work here.   …I’ve worked here since…… January.

2   I live here.   …………………………………… three months.

3   He holds the record.   …………………………………… the last Olympics.

4   She owns that car.   …………………………………… 2011.

5   They are married.   …………………………………… two days.

6   I don’t listen to pop music.   …………………………………… a long time.

7   We are not friends.   …………………………………… we had a fight.

8   I don’t have a TV in my home.   …………………………………… a few years.

9   He doesn’t eat meat.   …………………………………… New Year’s Day.


1   I’ve worked here since January.

2   I’ve lived here for three months.

3   He’s held the record since the last Olympics.

4   She’s owned the car since 2011.

5   They’ve been married for two days.

6   I haven’t listened to pop music for a long time.

7   We haven’t been friends since we had a fight.

8   I haven’t had a TV in my home for a few years.

9   He hasn’t eaten meat since New Year’s Day.

5. Complete the questions in the present perfect.

 How long …………………………… (you / study) English?

 How long …………………………… (she / live) in the area?

 How long …………………………… (Mr Bell / teach) at this school?

 How long …………………………… (we / have) our passports?

 How long …………………………… (he / be) a football fan?


1 have you studied   2 has she lived   3 has Mr Bell taught

4 have we had   5 has he been

6. Complete the sentences. Use past simple or present perfect.

1   ………………… (she / work) here for ten months.

2   ………………… (she / start) work last July.

3   When ………………… (you / buy) your car?

4   How long ………………… (you / have) this car?

5   ………………… (we / not see) him since last summer.

6   ………………… (we / not see) him in October.

7   ………………… (I / love) animals when I was a child.

8   ………………… (I / love) animals all my life.


1 She’s worked   2 She started   3 did you buy

4 have you had   5 We haven’t seen   6 We didn’t see

7 I loved   8 I’ve loved

7. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

 We live here since 2014.

 She’s studied English since two years.

 I’ve had my job from 2010.

 They’re been football fans all their lives.

 We’ve been married for 2012.

 I loved their music since I saw them at a concert.


1 We’ve lived   2 for two years   3 since 2010

4 They’ve been   5 since 2012   6 I’ve loved

8. Correct the sentences.

1   The Harry Potter stories weren’t written of Charles Dickens.

     The Harry Pot er stories weren’t written by Charles Dickens.

2   I knew Tanya since I was a child.

3   We’ve lived in Berlin since more than 10 years.

4   St Paul’s Cathedral is designed by Christopher Wren.

5   I have taught at that university from 2010 to 2013.

6   I have played golf from I was twelve years old.


2   I have known Tanya since I was a child. / I’ve known Tanya since I was a child.

3   We’ve lived in Berlin for more than 10 years.

4   St Paul’s Cathedral was designed by Christopher Wren.

5   I taught at that university from 2010 to 2013.

6   I have played golf since I was twelve years old.

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