
1. Complete the text with some and any.


Sea levels are rising, and 1………………… major cities – like New York and London – are in danger. There aren’t 2………………… easy answers to this problem, but scientists are looking at 3………………… possibilities. For example, the strange things in the photo are called Lilypad Cities and they float on the surface of the ocean. They’re a kind of eco-city. They only use clean energy, so they don’t create 4………………… pollution. And there aren’t 5………………… cars – in fact, there aren’t 6………………… roads. But there are 7………………… footpaths. When the residents want 8………………… exercise, they go for a walk in the artificial mountains. There are certainly 9………………… big advantages to living in a Lilypad City. But sadly, there aren’t 10………………… plans to build one yet.


1 some   2 any   3 some   4 any   5 any   6 any   7 some

8 some   9 some   10 any

2. Choose the correct alternatives.

 Come on! Our bus leaves in five minutes. We haven’t got a little / much time.

 We’re going to spend a few / many days in Rome next week.

 My mum’s job is boring, but she earns a lot of / much money.

 There aren’t a few / many houses in the city centre.

 My dad always adds a little / much chilli sauce to his food.

 I couldn’t find a seat on the train because there were lots of / a few people on it.

 The fridge is nearly empty, but there are a few / many eggs.

 Is there much / a little pollution in your city?


1 much   2 a few   3 a lot of   4 many   5 a little   6 lots of

7 a few   8 much

3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1   It’s hard to find your way around town because there aren’t many …………………… .

     a   traffic      b   road signs      c   information

2   There are lots of expensive …………………… in my village.

     a   houses      b   transport      c   scenery

3   There are lots of …………………… in the city centre.

     a   pollution      b   billboards      c   noise

4   At night, you don’t see many …………………… in the centre.

     a   public transport      b   traffic      c   people

5   They don’t have much …………………… in their new flat.

     a   bedrooms      b   people      c   space

6   His parents give him a few …………………… every week.

     a   pounds      b   money      c   help

7   The pizza restaurant closed down because it was only making a little …………………… .

     a   pizzas      b   meals      c   money

8   Is there usually much …………………… in town?

     a   people      b   traffic      c   buses


1 b   2 a   3 b   4 5 c   6 a   7 c   8 b

4. Circle the correct alternatives in the text.

I live in a place called North Leyton. It’s a quiet town. There are 1 a few / a little restaurants and cafés in the centre, but there aren’t 2 any / much nightclubs. There aren’t 3 a few / many shops in North Leyton, so most people go to the shopping centre out of town. It’s easy to get to because there are 4 a little / lots of buses.

There are 5 lots of / much good things about living in a quiet town. There isn’t 6 some / much pollution. And there’s 7 any / some beautiful scenery just outside the town. At weekends, I spend 8 a few / a lot of time riding my mountain bike through the countryside.


1 a few   2 any   3 many   4 lots of   5 lots of   6 much

7 some   8 a lot of


Write a short description of your town like the one in exercise 4. Include all of the words in the box.

nightclub(s)      shops      restaurants      traffic






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